
2058 Words
Weston's pov He's lying. My father. A man who swore to me that werewolves were nothing but filthy animals made for vampires to step on. He expects me to believe that he brought this girl- gorgeous as she may be- to be my wife. Without any ulterior motives? No plans to kill her. Or to kill me. We don't get along. If he had a choice, he would make Remy his heir. But he can't do that. I returned my eyes to the female, her scent is perfect. Her hair, the shape of her face and how that dress hugs her figure. She is perfect. But I don't trust anyone loyal or brought to me by him. He once tried to make me befriend a student in middle school, I know for a fact that kid was a spy. Remy told me. Dad tells him almost everything. Forgetting that he's my best friend. We have no secrets. "She's your bride. Treat her right. I'll be back to say goodbye, and have the guards place her things in her room." He moves away for a second. "Play nice, boys." "Sure thing." Remy promises. Dad knows it's a lie. He's not stupid. You don't get to a position like his by being dumb. If that were the case, I'd have killed him years ago. I didn't think he was going to actually find me a wife. It was one joke. I made that stupid joke about not wanting to get married. And he hummed. I should have known he doesn't tell jokes. His sense of humor is similar to that of a dry wall. Rolling my shoulder blades, I nudge Owen slightly to the left so I could tower over this thing. A wolf. The second on the food chain. Right below us. The superiors. The vampires. He said she's head strong. I eyed her. She didn't back down, although her heart was beating irregularly. Her eyes dared me to try something stupid. I found that it irked me. The audacity of this creature to be so beautiful. So enticing with her spicy citrus scent. Who does she think she is? Penelope. Even her name is cute. I can hear it though. The connection my body makes to her. I know the others are reacting better than I am. That's the scent of our mate. Shockingly, my father found me my mate. That's enough reason for me not to trust her. He must be using some kind of voodoo. Some demon magic. I will not be tricked. "Are you going to say something?" She stares at me like I've grown another head. Oh you poor thing. You think being my bride will be easy. I chuckle with a dark undertone. I can't help it. She's innocent. I can feel the purity. The untouched flower. Such a sweet thing will crumble in my hands. Let alone all four of us. "Weston isn't much of a talker." Huxley explains. My eyes never leave her face. Not even as she diverts her to glance him. When it returns, none of the heat is gone. It's intensified. She seems angry. "Okay. But I'm going to be your wife, and I'm a pure blood wolf. Talking is common. We don't brood. We're not very quiet." I tsk, this- "You're also messy, and filthy." "Weston!" Dad's harsh tone doesn't deter me. Penelope bats her lash, I hold back from swooning at how that small gesture made her appear cute. "I bet, I'll be alot neater than you. I only like to be filthy, when I'm running." An image of her running through the woods in her wolf form crossed my mind. Curiously, I tilted my head. "You can't do that in the academy. Haven't you been signed in? Given the briefing? Classes resume tomorrow." "She's a fast learner. Just don't do anything foolish, son." I cringed. Finally shaking myself from looking at her. "Don't call me that." "Daddy issues." Owen burst laughing. I glared at Remy and he made a heart shape. Huxley silently watching us. "Do you need anything else? I know what to do, okay? She's here. I'll give her the ring. Please leave." My mood shatters when his mouth twitches into a smile. "Begging? Wow Weston, you've really lost it. Penelope, don't be too disappointed with my son. You'll have my prodigies to fill in where he fails." Familiar anger washed through me. I felt fingers touch my arm, and a cheek- warmer than any I've ever felt- rests on my shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Dad grants her a smile. Something he doesn't give me. Unless it comes with mockery. "You have my number. Call if you need anything." I wait until he leaves before turning to stare at the girl holding me. Did she do that to appease my father or- Penelope rips herself from me, she coughs. "Where's my room?" "Huxley will show you." She nods, and Huxley- always the gentle one- leads her towards the steps. He makes small talk, and she responds as if her thoughts are somewhere else. I should read her mind. At some point. "You good?" Remy quizzes, we're staring at the empty spot where our mate once stood. I should hate him. He's my father's favorite prodigy. Undergoing training for a high powered position. Just like the twins. Dad treats them like people. I was raised differently. Like an outcast to my own family. Oh well, it no longer bothers me. "I'm alright. She doesn't belong here." I remind him. I know how easy he gets when the word mate is involved. I don't want that for us. Not until I know her true motives. My father wouldn't just bring a werewolf, into his homeland, to be my wife. Not unless he's planning some sort of ritual. And if that's the case. Then I want her safe. f**k, I don't know how I feel about this. "She doesn't but she's here to stay. And seeing as she belongs to us, you better behave." I snorted. Turning my attention to Owen who has his teeth clamped on his thumb, looking lost in