
1031 Words
Kelsey I woke up with a pounding headache due to the lack of sleep last night. For the past two days I've been having a bad nightmare of my aunt. And it was the same dream. That she came to Reth house and was trying to kill me with knife. I don't know what to do. I don't have my documents or their parents document. What if she managed to claim the property while I'm away? No if it was that easy she wouldn't have got to that extent to get me to sign the property.  My body was still aching from last night work. Reiley was not in bed. Maybe she left for her workplace. At a young age she's done with college and now she's a model. I took a hot shower and I kind of felt better than before. Reiley gave me the go ahead to wear any of her clothes that fits. But I choose to take only four. I wash and wear them again. Like yesterday, I thought I will find Reth in the kitchen cooking. However, he was nowhere to be found. Did they leave together? I was about to walk to the kitchen to get something for myself when my eyes catches a covered plate on the dining.  I have some urgent work so I left early. You can warm it up if it turns cold. I read it out. He still managed to make me breakfast even though he had an urgent work. I need to do something. I can't sit idle and let them take care of me. Since my documents are not with me, I can still get a part time job. Either in a Càfe or restaurant. With that thought in my mind, I sat down and devour the food and made a mental note to compliment his cooking when he's back. ** At around 2:30pm, Reiley came back looking exhausted. She's always in new clothes everyday. Well perks of being a model. "Hey Reiley" she waved slouching down on the couch.  "Hey. How's work?" I inquired also taking my seat. "Exhauting. Being a public figure is not easy. Is Reth back?" "No"  "Urgh let me take a small nap. I'm damn exhausted"  "Okay"  I heaved out a sigh. Boredom is killing me. ** "No!" "Don't touch me!" "Leave me!" "You killed them!"  "Kelsey!" "Kelsey wake up!" "No! Don't come closer!"  "Wake up Kelsey it's a dream!" Like someone who had been splashed a bucket of cold water, I snapped my eyes open coming in contact with Reiley's worried face.  I tried to sit up but a pounding headache pull me back. Reiley's worried and curious eyes were still on me. "How long have I been sleeping?" I asked In a weak voice.  "Three hours" she answered passing me a glass of water. I gulped it down almost immediately. "Thank you" "Are you okay? The dream seem intense. Is there someone bothering you Kelsey?" she pondered. I know she will ask him considering her face I knew she heard me muttering some voices. "Yeah I'm okay just a bad dream. I'm used to it" when I felt my body was okay, I rose up and started making my way up but her sudden words stopped me mid track. "This is not the first time right?"  I don't know how to answer her so I only kept quite and took a step once again. Little did I know she isn't going to let it slide. "Why do I have a feeling you're hiding something from us. Does Reth knew about it? Your dream?" I immediately turned around. "Please don't tell him. He has done enough for me and I don't want to add up to what he's done for me" I ushered. "Even so you need someone to tell your worries to. You don't know what bad dreams are. Especially when they had to do with your reality. Believe me when I say this" I know she's worried about me yet, her words held some meaning.  "I know. Can you give me some time to figure out myself. I promise I'm okay and please don't tell Reth about it" I held her arms in a pleading tone. "Don't tell me what?" Both our faces snapped towards his direction. "We're just talking about how to murder you the next time you put us into work" Reiley signalled me with her eyes to play along. I was glad she decided not to drag the issue more.  "Really? You could murder me now. I'm most ready" he said flinging his hands up in a funny way. Reiley only roll her eyes when I made my lips in a thin line. "So Kelsey how was your day alone at home. Boring I know" he was now splatter on the couch. One leg on the other. "Beat me. I must say today was one hell of a boring day to me"  Ringing of phone blared through the room. "Excuse me. I need to take this" and she disappeared up. I was left standing awkwardly with nothing to say. I suddenly remembered what I wanted to discuss with Reth. "Um.. Reth" "Yes" he opened his eyes that were resting.  "I want to speak to you about somethibg" I straightforwardly said. "Go on" "Okay. First of all I want to thank you. I know I've done that before but I still want to again. First,you saved me from drowning, took me to the hospital, paid for my bills and also brought me to your house even though you know nothing about me" I took in a deep breath "Secondly, you gave me shelter. Words could not express how thankful I am for the kind gesture. I wish I could pay you back for all the kindness. Yet, I'm selfish enough to ask for a favour from you to stay in your house for a few days before I get a job to rent my own house. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart"  I ended the last statement with a smile and waited for him to speak up. But, he only kept starting at me.
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