First Day

1968 Words
Penelope's pov "Where is she? Where is that worthless piece of-" a woman's voice echoes through the walls. My head peaks up, a drowsy feeling engulfs me. What the.... where am I? I turned my head to the right, seeing nothing but a blur. As if my eyes have been crowded by water. "Honey, relax. What happened?!" "That harlot hurt my son. She- she- just let me get to her. Let me rip her throat from its place." The woman cried with anger. I flinched. Drawing my hands to wipe my eyes. Or at least I tried too. The piece of metal wrapped around my wrist, a chain maybe, makes a dangling noise, and my body freezes as if it's a statue. "What was that?" "What was what?" "That sound. It was almost like a chain. Did you not hear it?" "No no. You must have imagined it. Seph, you should rest. When I find that harlot, I will bring her to you immediately." My chest tightens. Are they talking about me? A harlot? What? The blur still blocks my vision. My throat is dry, I coughed out. Hearing nothing in return. I know I coughed, but I heard no sound. Is something wrong with my voice? I tried again. This time opting to scream. My ears were met with nothing but silence. What happened? Panic filled me. 'Don't freak out. This is normal.' A soothing tone, so soft I doubt whether I'm imagining it or not, whispers to me. Rather than calming me as the owner of the voice must have hoped, my body twitches. A sharp pain shoots into my ears. My eyes fly open, a white ceiling meets their gaze. What the- My fingers rise to the bridge of my nose. I pressed down on there, a small ache forms in my head. A thumping that alerts me to my surroundings. I'm not chained up. I'm back in a predicament just as bad as that nightmare. Aphrodite works some sort of magic, I feel her aura cooling my chest. I felt suffocated for a moment. I thanked her, I'm not sure how she did it but my headache is gone. Just as fast as it came. What was that dream? A prediction of your future? A tone mocks in my mind. I groaned. Leave it to my brain to turn a nightmare into something worse. I tossed the covers to the side. I'd skipped dinner last night. Though I wasn't invited. I don't think they'd have anything for werewolves to eat. Do vampires take anything other than blood? I guess I'll find out. I continue to stare at the ceiling. My legs spread into a ridiculous position. This is the first time I've had a bed to call my own. It.... it feels nice. It comes at a price, but having something to call my own feels nice. The closet is stocked with clothes. There's a shelf with books and a timetable. I feel.... I feel terrified and excited. A soft tap to my door startles me. My nose twitches. I've associated them by scent. It's so potent I can tell exactly who it is. Huxley. What a charming name. "Are you awake, Penelope?" My teeth sinks into my bottom lip. Do I respond? It would be rude not too. My mouth suddenly feels dry, and I can't fathom a response to save my own live. I stepped out off the bed, and took small strides to the door. My fingers shake as I turn the knob. My hair is messy, and I haven't done anything about my morning breath or stench. But my brain refuses to form a sentence so this is all I can do. Goddess, even my body is against me. Huxley grins, confusing me momentarily. Why's he smiling? Is there something on my face? My foot steps back, taking in his appearance. His hair is longer than his twin. Only by inches. They hang off his face, covering his ears. I can see the skull earrings dangling down. Wow, he's almost like a goth. Without the eyeliner. And well.... what is he wearing? It's too formal. "Um?" Please tell me I wasn't staring at him in a creepy manner. "Morning. Sorry to disturb you, but Weston is very precise on when we leave for our classes. We have two hours until he turns into a princess, as Remy puts it." I clapped my right hand over my mouth to aid me stifling my laughter. "A princess?" I ask between giggles. Huxley's eyes take on a dazed look. His silver eyes are so.... beautiful. They're soul sucking. I just can't look away. Although, I haven't tried. "Yep. A real bratty princess. The king says your uniform is at the end of the closet. We have uniforms for every day of the week. Weekends are for clubs, and sports." My laugh dies. They have a more strict routine system than what we had back in the wild coyote. We didn't even have uniforms there. "Oh. Your timetable is also there. So please get ready." "Uh.... this is all so new." I'm so lame. How can they be okay with me being their bride? Even though it's temporary. Huxley smiles, he seems genuine about it. But can I honestly trust that smile? It's too beautiful to be anything but deceitful. "That's okay. It took me a while too. You'll be fine. Just stick with one of us, and never back down. If you're weak in this school, let's say things will get really bad." "How bad?" Penelope! Why are you asking? Huxley glances both ways, then he leans into my personal space. His lips graze my ears lightly. "There was a guy, very young, in middle school who cowered under one of the S tiers." I gulped audibly. "What happened to him?" "She slapped and spat on him. So he killed her. His rank was raised