New Home

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Penelope's pov "Wake up, Miss Rogan, the king has requested your presence." I couldn't sleep. Morning came faster than I wanted it too. All I did was stare at the ceiling of the guest bedroom, contemplating everything. There's nothing but anger, bitterness, in my soul. How can I seduce someone? I'm on the path to destruction. All I want to do is hate and be alone. But I really don't have a choice. Do I challenge the great vampire king? That's a type of death that I'm not interested in partaking in. I know I've seen hell but I believe he will reeducate me. A sigh, sounds draining right now. I soundlessly rolled out of the bed. I'd been dressed for hours now. Like I said, I didn't sleep. Honestly, how could I? I'm in the worst place known to man. My only wish right now is to throw myself into a pile of dirt and never wake up. Finally receiving peace. Four years? Devote another couple years of my life into doing something for someone else? I guess it could really be worse. Though I can only imagine so little that could top this. He promised me freedom, do I believe him? Of course not. But he has no reason to lie. And it would be nice to hope for something. The last time, it included love, mates. I clicked my tongue, and grabbed... nothing. They've prepacked my bags. Stepping out of the room, I was greeted by two vampires. Both females. They hide their disgust well but I can see it in their eyes. They feel superior and want nothing more than to take me out. Whatever. It's no prize for me to even be in their presence. Vampires. Always at the top of the hierarchy. Feeling like they're better than everyone. I was once obsessed. Lured in by a movie I accidentally saw while cleaning. I thought they were sexy creatures who glistened under the glare of the blazing hot star. Well, I was somehow right. But the movie sugarcoated their sadistic murderous nature. "This way." The woman to the right said. We walked in blissful silence, but I could feel the eyes of the servants as I passed by. I've only been here a day and I already know that they don't like me. They stare too much. I turned my neck, catching the glimpse of red hair. The person, male probably, was walking away from the room I'd just stepped into. A knight following him closely. The red haired spun for a second, and the first thought that crossed my mind was.... beautiful. His emerald red eyes, clear pale skin, and red lashes. Pink bright lips, he was beautiful. Slim and smirking. Now that I could see his face, It reminded me of a very young version of the king. Except, the king has blonde hair. Mm he must have gotten the hair from his mom. I think. He's just beautiful. He brings up a hand and waves before continuing his exit. I had stopped walking to watch gaze upon his mesmeric beauty. It stole my breath. And my attention. Dressed so prestigiously. You would be blind to not think he was royalty. He had the crest of the first vampire on his jacket. The den of Heathens, England's nickname. I may have studied too much on their kind during my spare time. "Penelope." I flipped my head to the sound of the king's voice. He was dressed like the red haired. His eyes were on me, empty. I couldn't tell what was crossing his mind. It's scary to think about the power this man holds. I bent forward, giving a polite bow. "Yes sir?" "I want you to be on your best. Show me that you can follow orders. Follow what I say, and don't argue." His eyes have me grabbed into something. The whole room fades to black. We're all alone. "I will not hesitate to slander your name, and thousands of innocent wolves if you break your contract. Did you remember what you read?" Yes. You made me sit for dinner last night. You made me read and repeat each word out loud to you to hear. I know the rules. I know the consequences. I know what he expects of me. And I'm waiting for the day he's disappointed because I'm not a miracle worker. I'll do my best. For the slightest chance that he'll grant me a chance to start my life again. At the age of 22. Not bad. "Yes. I understand. You don't have to worry. I'll play the part of the perfect mate." His face doesn't change. "Show me a happy smile?" I felt something punch my heart. But he's in for a surprise. I can lie with my face. I've done it for years. I squinted my eyes, and broadened my cheeks. "Perfect. You'll do just fine, little thing." The room returned back to the way it was. They had no idea what he'd done. Hell, even I didn't know. It's like he stepped into my mind. The king sat beside me in the car again. He could have taken another vehicle. Or he could have chosen a seat facing me instead. There's no body heat. Well there is. But his isn't as strong as that of a wolf. How do they function? "Sir." I cleared my throat. "Where-" "Havoc Academy. I'm taking you to where you'll be living for the next four years." Oh? Great. I kept my lips pressed, toying with the sleeves of my shirt. At one point, I stared out the window. The fine streets made me nostalgic. I had my parents for a while. We used to go for rides during hot summer evenings or cold winter mornings. With nostalgia comes pain. I swallowed the lump that must have been stuck in my throat. The drive from the palace to the academy took six hours. The king said nothing and I tried not to speak. I could feel Aphrodite offering me comfort, but I couldn't hear her. I wish she could speak, but we don't make the rules. I'll take her as she is. The comfort is better than nothing. "Get out, and walk close to me. Head high. Eyes emotionless. You show weakness and they will eat you up." The door to the king's side flew open before I could