
1045 Words
Kinley got out of bed feeling determined. She dressed as quickly as she could, wearing her comfortable trackpants and shirt, wondering if she could convince Thomas or one of the other men to spar with her in whatever free time she might get. Maybe after Sam was asleep? She fairly flew down the stairs, greeting an astonished Thomas who hadn't expected her to be up so early in the morning. Kinley however was still not a hundred percent awake, her nose leading her to the kitchen as he followed in amusement, a coffee in her hand mere moments later as she sipped at it and closed her eyes in pleasure. "So good" she breathed as Thomas gave a chuckle. Clearly Kinley was not a morning person and required caffeine as a wake up beverage. He was stunned however when she drank three coffee's in a row and refused food for breakfast. "Caffeine is my fuel" she explained "can't function without it and my god you don't want to see me without any in the morning because I can assure you I'm terrifying." Thomas believed her. He led her through the throng of people, noticing a few of the unmated young men were eyeing her off and shot them all scowls. Kinley was here to work and as an employee of the Alpha was strictly off limits. He would personally guarantee her safety and if the Alpha heard of any male there harassing a female he'd hired their heads would be ripped clean off their bodies. "Outside" Thomas told her, and she breathed in the smell of pine and fresh air, eyes beginning to sparkle as she woke up enough to feel like a human being. They walked across the grounds and met a man who was standing beside a young boy who was scowling at the ground. "Jackson" Thomas said and Kinley realised this must be the Gamma and the boy therefore had to be the elusive Sam. She wondered what had put that scowl on the young man's face. "What happened?" Thomas sounded weary, as though they'd been through all of whatever this was before. "Put a frog in my breakfast cereal" Jackson growled "wouldn't have been so bad except my niece was also spending the night and got frightened by it." Kinley was eyeing Jackson. He was quite stout but fierce looking with black hair and hazel eyes. His legs were like small tree trunks and his arms were heavily muscled like a body builder. He had a bunch of stubble on his chin and to anyone else he might seem a little bit scary looking but Kinley had learnt the hard way that you never judged a book by it's cover. Besides the man might seem gruff but it was clear by the way he looked at Sam that he cared for the boy. That was a point in his favour. Kinley sidled closer, the two men instantly halting their discussion as Thomas looked at her sheepishly. "Sorry, Jackson this is Kinley, Kinley this is Jackson" he performed the introductions and Kinley nodded, grateful that Jackson didn't offer a hand, merely a smile. "This is Sam's new ahem" Thomas coughed "carer" he finished. Kinley glanced at Sam to gouge his reaction. The boy didn't even blink, let alone look over at Kinley. This gave her time to study him. He was quite a slender lad, with the most beautiful raven black hair and big green eyes. There was a few freckles on his nose and cheeks which made Kinley surmise he must spend a lot of time outdoors, also evident by his tanned golden skin. He wore basic pants and a shirt which was already smeared with dirt which made Kinley smile. He looked like any other 7 year old boy except for the lack of a smile and the slenderness which looked a tad bit like he hadn't been eating much lately. He was clearly not sleeping well either judging by the dark circles under his eyes. Already Kinley was feeling sorry for him. How terrible must Sam be feeling to not only have lost his mother but to have a father who didn't seem to care much for him? She knelt and smiled at Sam who merely looked at her warily. "Hello Sam" she said quietly "my name is Kinley and I'm wondering what it is you would like to do now?" He didn't answer and she gazed at the other two men rather helplessly. "What kind of things do you like to do" she tried again and again Sam offered nothing. This was already not going well. "Sam" Johnathon growled but Kinley shook her head at him. She would not force Sam to speak if he chose not to. That would only ruin any chance she had of establishing a bond with him. Instead she shooed the men away and waited until they were gone before she tried once more. Kinley stood upright. "Sam" she said softly "I can't even begin to imagine the pain you're feeling right now and I bet it's horrible. I won't tell you what you should be doing. I just want to know if there's something you enjoy doing that we might do together. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to" she added "but standing here doing nothing isn't really that fun is it?" That got a reaction she thought smugly as he lifted his head and looked directly at her. "Paint" he muttered in a low voice "I like to paint" he whispered. Kinley almost wanted to cry hallelujah, instead asking him if he had paints etc to use. When he nodded she let him lead her to his room, suggesting that they go and draw something outside, the young boy perking up a bit as they set up an easel with canvas and some paints. She sat down on the grass and watched in the background, not offering any words as he drew and painted, the boy slowly relaxing. When they were called in for lunch she was astounded to realise how much time had passed and as she got up to encourage Sam to go inside, she looked at his painting closely and was blown away.
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