Chapter 2 The Gift

2656 Words
Millicent's POV After rinsing the rest of the conditioner out of my hair, I scrub my body with my loofah, covering every last inch with soapy suds. Before I even have a chance to clean the suds off, I can hear a thundering on the front door of the house. "Wyatt? Can you get the door?" I yell out hoping for some help around this house that I'm always taking care of, even though it's our place not just mine. "Nope.. I'm busy." He quickly responds as I huff out in frustration. He stopped helping me with anything a while ago.. I don't know if it's just to make me mad or if he doesn't want to help in general.. but either way, he makes it very clear that he doesn't want to help out with anything. I quickly wash every last bit of the soapy suds off of my body before flipping the water off.. being frustrated that my comforting moment is cut short because he is 'too busy'. He never has time for anything involving me and it's thoughts like that, that just make me want to leave this life. I know it's not that big of a deal to some that he didn't open the door, but he does this everyday for anything I ask. Well, when he is home.. but it's literally anything.. from answering the door, like right now.. to grabbing something off the top shelf or taking the trash out.. it doesn't matter the task, he won't do it because I asked him to.. Like I said there is a part of me that thinks he is just trying to intentionally piss me off. But he won't tell me why.. he really won't engage with me at all anymore. I don't even bother drying myself off because I want him to know how much of an inconvenience this is for me when he was just getting ready out there, which doesn't take him long at all.. he could have opened the door and we both know it. I stomp down the hallway accompanied by a loud huff of frustration, making sure he can hear the irritation. The water falls off of my shaking body and leaving a puddle on the floor with every step. Once I get to the end of the hallway I turn to the left, skipping the kitchen and into the living room. The first thing I notice is my 'busy' husband sitting on the couch, not ready to go, and with his phone still in his hands. He is literally 6 feet away from the front door. I roll my eyes thinking about just that as I whip the door open with one hand while the other holds my towel up. I don't see anyone out there, but I know I heard the door, so maybe they got tired of waiting.. whoever it was. I lean out as my gaze pans all over the streets to see if I can see anyone that's leaving, driving or walking.. but nothing. With my grip being wet, my hand slightly slips as my hand shoots down and I stumble forward, before I grab for the door again, making sure I don't fall to my face. But in the process I kick something at my feet. I look down without hesitation to see a little wooden box and a card. I look around again to make sure there is no one around as I readjust myself so I can let go of the door.. since I'm prepared to let go of my support at the moment, I then slowly bend over, picking up the box and card with my open hand. I stand up then backing into my house before a neighbor sees me like this, just to shut the door behind me. "Who was it?" Wyatt asks me as I feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head at that comment. "Well if you would've answered the door, you know, since you're right here.. then you would know. But I have no idea who it was, since the person had to wait for me to get out of the shower and across the house, so they left." He glares right back at me as he responds. "I... was.. busy." I roll my eyes again but this time for him to see. "Yeah you look so busy doing whatever on your phone.. Oh and look you're not even ready to go." I state sarcastically. He just looks away and responds by saying. "I was talking about the meetings we have today with my boss.. so it's important that I'm on my phone.. but I guess I'm going to get ready now." He states standing up from the couch as I glare at him leaving the room until I hear him yelling over his shoulder at me. "Oh and Milly.. you made a mess with the water, so you better clean it up before we get hurt." I instantly flip him off with my middle finger in frustration at the fact that he could have prevented that if he would have just helped me. I hate that my husband and I have gotten to this point in our relationship.. Anyone could feel the tension that has now filled the room.. it's almost unbearable. This is why I'm so adamant about the therapy for us.. This isn't how we are normally.. this isn't us, this isn't right and definitely not what I want for my life. I turn to the kitchen area and head straight for the island counter that separates the front room from the kitchen. I set the items on the counter before readjusting my towel so I can use both hands to open these up. I examine the card seeing that my name is wrote on it, but there is not anyone else's name, just mine, no return address or anything. I just don't know why I would be getting a card and box, my birthday isn't here yet. I open it up just to slip the card out. It's a bouquet of flowers on the front of the card and it reads inside. Roses are red, Like the highlights in your sweet smelling hair that takes away the dread, Violets are blue, Like the sapphire in your eyes that sparkles too, Your scent is sweeter than cake and ice cream, The entire vision of you is a dream, Your beauty is nothing anyone can compare to, Just know I'm better for knowing you, You're an absolute treasure, and knowing you is a pleasure. You're never alone and always cherished.. keep your head up my beautiful queen because things will get better just give it time. There isn't a name on the card but there is what looks like an A and a star combined. I flip the card all around wanting to know what person would say such nice things about me. Obviously it's not my husband making me feel better today, but at least someone is. I set the card down before picking up the all too familiar looking jewelery box.. it looks exactly like the box my mother bought me for my 8th birthday.. but I cherished it so much that I never wanted to bring it with me just in case it broke or I lost it. This is sweet. I wonder who would do something like this, and for me? I opened the box to see there is a necklace inside. I notice an owl diamond pendant on it as I carefully reach in and pull it out so I can take in all the details of the necklace. Owls are my favorite and always have been so this is obviously thoughtfully for me. The pendant itself is silver but the eyes and stomach of the owl has diamonds in it. I take the necklace and quickly putting it on. I