Chapter 12

1653 Words
Felicia is busy in the kitchen dishing out the delicious Oha soup she has prepared and serving it out into the soup-plates when she hear the sound of the kitchen door slide open. She turn to stare at whom the person is and seeing is Martin, she quickly stare away from him, wondering what he want in the kitchen. Martin stare to her back and down to her slim curvy waist and he likes her, even as he have a girlfriend, he isn't in love with his girlfriend as much as he loves her. He knows his supposed to see her as his sister but they ain't related by blood and he doesn't even know how he will approach her and tell her about his true feelings about her as anytime he want to discuss about his feelings to her, he feel stuck on the word that refuse to come out of his mouth. He watch her grow and he has always being admiring her and knowing his mother also likes her like her child, he stand by the kitchen door raking his short black hair as he think about her confusedly. He want her really badly, but she doesn't know and still his sister even as he hate to admit they're still siblings. He' stand by the kitchen door thinking about her as he wear a short blue jean and a white singlet top that have his upper chiseled chest muscles slightly expose as his a 28-years old guy, and he cannot wrap it off his mind that some other guys outside might be asking her out to be their girlfriend. He sigh and finally walk up to meet her even as the word still feel stuck deep in his heart, he loves her and pulling it out is a bit of a problem. Felicia is still focus on serving out the soup and he walk behind her and subtly wraps his arms around her slim curvy waist, startling her and making her to stiffen as his hard tone body press on her back. "Hmm, what are you trying to do brother Martin?" Felicia ask him, as she immediately turn to face him, almost spilling the soup on the tray away and Martin quickly adjust the tray to fit on the cabinet top properly as he let go off her and step away. "Nothing, I just saw a fly and I want to kill it" Martin lies as he meet her cold glare on him. "Fly?. Don't you dare to touch me next time!" She warn him as her face burns hot and she quickly stare away from him feeling the awkwardness. "Am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" Martin apologise, feeling his unsteady heartbeat as he try to approach her, she shift backwards away from him maintaining a social distancing between them and she shake her head sadly. "I can understand that but don't touch me next time!" She warn him, already feeling too uncomfortable as she wasn't expecting that from him. She has always seen him as a brother and sibling more than Temisa whom never for once appreciated her effort for them to be close but his action right now doesn't show to her that he actually want to kill a fly, as it speak of something else and she's no kid not to understand what's actually running in his mind. She shake her head again, almost bursting out into a sob and wanting to run out from the kitchen and like Martin knows, he immediately catch her back by her hand and pull her closer to his chest as he pet her. "Please, don't cry, I said am sorry, pls," Martin let go of her and stare to her pretty red face. "Fine I will leave, but you continue with what you're doing before and act like you never saw me here," Martin says and he quickly walk out from the kitchen, not waiting for her response either. Felicia feel like she's in a bad dream and it isn't reality. "What just happened?" she ask herself and she sees the hot soup she has served out almost getting cold. She wipes off her tears and walk back to the cabinet top, carrying the tray of soups out to the dinning room, and she serve it round their usual dinning seats and as she's thru, she walk upstairs to call her madam, Temisa and her hand seize as she's about knocking on Martin's room door too. She swallow and immediately knock on his door and quickly walk back downstairs to knock on her madam's husband room door too. The whole family steps out for dinner and she end up looking sad as she sit on her dinning seat and Mrs Bianca notice the sadness on Felicia's face as Felicia is very fair and she immediately ask her, "What's the problem Felicia?, You seem to look sad, what's wrong?." Felicia stare up to her lovely madam's face. She knows how her madam had sacked all their previous maids that were ogling at her handsome son, and she has even personally heard one of the past maid grunting and moaning loudly in Martin's room a certain time she was looking for the maid and thought to check upstairs and as she passed Martin's room door, she heard the silly maid moaning loudly and that was actually the first time she heard what moaning sounds like as her face immediately turned red in embarrassment. "Nothing ma, Am fine" Felicia replies, not daring to stare at Martin whom sit across to her, swallowing his fufu and Oha soup like he isn't the cause. "Are you sure you're fine, I saw you before I went upstairs and you didn't looked this sad, Don't tell my you're fine when you're not, What's the matter my dear?" Mrs Bianca ask and just then Temisa flare up. "Oh oo! Mom!. Didn't you heard her said she's fine?" Temisa question out angrily. "What has come over you Temisa, if I don't ask her, won't you find out why your sister face looks this red?." "Mom!. She's not my sister!" Temisa scream out and the dinning table goes still. "Hmph!" Mrs Bianca sigh. "Don't tell me you're the one whom offended her, Temisa.?" Mrs Bianca question as she stop eating. "Why should I mom, I have no business with her and that's just it" Temisa replies. "Temisa, Why're you this cold towards her, Is it because you're born into a family and she's not?." "Mom!" Temisa voice turns colder and Martin quickly interrupts them, "Is okay mom." Felicia is quiet all thru as she doesn't stare up to his face. "Table manners mom, no talking when eating" Martin remind and Mrs Bianca shake her head and stare to Felicia who's still silently eating her food. She knows Felicia's room is downstairs, so she think to see Felicia after dinner and the dinning table fall in silent with only the sounds from them eating. Mr John doesn't say anything all thru, as he knows Temisa is very stubborn, the more reason he doesn't want her to court with Mr Taiye's son as he fears she will go into the family and disrupt the family's peace with her stubbornness and he doesn't want all that drama for Mrs Juliet either. After dinner Felicia walk into the kitchen and start washing all the dirty dishes and as she's almost thru Mrs Bianca walk into the kitchen to meet her. "Am so sorry about how Temisa behaved to you earlier. Don't mind her she's only feeling scared you want to snatch my love away from her" Mrs Bianca says and Felicia nod. "Am not angry with Temisa ma, I can understand how she feels" Felicia replies. "Then why were you looking so sad at the dinning table earlier?." "Nothing serious ma. Am only just worried about something and I ended up looking sad" Felicia lies, not wanting to disclose is all about Martin. "Is okay my dear, Always see me as your mother okay and don't mind whatever Temisa says to you." "Okay ma'am" Felicia sigh. "Is okay, Is already late now, I will be returning back upstairs to my room. Be good okay and if you're in need of anything don't hesitate to come to me and ask." "Okay ma," Felicia softly replies as she watch Mrs Bianca exit the kitchen door and she knows Mrs Bianca cares for her like a mother will and she isn't even worrying about Temisa even as she's answering Mrs Bianca name as her surname, all because Temisa refused and was angry about them answering the same surname in school. She's forever indepth to Mrs Bianca for accepting her as her own child and she doesn't want to break the lovely woman's heart or family, especially now that her son is making advances towards her. He knew he was the caused as to why she was looking sad and yet he kept mute about it and she think is best he avoids her as she cannot have anything to do with him. She have a boyfriend and she hasn't gone intimate with him yet to avoid mistake and he understand, as she has already told him her life story and the kind of family she's from. She sigh and continue washing the dirty dishes and as she's thru, she rinse it out and packs it into the plates hanger. Thru with her works in the kitchen, she dries her palms with the kitchen towel and step out from the kitchen, going to the living room and to her room to rest for the night as she's already thru with her day's work. She step into her room and decide to take her bath as she's already tired. She strip and taking off all her clothes and she walk to her bathroom to take her bath.
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