make a response. Mine was next. A guard brought his hand out. I took, allowing myself to be pulled out of the car. I slipped my body to the offered jacket. Emptied my face and followed the king's instructions. The students walking by froze. God my scent must be obvious. I made sure to relax so my heart wouldn't give me away. I stepped next to the king, everyone dropped to their knees. Pressing their heads to the floor. It's snowing. They didn't give a s**t. Showing their respect to the king was more important that their healths. He ignored them, stepping on the crunchy snow towards the gates we were parked in front of. A stone home, duplex maybe. It had a name attached to the gate. No, a crest. The Salvatore crest. Does the prince live here alone? Lucky him. I glanced to the side, and hissed. Leaning away from the plant growing without issues. "Right. Weston loves to plant Aconitum." In my language, Wolfs-bane. His son, my soon to be fake mate, plants one of the main things that can kill my kind. Do they even understand what Wolfs-bane does to humans and wolves? After the ingestion of the plant, symptoms can include a slow or fast heart rate, numbness and tingling as well as gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea! Diarrhea!! Just imagine! I leaned into the king, trying to stay as far from the plant as I could. I pinched my nose together, to keep the scent out. "I'll tell him to keep it away from you." The walkway matches the house. But on each side is that dreadful plant. We hopped up the staircase. I heard loud chatting coming from the inside. The guards had stopped following us. The king didn't knock, yet I knew he was alerting the people on the inside of his presence. Telepathy. Do they really have that ability? Eyes. Fuck. From servants to students. A click comes from the inside, the door slides open. Everything happens in slow motion for me. The person behind is not what I was expecting. He looks nothing like the king. They don't even have the pale skin in common. Sharp green eyes, I swear he's staring past my soul and judging me. Dark hair, messy. Piercings on his lips. A chain around his neck. Tattoos on his arms, and a Loli pop in his mouth. Did I forget to mention he's wearing matching sweats? My cheeks burn when he let's his lips curve into a smirk. "Remy. Step aside." He nods. "Sure thing, dad." I glanced at the king, my mouth gapes when he rolls his eyes. Pushing the teen boy out of the way and strolling in. I stood there. Unsure of what to do. If I come in, I'm going to be close to that- Remy- who's still holding the door. "Come, Penelope." "Yes sir." I hurry in at the king's tone. My nose picks on Remy's cologne and his earthy musk. He must love the outdoors. He smells- and I know this is strange- like he was born there. Remy whistles before shutting the door. He flicks my spine and I wince. Turning to glare. Which only lasts a quarter of a second because the moment I turn, he starts laughing and my anger switches to embarrassment. "She's cute!" he shouts. I rush away from him. Tracing the king's scent to the living room. In there, it seems more embarrassment is waiting for me. Remy isn't the king's son. Standing next to his father is a blonde male with a stature just as powerful as the king. His eyes are a pearly blue, they seem to be sparkling. But he's not alone. Next to him are two identical males. White almost bleached colored hair. Silver eyes, and evil smiles. The prince turns from his father, his expression as void as the king. Geezus. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. "Meet Penelope. She's the bride I told you about." The prince's eyes take on a mocking stare for a second before they soften. "She's a wolf." I keep my body from flinching. I can feel Remy's body behind me, blocking my path of escape. "Thank you, Weston." the king comments dryly. "I'll be sure to applaud your teachers for teaching you how to see and make observations." Remy snorts, cackling madly. Weston rolls his eyes to his father. "Very funny. I see you've figured out what sarcasm is. Want a cookie?" Holy s**t. This is how you get slapped in my pack. One of the white haired twins steps away from Weston. "She's ours?" Ours? "Yes. She's to marry all of you since you're blood mates." My eyes blink. The king gives me that side eye, he wants me to follow his words. Confusion rings through my body. "Um, yes, I am. I'm Penelope Rogan." "Cute. I'm Owen." He introduces with a hand. I'm weary as I shake it. "That's my twin, Huxley." He has a charming smile, the devil's ice breaker. My heart kicks and I warn it to relax. The king said nothing about the other three. He said.... the contract said.... -pretend to be the bride to the prince, and prodigies. What? No, I thought.... huh? How did I overlook the meaning of that?! "But father, she's a wolf. You want the future queen of the Heathens Den to be one of them?" Weston holds hints of suspicions in his voice. Like he doesn't trust that his father is being honest. Shit! "She's perfect. Penelope isn't going to be bullied off by any of you. She's head strong. Just what you need." Congratulations your majesty. You have more faith in me than I do of myself. Did they say blood mates? I've heard of that. Platonic mates. It only happens in vampire culture. A wolf can't have a platonic mate. That means you and that person are connected for life. You'll share your mate. Oh, I see now. Even if the king didn't add the prodigies to the contract, I would still have to pretend that I'm dating them as well. I am so doomed. I wonder how long I'll be able to do this before I mess up. Give or take, one week.
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