He Returns

1095 Words
Spencer sighed. He'd told his son he was going out on business but that couldn't have been further from the truth. In actual fact he'd merely been visiting the packs for no reason other than getting away from home and from the son that reminded him of his beloved mate who'd died. He couldn't stand to look at his son for long periods of time and while it wasn't fair to Sam, he couldn't stop himself from doing it either. It was like a dagger through the heart every time he looked at him. He couldn't stay away forever though and it was with a heavy heart and extreme reluctance that he headed back to his pack. He was not surprised to be greeted by none other than a very grim looking Thomas, despite the late hour of the night. He was not looking pleased, not that Spencer cared of course. Thomas was merely the Beta, Spencer was the alpha of the pack and would not be dressed down by anyone, not even one of his best friends. "How is Sam" he mumbled as he headed inside the house, not aware that Thomas was shaking his head in disappointment as he followed his Alpha into the study. "Sam is fine" Thomas said sarcastically, plopping down into a chair and leaning forward as Spencer sat opposite him. "Sam misses his father who seems to be absent a lot. Sam I might add" Thomas continued, ignoring Spencer as his eyes began to darken "constantly asks for his father and now thinks that you don't care about him." That stung. It wasn't that Spencer didn't care about Sam, it was just difficult for him to be around the boy without being reminded of his late wife. He exhaled and looked away from Thomas who was fuming now and finding it difficult to hold his tongue this time. "How's the new nanny going along?" "The new nanny's name is Kinley and she's gorgeous, inside and out" Thomas said now, a smile playing on his lips. "In just one day she's managed to get Sam to open up slightly, she even got him to paint and wants to take him for art classes because he has talent. The woman is a godsend. Perhaps it might be best if you introduce yourself to her" Thomas said, his own eyes narrowed now as he saw Spencer still. Spencer shook his head. He had no interest in meeting a nanny, after all she was one of many that had been driven away by Sam or by his lack of interest in them. This one would probably be no different, no matter what Thomas might believe. "No, in the end she'll leave like the rest of them" he said calmly and Thomas shook his head. "This one is different Spencer, I guarantee it" he assured him "she's not interested in trying to become Luna, she's good with Sam and she seems to really care about him. She'll stay because she cares." "Then it shouldn't matter if I don't meet her. If she stays longer than a few weeks then I'll swing by and meet her but until then, I stay away" he growled and Thomas just sighed. His friend was only sinking deeper into depression, barely smiling anymore and a complete lack of interest in anything that went on around him. Thomas knew it didn't help that several of the nannies before had tried to blatantly seduce Spencer in the hopes of becoming Luna when he had tried to introduce himself and spend time with his son. Thomas had been given the task after that on keeping a close eye on Sam and been responsible for the hiring thereafter while Spencer fled for weeks at a time to other packs in the so called name of "business" that didn't exist. "Promise" Thomas demanded "promise that you won't just stay away this time if she does stay. Promise that you'll do the right thing instead of being a coward and running away." Spencer's eyes turned black as night. "You forget your place Thomas" he growled "I am the Alpha and I have no wish to be spoken with so disrespectfully." "I'm speaking to you as a friend right now" Thomas told him bitterly "but as you wish Alpha" he mocked "I'll take my leave before I say something that I regret." He stormed out as Spencer watched the back of him go, not concerned in the slightest that he'd upset his friend. In fact maybe it was for the best. Thomas didn't understand what Spencer was going through, didn't know the pain he held inside his heart and the grief that always seemed to come and go without the slightest warning. Thomas didn't know the sleepless nights he had, pacing back and forth, unable to close his eyes and rest in case he had another nightmare in regards to his wife's death. Thomas had no clue what Spencer was going through, let alone how to help him and for now maybe he needed to keep his friends at arm length as he tried to cope with everything. This wasn't their problem after all, it was his. He got up and sidled through the doorway, heading upstairs without another word, stopping to sniff at a scent he didn't recognise belonging to any members of his pack. It didn't smell like a shifter but it was incredibly sweet, almost like honey and the merest hint of vanilla? He inhaled appreciatively. Whatever perfume it was, it was beautiful and he wondered at it, even as his wolf began to go slightly crazy in his head, Spencer putting a block up. At the moment he wasn't getting along with his wolf and it's incessant demands either. It was constantly judging him and Spencer found himself blocking his wolf every time he had a chance, not wanting to hear the words it uttered or the condemnation in its tone. He felt the overwhelming urge to follow the scent, almost doing exactly that when he halted in his tracks. What on earth was he doing? Most likely it was just perfume and he'd barge in on some poor shifter who'd scream in fright at his sudden presence. Still he felt disappointed as he forced himself to head back to his room, lying down and doing his best to try and sleep. However it was an extremely long night as he tossed and turned, his mind going back to that glorious smell and wondering if he'd see who it belonged to tomorrow.
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