never get jewelery so this is such a nice surprise. I just wish I knew who to thank. I take the card and box, walking across the house to head into our room so I can get ready for the day. I walk into the room to see my husband with the cheekiest grin on his face, typing away on his phone. Until his gaze notices my movement and bounces up to me. This changes his smile to a frown instantly. That thought alone hurts.. someone is making him smile and it isn't me. Just trying to cut the tension, changing subject, I decide to tell him about the gift and poem, since it's not from him.. he obviously deserves to know, so I say. "So there was this card and box outside for me and.." I say as he stands up, silently interrupting me before walking away from me just to respond over his shoulder. "Ok.. so?" showing he obviously doesn't care about anything coming out of my mouth at the moment. "Well, I think they might be an admirer of sorts." I start to explain as he scoffs loudly cutting me off, he makes it sound like it's impossible for anyone to be attracted to me. "Ok.. I ask again.. so?" He says in a very condescending tone that shocks me as I softly say. "I just wanted to make sure you knew.. you know, since you're my husband." He rolls his eyes before turning away from me and headed to the bathroom. I open my mouth to say something else, but he quickly shuts the door behind him, separating the two of us again. "Ok so I guess I won't tell him just yet about what it said in it." I say softly to myself. I'm a person who likes to be honest and expects it back in return. I just wanted to make sure he knew, because I don't want to keep anything from him. But with how annoyed he looked at me in that moment, it makes me not want to tell him anything else. He doesn't seem to be the same person I used to talk to day and night about anything. I don't feel like I can share any ideas with him, well without annoying the sh*t out of him apparently. Hence why I want us to go to therapy.. there seems to be no communication in our relationship anymore. I try to ignore the attitude from him as I get dressed in my work t-shirt and skinny jeans. I put on my slip resistant shoes and French braid my still wet hair into an Elsa-style braid. I don't do much for make-up, but I try. I make it light, especially since my big glasses will be covering over the top of the make-up anyways. Once I'm ready I take my little bag along with my wallet, keys and phone, slipping it into my bag before walking right over to the bathroom door. I don't hear anything in there so I raise my hand to knock. I lightly do as he yells through the door. "What?" I clear my throat before responding, "I was ready to go.. are you? I don't want to be late." He groans out as he spats back. "I'm not a child, I can see the clock. I don't need you babysitting me. I'll be done and leave in a minute." I nod to myself feeling like there is so much more between my husband and I then just this door. "Um.. ok.. I'll just see you there." I try to say nicely but I don't think it would matter how I said it.. anything coming out of my mouth annoys the hell out of him apparently. He doesn't respond to that as I turn and walk away from him, through the house and out the front door. I walk straight to my car and throw my bag in to help get some frustration out. I wish him and I could talk like we used to, but obviously that's not happening.. but hopefully today will fix it. I feel a stray tear wandering down my cheek because of my hurt feelings. I hate feeling this way, but I'm trying to stay positive. I feel a tap to my shoulder scaring me, as I jump and yelp while spinning around. "Milly.. it's ok.. it just me, Aiden." I feel his hands land on the outside of my arms to steady me. I let out a sigh of relief as I place my hands to his chest, slapping it lightly. "You scared the hell out of me Aiden. Jeez." I state as he chuckles looking gorgeous as usual. The way his handsome features light up when he laughs is something spectacular. It would melt the coldest ice and sooth the most vile beasts. He is a special man that doesn't get the treatment he deserves. He never has any partners around him ever.. I have never seen him in relationships either.. but it makes me so mad that an amazing catch like Aiden is going to waste. He deserves the absolute best and hopefully he will find it. I notice his smile change at the drop of a dime, then gets a curious look on his face. He reaches up as he gently wipes my stray tear away. "Are you ok Milly?" I shake my head but I don't think he needs to know the details.. he is just my husband's best friend. "Did Wyatt do something to hurt you.. again? I told him if he did that again I would kick his ass and gets the cops involved." He asks getting a little riled up, I think referring to the only other time my husband got really drunk and pissed off one day.. then took it out on me by hitting me.. but he promised he wouldn't do it again.. and he hasn't. So I shake my head again. I don't know if he believes me or not, but I love the genuine care Aiden has always had for me. The guys have been friends for I think 15 years and always talk about everything.. most of Wyatt's friends didn't like me or give me the time of day to even try to like me.. but Aiden was always accepting me with open arms since the moment he met me. I always appriciated that. He is a sweet guy that always asks about me, making sure I'm taken care of when he doesn't have to.. but he has probably helped me out more times then my husband has. So I appriciate him more than he will ever know. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to get going.. Wyatt and I have a therapy session to hopefully help us out.. since you know we haven't been doing well.. But.. it was good to see you Aiden." I say nicely to him as he nods then leaning down and hugging me before whispering in my ear. "If you need anything Milly.. you call me or stop on by my house.. it's never a problem." I nod at that. "Thanks Aiden, you're the sweetest man I know.. I don't know how you don't have a woman locked down yet.. You're such a catch." I say softly to him as he smiles and replies. "Just haven't found the available Mrs.Right I guess.." I nod at that as I give him another hug. "Well you will.. You're too amazing to ignore.. have a good day Aiden." I retort to him as he waves, "You too Milly." I sit down into my car as he gently shuts the door. I put the key into the ignition, to turn as the engine revs on. I slowly back out and onto the street that leads out to the main roads. I wave one more time at Aiden before driving away to get this long day started.
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