Chapter 13

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Felicia is absent minded of anyone stepping into her room as she step into her bathroom to take her bath. Splashing the water on her long hair and head as she decide to take a quick shower, she scrubs her body and her big breast as she takes her bath quickly. She switch on the shower again to rinse off the soap from her body and as she's thru, she step out from the bathroom and shock to see Martin standing in her room and beside her bed. As she almost scream out, just like Martin knew he immediately rush up to her side and hold her mouth shut, covering her mouth with his palm. "Hush!" He hush her up and she shake her head for him to let go of her mouth as she's scared of what he want from her as is already getting late. Martin finally let go off her mouth and he step away from her and she quickly hold her towel tight as it almost loosen. "What are you doing here?" Felicia ask him, feeling her little heart beating loudly in her chest. "I came here to see you and to apologise for what happened earlier, And I discovered you were taking your bath, so I decided to wait" Martin says in his deep sexy voice. "To wait?. Why wait?. Why not leave and maybe forget about apologizing as I don't need it. Please leave my room, I don't want ma'am to see you here and misunderstand everything" she replies and stare away from him, wanting him to leave. The white bulb in her room is still on, so Martin can properly see her clearly and her towel isn't even long enough to cover her chest and down to her thigh. "Please leave, brother Martin" Felicia stress on the word 'brother' and Martin nerve flinch. Now she understands better why he asked her not to call him brother again. "We're not siblings Felicia, and I can understand you're finding it hard to believe am attracted to you, but I cannot help it. I have watched you grow into a beautiful young woman and I fear if I don't admit my feeling to you, you might not know all have been passing thru all this while trying to hide it from you." "I don't care about all that Brother Martin, please leave" Felicia says again to him. "Don't call me brother again, I warn you" Martin insist. "Or what?" She stare to him coldly as she ask him, feeling her lips tremble as she meet his handsome cold gaze on her. "Just don't, unless you want me to proof it to you that we're not related." "How will you proof that?" She slowly ask, with a shaky voice feeling her heart shudder in her chest. "Do you plan to r*pe me Martin, please leave or I will scream now, Ma..!" "Don't!. Am sure I won't be the only one to be blame here. You can as well explain whatever you like to my mom and she won't believe you" Martin says. "Liar," Felicia burst out into a sob and Martin feels his heart twist. "Am not forcing myself on you Felicia, I just want you to know that I don't see you as my sister. I want you and I plan to marry you." "Huh!" Felicia is confuse as her jaw drop. "We cannot marry, Am sorry but please stop fancying me, I cannot accept you" Felicia says and he walk back to the door. "I know you're finding it hard to believe, but is the truth, I love you and I want you. Just give my proposal a thought. I should have leave home since and travel out but I cannot as I fear of losing you. I cannot pack out or stay farther away, not because of my family but because of you. I like you, your food, your style, your everything and I want to be a part of you." "Please stop saying all that, nothing of such can ever happen between us. We're siblings" Felicia says to him as she feels her knees weakens and she lean to the wall behind her to prevent herself from falling. "No we're not, we're meant to be a couple and probably mom saw that future and brought you to me," And then he walk away, leaving Felicia speechless and lost in her thinking. Temisa previously went upstairs to her brother's room to find him, not seeing him there, she check the sitting room upstairs and later come downstairs to find him. His car is still parked outside so she goes back inside and to the laundry room to find him. As she's about returning back to her room, she decide to check the room next to the guest room which is none other than Felicia's room as she have a strong gut feeling that he might have gone to see Felicia, to find out what happened to Felicia that made her face red. As she's about walking into the corridor leading to Felicia room, she see her brother coming out from Felicia room and she quickly run back and hide so he won't see her as he takes time before stepping out as he stand by Felicia room door talking to her, and she cannot properly hear him from where she's standing. She hate the silly white girl that her mother has adopted right from time even as she likes Anita her roomie in school, she can never bring herself to accepting Felicia as her sister as she hate Felicia with passion and cannot understand how her brother likes her either. She believe her brother just care for Felicia like a brother will, and doesn't want to think too deep on what he went to her room to do, so she decide to wait for him in the living room downstairs to come and meet her. She decide to watch the television and as she switch it on, while Martin later step out from the guest room corridor and made his way into the living room downstairs. He's surprise to see the television on as the last time he pass the living room the television is off as he walk into the living room, he sees Temisa sitting on the couch watching her favorite bollywood movie. "You're still awake sis?" He ask her as he walk over and sit on the opposite seat across to her and she stare to him. "Yes, I actually want to see you about something and I went to your room and didn't find you there, so I came back downstairs to check around and saw you coming out from Felicia's room. So I decides to wait for you here." "Oh!" Martin smiles and he scratch his head. "I actually just went to see her about something" he replies as he smiles to her. He doesn't want to tell Temisa about his true feeling for Felicia as he knows Temisa will blow things out of proportion. "Is it about me offending her or what mom said?" Temisa ask, staring at him eagerly. "No sis, not necessary about that. I just went to find out how she's faring," Martin smiles handsomely "Okay, as her lovely elder brother right?" Temisa frowns and he smiles. "Let's forget about her for now Temisa, Tell me why were you looking for me, I have some business to do for tonight?," Martin ask as he check his wristwatch time. "Okay. Is about father and mother. I don't want to work for the new CEO they're talking about, so I want you to teach me any online business, you can" Temisa says. "Online business?" Martin stare to her in surprise. "Yes, Isn't that what you're into?" Temisa ask him. "Temisa you're being ridiculous. Why not wait to see how the company is like first as I heard their pay is relatively high for an ordinary security man, let alone a staff working in the company. Take for example father. We don't lack anything with father working there and you have a car and me, went to a private university and you think father is able to do all that earning peanuts?," Martin ask but Temisa flare up, "What do you mean peanut. Are you earning peanuts?." "No, not that, I mean imagine you're also working there, their pay is huge and it will fit your classy lifestyle" Martin advise. "Brother!" Temisa exclaim as she stare at him angrily. "Do you mean I should work with an arrogant CEO just because he have one of the highest paying company, I don't care!" Temisa fumes and Martin burst out laughing. "Temisa, you haven't even meet with this new CEO yet and you won't allow us to hear word since today. What if he's handsome?" Martin ask her, as he knows she secretly likes handsome guys even though she will never admit truly liking a guy. "Hmm, I don't care if he's handsome" Temisa fumbles to say. "Really, what if he's an attractive looking man?." "Martin!, what's all this silly questions suppose to mean?" Temisa flares up again. "Calm down sister, I know you too well. And from my resonance I think you should wait to see the CEO first before you reject his company and him in conclusion, don't judge base on what you might have heard or read on articles about him, Know bloggers like to sugarcoat things and paint people bad." "Hmm" Temisa frowns as she's speechless. "So you won't teach me any online business again?" she ask him as he stand up. "That's not a problem sis, but you should first see the CEO and check if they approve of you to work with them or not. Good night sis," Martin walk away leaving only her in the living room downstairs.
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