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||Kelsey|| Today marks one week since the incident, and i must say Mr Reth and his sister took care of me and am grateful for that. It's not easy to find someone who will help you not knowing your identity or anything about you. Sometimes i feel guilty for lying to them but i need some time to trust them first. "Are you listening to what I'm saying." Riley said getting me out of my thoughts. "What..." I trailed off trying to remember what she's telling me. "Oh come on, you've been zoning out since this morning. I was talking about the dress to wear to the party." She muttered the last part, pinning her hair behind the ear. "Riley you have a lot of dresses to choose from." "Yeah i know, that is why i want you to choose for me." She pouted. Riley sounds like just like Brenda. Always whining whenever she needs something. Thinking of her, i wonder how she did she miss me? Opening her wardrobe, i scanned through it. She sure has a lot of clothes. I took out a beige mini dresses,which has a slit at the front and a bow just below the waist and pass it to her. "Nah.. I don't like the color."  After turning her wardrobe upside down, i finally found two dresses. One is long and the other is short. I passed it to her. "Wow i love this." She raise the dark purple off shoulder dress and access it.  "I will take it and you will take the other."  "Wait.. This is even enough for me." I point to my clothe. "You need this cause we're going together." She grinned. "I'm okay, you can go enjoy your party." I said sarcastically. "Kelsey you need to go and  enjoy yourself, you're staying indoors for a week now, let's go out and chill" she said disappearing to the bathroom. ** And here i am dressed ready to go to the party with Riley. I don't even know why i agreed in the first place.  She's right at least go out and chill.  I watched my reflection on the mirror. I've changed this is not me, i touched my frizzy hair which is not straightened and look much better than before and my skin look lighter than before. "You look beautiful." I heard Riley said from behind. "Thanks."  "I'm sure you're going to meet a good man today." She blabbered. Oh Riley  "Shall we." I said trying to change the topic. "Yeah." She replied back. And we marched downstairs where we spot Reth eating. "Where are you guys going in this night." He asked taking a look at me. "To a party." He stopped eating and focused his attention on us. "Riley don't spoil Kelsey with your party stuffs." He stated with seriousness. "Don't worry My protective brother, we're just for chilling and yeah we're not staying for long so rest assured." She said rolling her eyes and walking out of the living room. "Don't mind my silly sister, if you need anything i mean if maybe she passed out you can call me." He said. "Okay." I muttered following behind her. ** The sound of music blast through the room. Everyone is busy with his own business merely dancing, some drinking some have even passed out. "Let's go there." Riley whispered in my ear. Taking our seat, i took in the surrounding feeling uncomfortable. Did i really made a good decision in coming here. Turning my head to the bar section, i spot Riley sitting with one guy drinking. Oh god when did she leave. The waiter offered me a drink which i decline, drinking only a glass of water. After sitting for what felt like hour, i feel suffocated. I decided to take some fresh air maybe i will feel much better, and Riley is probably on the dance floor. The cool breeze came in contact with my skin, closing my eyes i inhale a sharp breath. This feels much better. "What a pretty girl, do you mind having a night with me." I heard someone said from behind. My heart skips seeing a totally drunk man standing in front of me. Before i could take action, he took a hold of my hand. "Come on babe just one night, you're going to enjoy every bit of it." He said trying to get his face closer to me.  "Get off me." I pushed him feeling disgusted by his hold. He once again moved forward. What is this man's problem . "Jack get off her." Someone said. "Jack get off her" Someone said. If I'm not mistaken then I would say I recognized the voice. The hold on my wrist didn't lossen instead he tightened his hold more spinning me along my hands almost land on his chest."What the fuck..." he growl.  