from D tier to S overnight." WHAT?! I turned my neck without thinking, my nose smacks into Huxley's and our lips brush. Everything I planned floats out of my brain. His cheeks turn about the same shade as mine. I shoved him out of the room. "I'll be ready in an hour." I shouted, slamming the door. Goddess, am I stupid or what? How did that happen? I should be more careful. My lips tingle, and my chest feels funny. I hope I'm not getting sick. I was ready in less than an hour. The uniform, let me be real, is ugly. But beggars can't be choosers. The red blazer holds the crest of the school. HA. In gold and black. My skirt is a little bit too short, stopping a few inches below my personal area. I rubbed my face, eyeing my reflection. Who is this girl? My hair is balled up into a ponytail. The color is odd. Black is not for me. It only highlights how pale I am. Though my white hair had done the exact same thing. I should cut it short, just as the prince suggested. The timetable was easy to understand. First day, History, Defense- verbal (whatever that means) and a few others that I'm sure only belongs to this school. I stuffed some notes, pens, pencils and textbooks on each subject into one of the bags in the closet. Deep breaths, Penny, you'll be fine. Maybe 'fine' is too generous. You will survive. Hmm, nope, sounds too unrealistic. With my chin up, and a smile on my face, I strolled out of the room. Locking it with my key, and heading down the hall. "She's not going to be late." I heard Remy talking to someone. "How are you so sure? Do you know her?" That sounds like Weston. One day here and I already know all of them by scent, name, and voice. I'm a creepy person. Even for the normal standard. I kept walking so it wouldn't be like I was eavesdropping. "She's our mate. We should trust her." "She's-" Weston slams his lips, his gaze finding mine. Mate? That word threatens to turn me from the inside out. I gripped the strap of my bag tightly. Remy ducks his head to see who or what Weston was staring at. The twins do the same. They trail their eyes from the very top of my head to my legs. Owen's drives his stare to where my skirt stops, and cups his chin in his hand. I know I'm not very pretty, they don't have to stare. I probably look stupid. What are the odds? An omega like myself, being the mates to four vampires? Ridiculous. They must have the wrong person. Or I misheard. Yes, I misheard. Alot of words sound like mate. Like plate. They were saying something about me being their plate. Yup. "So, are we going?" I pretended like I heard nothing. Because I must have heard wrong. In what world will the goddess tie me to not only an abusive monster who rejects me, but also four of the most important vampires in all of England. Yeah, I'd like to give her a little more credit. She can't be that cruel. And mates only cause you pain, I'd rather avoid that. Weston clears his throat. "Yes. Right this way." He leads us out of the house. Huxley nudges my shoulder with his, our cheeks dusting pink as we give each other a strange stare. I can't explain it. I kept my distance from the wolfsbane, the smell crawling up my nose and making me want to hurl. Remy noticed, because he said something about it to Weston. "Weston, you need to remove those. They're poisonous to werewolves." Weston scoffs a bit a first, one look from Remy and he sighs. Waving his hands up and down. "Get in the f*****g car." Remy cackles, he slugs one arm over Weston's shoulders. The kind of look on his face is one that I envy. It's the kind that stems from developing a close bond over the years. Blood mates, platonic love that ages with time. But never ceases. I should be poet. They're attractive, and I'll admit, I hate it. Why couldn't they been ugly? Or at least, not attractive to my eyes. But no. Of course they'd been hotter than a roast brisket. Owen pulled the door open for me, and my cheeks burned from pink to red. At this point, the twins will turn me into a tomato. The ride to the main school building was tense for me. I was sloshed between Remy, who's body heat is alot different from the others. It's almost like mine, but I'm like a furnace and he's just warm. The others are basic warm, and Weston. I wonder.... no, it must just be me. And this my new strange obsession with body heat. We arrived at the school shortly, students were filing out. And I dreaded having to get out. It takes one step for things to kick off. And I'm going to do that. One step. Remy helped me out of the car, I didn't require such help but I made no form of argument. They all had gentleman behavior. Strange creatures, these vampires. I surveyed the students. Girls chatting in groups caught my focus, I believe Weston mentioned something about cliques. Since I don't have any friends. Wow, that's so sad. I thought without malice. I took the first step, sliding my arm into the crook of Owen's. Unlike Huxley, Owen's smile isn't so pretty. It's more, sadistic. But somehow it fits him. He makes it work.. This is my first day, it's going to be okay. Manifestations right? You gotta say good things to get good things. "Is that a f*****g wolf?" Oh s**t.
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