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Kelsey My brows knit in question seeing his unmoved expression. Is it that he didn't hear me or he choose not to answer. "Um.." I opened my mouth to speak up when he beat me to it. "You have nothing to worry about. You can stay for as long as you want. I don't mind" I let out a sigh of relief at his confession and on the other hand, I'm glad he didn't ask me anymore question.  "Thank you Mr. Reth" "Call me Reth" He interjected rising up from his sitting position. Just then Reiley came back with anger evident on her face. "Are you okay?" I found myself asking before I could have a control of my mouth. A smile graced through her face. A smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah. I'll be stepping out for a bit. I have some nasty problems to take care of" The Way she utter the last statement made me sure indeed something is wrong and I think the call might be the reason.  Reth didn't even spare her a glance as he kept advancing his way up to his room or wherever he's headed to. "Aren't you going to say something?" She yelled out on his back. Reth foot came to an abrupt stop and he turned around.  "Excuse me, are you talking to me" He asked pointing to himself.  Reiley passed him a glare which she got q shrug in return. "Go to hell!" She exclaimed turning on her heels. "See you later Kelsey" She ushered to me walking past me. I watched her disappearing figure before turning back to Reth who was consciously staring back at me. "Um... Don't you think you sounded harsh to her just now?" I know it isn't my place to meddle in their matters yet, I feel like he's been harsh on her. A smile made it way out of his lips. "Don't mind her. She'll come along" And then he turned around and left, leaving me in a questionable state. I glanced at the now empty living room. “What just happened?” I muttered to myself.  Throughout the day, I was literally all alone. Ever since Reth entered his office, he didn't come out and Reiley is still not yet back. They left me all alone.  Kelsey, its not like you're not used to it. Being alone.  A short breath left my lips and I closed the book I was reading. I came across it in one of Reiley’s drawer. It's not that interesting but it's still better than doing nothing.  I managed to get my body off the couch and began making a walk to the room. This is the more reason why I need to look for a job. I can't keep depending on them. They've done more than enough. I was preoccupied with my thoughts when my head bumped into a hard surface.  I let out a small yelp rubbing my hands on the spot. My eyes almost widened finding Reth in front of me. “I’m sorry. I wasn't looking. I was occupied with my thought” I bombard all at once. “It’s okay. Probably I wasn't looking my way too” I nodded in answer. I waited for him to walk away instead he stood rooted to the floor.  “Do you need anything?” I asked. It looked like something flashed in his eyes as he offered out a smile. “It’s nothing” He walked pass me. I was about to walk away too he I heard him call my name. “Kelsey” I instantly turned around forming my lips in a thin line. “Yes” “Have you had dinner yet?”  It took me some seconds to process his question in my head. For some reason, it raised goosebumps in my body. “Not yet” I slowly let out looking anywhere else but him.  “I’m heading out to grab dinner. So I’m-” My stomach made a growl sound which is enough proof to show how hungry I was. I chuckled sheepishly.  “It’s settled then. Let's go” He didn't wait for my reply and alighted away. I smacked my stomach for embarrassing me.  When I went outside, he was already inside his car. I opened the front door and got inside. The coolness of the car coming in contact with my skin raising goosebumps. A pile of silence fell on us as we made our way to whatever place Reth is going for the dinner. My eyes were glued to the window. It's better than staring into space.  “Have you gotten the job yet?” Reth suddenly began breaking the uncomfortable silence that befell us.  I shifted my face from the window and spared him a glance. “Not yet. I'm still looking through” I said right lipped. He nodded in answer.  “Do tell me if you need assistance. I can talk with some of my colleagues and friend” “Thank you for the help but I can manage. I don't want to put any burden on you” “And who said you're a burden to me?” I blinked my eyes twice. He turned his face towards me and his eyes lingers on me for a little while. “You’re not a burden to me Kelsey. You should know that” And the car came to a halt in front of a restaurant.  He switched off the engine and made his way out. I was left staring at his back. For some reason, his words held sincerity. I urgently need this job to repay his kindness. Before destiny play another tricks on me. I got down and followed the direction he's headed to. He was already halfway through the door.  “Welcome to Jone's Cuisine” We were immediately attacked with pleasantires from the staff.  Reth trekked towards a quite corner and I followed suite. There were literally few people in the restaurant. “Good day Mr Reth. Do you want your regular?” The young lady asked politely.  “Yes please. But the lady here will order” “Okay Sir. Here's our menu Mam” She passed me the menu and I skimmed through.  “I would like casserole and a glass of lemonade”  “Okay Ma. Your food will be ready soon. Excuse me” As soon as the woman left, Reth threw me his stare. I always find his stares uncomfortable.  “Why did you order little?” “I want to eat something light” He didn't say anything and fished out his phone as we waited for our food to arrive which took five minutes. “Enjoy your food Sir and Madam” And she alighted away. I was surprised when I found just meatballs on his plate. I bet he doesn't eat much. He ordered a non alcoholic wine. “How does it taste?” His question revamped to my eardrums when I took a bite of the casserole.  “It’s tasty” “They make the best snack”  “I can see. Is that why you're a regular?” I raised a question again trying to make a small conversation with him. Maybe we can start by getting to know each other.  “Yeah. This place is my one stop food vendor for as long as I can remember. Even before it became this big” He proudly explained roaming his eyes around the surrounding.  “And you don't get tired of the food?”  “No I don't. I'm used to it already that no food taste better than here. Should I tell you a secret?” The way he said out the words quietly and how his face lit up made me relaxed a bit.  “Sure” He leaned over. “Actually I own half of the restaurant share” He whispered with a smile. My eyes almost widened.  “You do?” “Yeah. But it's a secret. Even the owner doesn't know about it”  No one knows about it except me.  Why did he tell me then? As is he knows what I was thinking, he whispered again. “You’re the only one who knows about it. Even Reiley doesn't” “Even your parents” I immediately regretted my statement because something flashed in his eyes. The once cheerful face was replaced with what I will label as frown. “I’m sorry” “If you're done let's get going. I have some work to take care of” And that's it. He didn't say another word. I dropped my fork losing appetite completely. Throughout our drive back home, no words were exchanged between us. I shouldn't have blurted it out. He barely spare me a glance. Althrough his face was casted straight ahead.  Kelsey you messed up.  As we arrived home, we were met with Reiley curled up in a blanket watching a movie. “Hey guys. You're finally back” She ushered sparing both of us a glance. Reth was about to walk away when I quickly followed him. “Reth”  He turned around but didn't say anything. So I took that as a go ahead to say what is on my mind. “I’m sorry for what I said back at the restaurant. I know I shouldn't cross my limit. I don't want to be the reason for making you angry” My head was casted down as I fidget with my fingers.  “You don't have to apologize. And I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself” And he left leaving me staring at his disappearing figure.
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