his thoughts. The smile in his face gives a small hint about what he's thinking. I'm not sure I want to know. Owen has a ..... special mind. The rest of the day passes with me locked in my room. Trying to avoid any contact with my mate. My reaction annoys me to a degree. I know Remy must be going off the roof, I could feel the strength and excitement coming from all of them. My fingers brush past my curls, why am I the only feeling half assed? Because you know your father. Yes, I do know him. My phone shakes me out of my daze. I blink at the mirror. I've been standing there. Contemplating whether or not to give into my urge to go downstairs and get some stocked blood or not. I hate that frozen s**t. But I hate animal blood worse so my choices are limited while I'm in school. I snatched the blaring device off the bed, and thumbed the answer button without checking to see who it was. My mistake. "WeStOn!" Oh god. Who gave this little brat my number? "I've told you not to call me when you're drunk." "Jokes on you! I'm not even drunk." "He's lying." a deep tone announces in the background. So my chest eases a little knowing my little brother is safe. He drinks like a psycho despite being sixteen. Dad won't scold him. He could never. Hell, I would berate him if he did. "I wat to talk to my big brother." My eyebrow scrunches. "you what?" "He meant 'want-" "No. I meant what I said." there's a small pause where he hiccups into the phone. "What did I say?" I pinch my temple and compose myself. "What do you wanna tell your big brother?" "I love you. And you're the best big brother ever!" He says this every Sunday when he drinks. I don't know why no one stops this toxic routine. And I can't be there to stop him. He's stubborn. I sigh. "You won't say it back?" I know he's pout. He's going to add crying to it. "I love you too. You're the only Salvatore I don't want to kill." He screams happily into the phone. I can't wait to do this next week again. "Tell me about your day." I asked him. He immediately went into what he did, what he ate and everything detail. My little brother is as clingy as you'd expect. So I take it upon myself to protect him. The way I do to my blood mates. We should be enemies, but fate had other plans. Whether they're my father's proteges or not, they've become my best friends. After an hour, he was exhausted. It didn't take much to convince him to go to bed. Starting tomorrow, most of my classes will be at night. Havoc mixes things. Since we're all vampires, night classes are popular. Some non day walkers can rest during the day, and learn during the nights. I shuffled down the stairs, finally convincing myself to go get something to eat. It took me one second on the first floor to get a waft of her scent. I bit my lip. Deciding on whether to return to my room, or to just kick the dust and go into the kitchen. The latter involved blood so I chose it. Penelope stood in the kitchen, gripping her hair in her hands and glaring at it. The dark color must be repulsive to her. The hate in her eyes can't be hidden. I searched her mind for answers as to why she was glaring at her own hair. My head strained for a second, and clarity hit me. I can read her mind. But not all of it. Something she said was blurred from me hearing it. There's only one man who can do that. He's definitely up to something. Why else would he tamper with her mind. He knows you'll check. I cursed. Unfortunately, she heard me. Wolves have impeccable hearing because even I couldn't hear my swear. Penelope had a hopeless look on her face before she corrected it. "Hi, sorry, am I allowed to be here?" What kind of question is that? "Yeah. You live here now." "right." she deadpanned. My stomach turned in a bad way. Her thoughts raced. She was angry. Confused. And she didn't like the fact that her hair had been- dyed? I parted my mouth to say something, then a thought stopped me. It would be more useful if she didn't know I could read her mind. Only members of the royal family can do that. So thank f**k. We have alot of weirdos. To the public, Havoc is an elite university. Only those in here know what it truly is. "You know, I think your long hair sticks out too much. You should cut it. Add a little white." She skeptically stared at me. "You think so?" There's something wrong with her. Is that right to say? I don't know but it's obvious something is shattered in her. I sigh, running both hands through my my hair. "Yeah. This school is all about clique. You already stick out as a wolf. As our bride it'll be worse. You need to hold your head high. Never show weakness. If they sense it, they'll eat you alive. Stick to us. If someone tries to intimidate you, just act unbothered." I walked past her as I spoke. "Being nice will get your killed or mixed with the A class elites." "The what?" Yeah, she'll never survive. I caught her eyes with mine. "Stick with us. Trust me, you'll never survive. Whatever werewolves thing you've learnt or gotten used too, throw it away. This school doesn't produce the weak." She deepens her frown. "You just called me weak. And practically said I don't belong here." I crack a smile unintentionally. "You're smart. I like that." Her cheeks switch to the shade of a ripe tomato. She's too pale for a wolf. I searched the fridge for one of the bottles, and snatch one. "Good luck tomorrow." I leave her with a dark chuckle.
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