
1020 Words
Kinley glanced at Sam's painting in shock. For a seven year old he had a great talent in art she thought with a smile. He had painted the forest and made it colourful, flowers on the grass and even put a few birds on the trees. She saw Sam looking at her and gave him a wide grin as she pointed at it. "Sam it's beautiful" she told him sincerely "the colours, the flowers, everything you've done is really wonderful. You have a gift for painting, did you know that and I'm not just saying it to try and be friends with you." She was telling the truth, she leaned closer and whispered "trust me if it had sucked I would have told you. I don't like to be fake and pretend everything's fine when it isn't." Sam's eyes widened and he c****d his head at her. She didn't know whether that made him nervous or if he approved. she hoped it was the latter. "Let's go get lunch" she suggested warmly as her stomach gave a loud growl. "Sorry" she said hastily "I only had coffee for breakfast and I'm starving." Sam laughed and for a moment there she could see the smile on his face and in his eyes before it disappeared completely again. She helped him gather up his supplies and put it in his room before they both went downstairs to the kitchen. Sam was obviously comfortable as he went and got a plate to serve himself and Kinley did the same. It was buffet style and she liked that. It meant everyone served themselves rather than expect an omega to do it. This was excellent and she happily loaded her plate and sat down, Sam gesturing her over as she joined Jackson and Thomas who gave her a smile. "Sam" Thomas said "how was your morning?" "Okay" the boy mumbled, his mouth full of food and Kinley sniggered. She'd have to work on his table manners but for the moment she was just glad that he was eating. "What did you end up doing?" "Sam did some painting while I watched him" Kinley said as she slowly ate her food, ignoring the other men's gazes "he has a huge talent, did you know that" she said honestly "I was wondering if there were any art classes or studios nearby." Thomas was astounded. Kinley had only been here for one day and already she'd gotten the boy to open up even if it was just a smidgeon. As for the suggestion of art classes, that was genius. He wished he or Jackson had thought of it, it might have helped Sam to do something he really enjoyed. Even Jackson was thoughtful now. "Hmmm" he murmured "I think there's an art studio in town but for the life of me I can't remember it's name" he apologised. "That's alright, we might make our way into town in a few weeks anyway. Do you think Alpha Spencer would mind? I think getting Sam some new art supplies might be in order as well." This time Sam spoke, Kinley swivelling her head around to look at him. His eyes were staring down at his plate as he pushed it away. There was such a dejected look on his face that Kinley had to fight the urge to hold him close, soothe his pain and make his grief go away. Nothing that she could really do for him but it didn't stop the pang in her chest. "He won't care" Sam said gruffly "he never does" he muttered and Kinley glanced at the two men who looked at the boy with sadness in their own eyes. "He does care Sam he's just really busy" Thomas tried to speak to him, knowing as he did that it was a complete lie. No father was that busy that he couldn't take time to spend with his son. He cursed his friend in his mind for hurting his son this way. Nothing Thomas or Jackson had said to him had made a difference, he still stayed away as long as he could and nine times out of ten Thomas was left running the pack in his absence which grew more and more extended. "No he doesn't" Sam said, eyes shining with what Kinley suspected were tears in his eyes. "If he did then he wouldn't go away all the time." Kinley could only watch as the boy pushed his chair back and stomped upstairs, clearly in a bad mood again. So much for the painting brightening the kids day. "I should go to him" she said quietly, making a move to stand up herself. One of the other men grabbed her hand and she gasped, pulling it away roughly and seeing everyone look at her with curiosity. "Sorry" she said hastily apologising to the man who'd dropped her hand instantly and was looking quite chagrined "I really don't like to be touched. It's not meant to cause offense." She couldn't very well say, hey I'm an empath and I can read your thoughts so don't touch me ever again or I'll know what's really going through you mind could she? Kinley sighed. Sometimes having this gift was more of a curse and sometimes like today, she wished she didn't have this ability. Would her life really be better without it though? She sighed. Sam was clearly hurting, feeling like his father no longer cared about him. She hadn't even met this so called Alpha Spencer and already she was beginning to think about how she could arrange a meeting with him in private and give him a piece of her mind. While she sympathised with his loss, his son had lost his mother as well and he was beginning to feel like he'd lost his father as well. Why couldn't the man see the damage he was doing to Sam by staying away so often and leaving him in the care of Thomas and Jackson? What was it that had the Alpha choosing to stay away instead of being there for their child?
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