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Kinley stared out at the pouring rain feeling a tad bit melancholy. The train was pulling into the station and Rowena had advised her it was but a short walk to the pack house or she could catch a cab. She debated but then decided what the hell and grabbed the luggage she'd brought, thankful the suitcase had wheels on it and began to walk, following the directions carefully, not quite familiar with this territory and trying to avoid the rush of people back and forth on the platform. To be honest she quite enjoyed the walk. She got soaking wet but it didn't deter her at any rate. Instead she jumped in the puddles and laughed, her mood rising. This was one of those days that children should be out in their raincoats, splashing each other and jumping into the puddles splashing everyone nearby. She saw a few disapproving glances but didn't care, she was in her own little world and happily humming along to one of her favourite songs as she went. Slowly but surely the crowd of people seemed to disperse and she found the pathway to the forest Rowena had told her about, following the trail, her trusty old suitcase wheeling along behind her. Somehow she wasn't surprised when she was surrounded by a group of male shifters before she could get to the actual pack house. "What are you doing here" one of them growled as Kinley rolled her eyes. "I'm here to see Alpha Spencer? I'm the new nanny or carer for his son Sam" she said instead, biting her tongue to stop herself from saying something she'd regret. One of the men's eyes flashed and she knew he was mind-linking someone, presumably the Alpha to confirm her story. His eyes went back to normal and he gave Kinley a welcome smile. "Sorry about that" he said apologetically, "but we have to be careful when someone approaches the pack house and you don't smell like a shifter" he added gently as she just nodded. Of course she didn't smell like a shifter thought Kinley sourly. She didn't have time to stop one of the men as they took hold of her hand, his thoughts instantly taking root in her mind before she could throw a block up. Wow, she sure is beautiful. Stunning. I hate stick thin girls, this one at least looks she's up for some fun and games. I wonder if I can convince her to go out with me. Kinley gently pried her hand away, ignoring the flash of disappointment in the man's eyes. "My name's Kinley" she said instead, following the group of men. "Well Kinley" the man who appeared to at least be in charge of the group said cheerfully "My name is Thomas and I'm the Beta of this pack. It's a real pleasure to meet you" he added and she swore he was shooting warning glances at the other men who didn't offer their names up at all but instead dispersed in different directions. She sucked in a breath, awed by the pack house as it came into view. It was huge but that wasn't what made it so special in her eyes. What was unique was that it was more like a massive cabin. She'd always preferred rustic wooden houses and cabins to those mansions and brick houses other packs seemed to favour. She loved nature and liked it being a part of a house. Kinley felt like it made a house feel more homely. Whoever this Alpha Spencer was, she was already liking his personal choices already. She'd kill to have a place like this! "Alpha Spencer has requested that I introduce you to his son Sam tomorrow morning when you officially start work" Thomas said grimly, looking highly displeased. Kinley had a feeling it wasn't aimed at her though but at the Alpha. She was amazed that the Alpha wasn't going to personally introduce her to his son himself. Shouldn't he be vetting her out and making sure she was the right fit for his son? Or was it that he just didn't care enough to find out? She frowned as that thought went through her mind. Thomas was annoyed with his friend Spencer. Ever since the funeral Spencer had barely spent time with Sam, opting to visit other packs and leave the boy with either him or Jackson to watch. It was like he couldn't stand to look at Sam, who, Thomas had to admit, resembled his mother with his brownish red hair and big green eyes. The poor boy was begging for some attention and most importantly love and Spencer was failing to provide it. Thomas was fast losing patience with the man. Kinley wondered whether Thomas was friends with the Alpha. He was biting the inside of his lip and his blonde hair was in his eyes as he stared at her for a moment. He was tall, easily towering over Kinley but she didn't feel threatened by his presence, not at all. Even though she was alone for him and despite what had happened to her in the past, Kinley wasn't afraid. The man had a gentle calming nature that made her feel safe rather than threatened. "I'm afraid Alpha Spencer is currently too busy with his work to show you around the pack house. Allow me to escort you to your room which is attached to Sam's." Kinley let him lead her upstairs where she knew the Alpha typically resided, down the corridor and to a room that he opened, Kinley looking at the large space with delight. There were open windows, a four poster bed made out of rough dark wood, a basic armchair and bookcase beside it, a chest of drawers and a small tv. Another door led to the bathroom Thomas told her before indicating the third door. "That's the door leading to Sam's room" he told her gravely "he's outside with friends at the moment and is spending the night with Jackson our Gamma or I would introduce you both now. As it it I'll organise some food for you and I imagine you're tired from the hours on the train." She nodded, Kinley had hated every minute of being on the train. She disliked being in what she felt was a confined space and had been glad to pull into the station and get out, stretch her legs for a bit and walk in the wide open space. She was already beginning to feel exhausted just standing there. She appreciated Thomas's offer. "That would be great" she told him sincerely "I could use a good rest before tomorrow morning" she added and he just grinned. "Well take advantage" he joked "cause Sam's an early riser." He took her hand and pressed it to his lips as she shivered, before winking and heading downstairs. She clasped the hand to her chest and stared at the back of him. He'd only had one thought on his mind when he touched her but it still resonated strongly inside of her. I hope this beautiful woman can show Sam love, heaven knows he's not getting it from his father.
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