My eyes went to Reth, who stood consciously calm. Hands stuffed in his pocket. He pinned the guy down with his piercing gaze that I think any moment things will turn messy and it almost did. "While I'm being nice, let go or you'll have to bear with what's coming for you. I know you understand what I mean" Reth calmly uttered. For some unknown reason which I know only him and Reth know, he let go of my hand and the next thing my eyes could make out is the punch Reth threw at him. With his weak body he fell instantly on the floor. "I think this will be enough warning to you for harrasing girls. I banned you from coming to this bar ever again. I don't want to even see your lookalike"  his threatening words aren't what was surprising. The banned statement he used. Could it be... "Brother what are you doing here?" I almost flinch at Reily uninformed voice. Her voice was slightly husky. Reth passed her a glare. "Can't I come to my own bar. Of all the bars you choose this knowing you cannot hide from me and now look what happen. This asshole..." he trailed off raking his hands through his head.  Amazement was the thing I felt staring at Reth. If he owns a bar then how rich is he. It couldn't be I was saved by a well known man in the city or the country all together. "I'm leaving with Kelsey, if you like sleep at bar" he deadpanned. Reilly expression changes. "Let's go together brother" she announced. "No you better enjoy your party"  "Its not entertaining anymore. The hot hunk I've been eyeing didn't come" "What the-" Reth opened his mouth to say something which I pray he do but he never did.  "Let's go kelsey" he said instead and like something who was given command by her master, I followed behind him with Reiley tailing behind us.  One minutes walk and we're standing in front of his car. Before I could open the back door, Reiley surpass me. I didn't miss the apologetical look she passed me. I only shake my head with a smile.  I can barely say what their personality was like since I haven't been with them for that long. Barely five days. Yet, with the little findings, I would say Reiley's  personality is far different than Reth. Maybe it's because he hasn't showed me any lousy side of him yet. All through our drive back home silence was prevailed. No words were exchanged. Mainly because the one I was free to have a conservation with is sleeping soundly at the back seat. Whereas Reth is quitely driving staring ahead. By the time we arrived at home, Reiley is too heavy for my liking, so Reth picked her up himself. I could hear him muttering some words under his breath, yet I choose not to ask. "Um.. Thank you" I began the moment we're done settling Reiley on the bed. I don't even know what I'm thanking him for. Maybe it's because I'm still guilty about the fact that he doesn't know the real reason I was drowning that time.  He eyes looks quizzical for a moment as if trying to figure out my words. Yet, I made my lips in a thin line and turned around. "Good night" I ushered again getting in the room.  ** I was glad I didn't get drunk if not I don't know what would've happened. Its almost past twelve in the afternoon and Reiley is still sound asleep. I tried to wake her up but to no avail so I left her. When I descened down to the living room I heard some scent throughout the living room. The foot moved on their own to the kitchen, stopping on their tracks when my eyes met with Reth in an apron. His arms flexing up as he flipped over the pancake. For some unknown reason, I found myself checking him out. Some thought formulating in my head. How did someone like him saved her? By his looks and environment of living, he's not an ordinary man then what made him save an ordinary person like her? It's true she consider herself an ordinary person. Her life is an ordinary one. At least before she found out about her Aunt evil acts. Talking of her Aunt. They must be thinking she's dead and their plan was successful. I don't know how to repay Reth for saving my life. He own my life.  "You're up already?" Reth voice revamped to my ear snapping me out of my thoughts completely. "Yeah. I see that you're cooking?" I instantly scold my inner self for blurting out nonsense. He placed the freshly pancake on three plates. "Yeah. Strawberry or Chocolate?" My brows furrow at his question. "I mean do you want Strawberry or Chocolate in your pancake" he repeated.  "I love both. But if I'm to choose then Chocolate" "You have a good taste" he took out the chocolate syrup from the fridge. The strawberry syrup was already on top of the counter. In a flex motion, he topped the chocolate syrup on the two plate and strawberry on the other plate and handed me one. "Thank you"  "You can speak to me freely" he answer back. While taking the plate, his fingers touched mine a little. And he hadn't noticed. "So you two decided to ditch me and eat breakfast alone" Reiley voice resonate to our eardrums. She was dressed in a new clothes.  "Well because you decided not to put your shits together. Be glad I'm in a good mood today" Reth ushered back settling the two plates on the dining.
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