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Kelsey "How sweet of you. I'm glad to know that my brother wouldn't abandon me anytime soon" she ended the last statement with a giggle. Reth didn't answer her instead he took his seat and I did the same. Without waiting for anymore talk to occur, I dig in immediately.  A hiss made it way out of Reiley's lips. "f**k! My head is pounding"  "You knew the reason so don't pamper me with your life issues" Reth rose up wiping his lips with a napkin. Wait when did he finish his breakfast.  "I'm heading out. And don't do anything nasty. And Kelsey" he turned to me. "If you need anything you have my number. So.."  "But brother..." Reiley's words trailed off when Reth grabbed his briefcase from God knows where and disappear out of the door. Reiley's eyes were still on the door as she heaved out a sigh. "I don't know how my brother manage to become a counselor when he know nothing about relationships" I took the last bite of pancake to my mouth savouring the taste. I must say Reth is a good cook. His cooking isn't that bad. "Sorry for asking but what does do for a living?" I asked. It's natural for me to be curious about the man who saved me.  "He has a boring job" she began. "Is working in the office that boring?" I asked sarcastically.  "Bet me. He counsel couples that went through divorce or who are trying to get over their cheating husband or spouse. And do you know what tthe funny part is" I'm not a gossip type yet, I was curious to hear what what funny about his job.  "You know, my brother might be all handsome and hot but he doesn't have girlfriend and he even counsels couples. I mean what the hell!"  Okay what the hell!  I said nothing only let out a smile. I admit he's handsome and hot. He's the type every girl will swoon around him. However, I'm surprise at the news of him not having any girlfriend. The rest of the day went on with Reiley blabbering on and on about her brother, her life and her family stories.  We didn't realize the sun was setting until the door was pushed open and the setting run resonate through the room. Came in Reth holding two paper bags.  Surprise was evident on his face. "I hope you guys didn't stay in the same position as I left you in?" he inquired his brow curving up. "Oh yes. We were enjoying each other's company right Kelsey" she turned to me with a smile dangling on her lips.  "Yeah. Since we have nothing to do" I ushered forming my lips in a thin line. Reth stood quite for a while. "You know what" he began. We both shake our head in negative. "I have some work for you which I know will keep you more company" A smile was plastered across his face as he utter the words out. "What?" Reiley was the one who first spoke up. "You guys should follow me" Me and Reiley stared at each other and I shrugged in return. I don't mind doing some work. I'm used to working my ass off at the diner. Sitting idle isn't my thing. My mouth was left open as I stared at the pile of papers in front of me. First, I didn't know there's an office in the house. Second, I don't know if working my ass off in the pile of paper is something I will like. "As for Reiley she knew already. So for you Kelsey welcome to my office den. I trust you guys will enjoy your time here" His words held some kind of sarcastic tone to them.  "This is so far away from enjoyment" I ushered back folding up my sleeves. I didn't the glares Reiley kept throwing in her brother's direction.  Reth clapped his hand together. "So I will leave you to work. And worry not I'll prepare a mouth killing dinner for your exhausting work" with a wink he left the room.  I exhale out a breath I didn't know I was holding. If to say then I must say Reth might be one trouble maker himself. "If not because of our resemblance I would've swore he's not my brother. He finds every chance to make me suffer" she grumble kicking out a container that was settled in front of her. "Ouch! What the f**k!" she hissed out holding her foot. I look elsewhere to prevent myself from laughing at her. She kicked the container herself and now she's feeling the pain.  I don't know how long we spent in the room but my body was beyond exhausted. My hands were numb from carrying pile of papers. I wonder how many case he settled for him to have a huge stack of papers. I came across a lot of names. Some case were funny while some were complicated. It must be hard for him to handle couples matters.  "And here's your mouth killing dinner" Reth annouced placing two plates of spaghetti topped with meatballs. I won't lie, the aroma were turning in my stomach. Yet my body was too weak to lift up. "You call this mouth killing dinner. This is just a regular dish. I thought you're going to order us chicken, pizza and some chilled bear" Reiley uttered rolling her eyes. Reth unfold his folded arms and passed her a dirty glare. Reiley immediately tore her eyes away. "Thank you for the dinner. We'll enjoy it to the fullest" I commenced to kill off the quiteness that began formulating in the room. Reth offered me a smile in return. "At least someone appreciates my cooking not a rock head sister of mine. Eat up Kelsey" he offered me yet another smile.   My stomach made another smile reminding me of how hungry it was. I managed to lift myself up and dig in.  I don't know if I will call it mouth killing but it was above my expectation.
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