
1128 Words
||Kelsey|| Seeing the stranger in front of me dressed in a black fitted tuxedo, his eyes fixated on me. He has the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I heard the clearing of voice making me snapped out of my thought. The doctor shakes his hand with the stranger. "Mr Thomson she's getting better, she can be discharged."  His eyes flitting across the room then back to me, accessing my body i furrowed my brows in confusion. He sat himself on the couch. "I can see you're getting better" he said. Many thought are running in my head. "Who are you? And why did you saved me?" I blurted out. A smile curved up his lips. "Miss.." he trailed off waiting for me to speak. "Kelsey"  "Miss Kelsey, i will answer all your question when you get discharged" he stated moving himself from the couch. "Thank you Doctor Michael, i have a meeting now i will come back later regarding the discharge." Giving me one last look he sprinted out followed by the doctor. I stared at their disappearing figure. Who is he? The room suddenly felt quite, resting my head on the headboard i thought of the events which brought tears to my eyes. Who could that person be? Why did he tried to kill me? Realization hit me, could it be... The door burst open came in a nurse. "How are you feeling now miss?" she asked keeping the tray filled with meditation on the table beside me. "I'm feeling much better and call me Kelsey" i said offering her a smile, which she gave back in return. "Perhaps can you tell me who that man is... I mean the man who brought me here" i corrected. A frown forms on her face. "You don't know Reth Thomson?"  "Am i suppose to know him" i asked sarcastically. "He's very well known in this city" she answered. "Which city is this?" She watched me as if I've grown two heads She won't understand "You're in Brooklyn City" What! That means I'm far away from my home. "But why do you ask, are you not in the city?" She said curiously. I fake a smile. "No I'm just asking to make sure" "Okay here are some medication you need to take" she explained the instructions. I hate taking medicine After taking a shot, she left giving me a weird look. I know that look , she thinks I'm crazy. ** "Here are the discharge papers, you sign here" the nurse explained. I gave the stranger a confused look as he's towering behind me waiting for me to sign the paper. What is he still doing here? I sign the papers giving them back to the nurse and then turning to him with a questioning look. "So Mr Reth, since I'm now discharged i need the answers to my questions."  I need to know why the very known man as the nurse said saved me. "Okay calm down miss Kelsey, first let's get out of here" he said gazing down. Following his gaze, i realized that my hands are on my hips. Leading us to a nearby café which i can't even pronounce the name. I can see how well known he is by the way customers are watching us, i felt uncomfortable. "So tell me"  "What do you want to know" he said sipping his black coffee. "Everything" i stated straight to the point. He heave out a sharp breath. "First of all I'm Reth Thomson the executive director of Spark Company, I'm an Architect" he said with amusement in his voice. I stared at my hand registering what he just uttered. "And talking of why i saved you? I can literally save anyone who needs help"  Wait what? "So how did you find me?" "I was on a business meeting on that day, so i was exploring the area when i found you drowning" Oh god "Thank you so much for saving my life" i thank him sincerely. "So since I've answered your question can you tell me why you were drowning that day?" he seems to be interested in what I'm about to say by the way he's looking at me. "It's a long story, thank you once again Mr Reth" i extend my hand, shaking it i felt an electrifying shock. "It's my pleasure" he said giving me a smile not leaving my hand. "So let me get going" not waiting for what he's going to say i left the café. Now what am i going to do? I don't have anything with me Where will i go now. All these thought have been running in my head. I can't trust anybody not after what happened to me. I walked through an unfamiliar street which is almost quite by the few people. I didn't watched where i was going when i tripped and fell. Why is life so unfair Brushing off the droplet of tear that threatened to spill from my eyes, i tried standing up but couldn't due to the pain i felt on my ankle. Kelsey why is life so unfair to you? A horn interrupt me from my thinking. I ignored it knowing no one will help me and on top of that it's a new city to me i can't possibly take help from just anyone. The horn continues, i turned my head to check where the horn is coming from and my eyes met with him. Reth What is he doing here again? "I think we are meant to meet again he said" flashing me a smile. I don't even know what to say He helped me up. "So miss kelsey what are you still doing in this quite street not resting at home" What should i tell him? That i don't have home? Home is the place where they tried to kill me. "Miss Kelsey" he called my name. "Oh i don't have a home" Gosh Kelsey why did you have to blurt it out. He stared at me in confusion. "What do you mean?" "No i was joking you can go on your way." He don't seems to be convinced by my remark. Shit "Okay i don't have a place to say, i ran away from home" i don't trust him yet to tell him the reason. "Does your running away from home has to do with drowning yourself?" He asked squinting his eyes. I grinned at him. "Sort of"  He just shakes his head. "Okay first let's get out of here, this street is dangerous for a girl like you" I don't know whether going with this stranger is a good idea but i hope my decision will not turn against me later. **
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