Classes and Bitches

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Penelope's pov "Is that a f*****g wolf?" I didn't look at the owner of the voice, but I could hear their footsteps heading towards us. Remy, and the others seemed to pick on my distress. Not distress technically, but panic. Isn't that the same? f**k, I don't know. My chest pumps, only a little harder than normal. I can feel a strange tightness, as if someone tied a rope to my lungs. I managed to keep my eyes open, gripping Owen's flesh tightly. I'm sure they can hear the change in my heart, I'm supposed to keep my head up and show no weakness. I've already failed. My eyes falter for a moment, but I'm able to keep them up. The footsteps come to a halt, and the owner of the voice whistles. I watched this girl, bright purple hair and a dark skin that sparkled under the heat of the sun. All those cliches about vampires glowing like a Christmas tree under the sunlight, and here she is. Making it seem so real. The light practically turns her skin into a disco. With a lolipop in her mouth, and a cheerful look in her sombre eyes, she analyzes me. "And to think, I almost decided to skip this semester. Hi, I'm-" Remy cuts through her sentence. His tone harsh. "She's not interested in interacting with you. Move along, Rose." Do they know each other? Rose tilts her head so our eyes meet. "I'm Roseline. You don't me. I don't know you. But by the end of the semester, that will change. Toodles." she waves with her fingers, before skipping off like a goat on crack. I'm serious, she's not a pretty skipper. And it's weird that she's the only one skipping. I admire that weird confidence. Owen tugs on my index finger to get me to look up. "Avoid her." He says in one go, and then as if the whole school planned for this, they all snap out of their trance and go back to conversing amongst themselves. Isn't that creepy? I found myself slowing my breath, reaching a normal state by the time Owen had walked me to my first class. If I wasn't trying to calm my raging pulse, I would have had half a brain to ask how he knew my class schedule. Huxley had been the one to wake me up. Do twins have a psychic connection? Is that how he knew? Actually, all of them walked me to my class. They formed this protective circle around me, and by the time we arrived at the history class, I was practically reeking of their scent. But I guess to vampires scents don't mean that much. We paused by the door. I unlocked my arm from Owen's, and turned to face them. "So, I'll go in." I said, feeling a clammy sweat in my palms. Remy stepped up to me, his strong hands drop to my shoulders and my heart does a little flip. "Call us, if anything happens. You're gonna do greatly." He presses his lips to my cheek and runs off. Leaving me dumbstruck with my brain melting from the small show of affection. What is wrong with him? He doesn't even know me. She's our mate. Remy's words replay back to me. Do they really think I'm their mate. My heart gives a little pump, and I can feel a sensation close to the one I got for Ryker. No f*****g way. I don't care who I have to crush but I will not be made a fool of. Twice. A werewolf like myself, mated to four vampires? Am I cursed? Did I offend the moon goddess in a past life? Nope. Not this time. If I pretend it doesn't exist then I can't face another rejection. Not in the same month. I just don't believe in mates anymore. So my heart can beat all it wants. My pulse can run, and my body can feel what it wants but my mind is settled. I sent the rest of them a blank look. "Thanks for walking me to my class." I said, turning and entering the classroom before they could say anything else. As I searched for a seat, I tried to erase Owen and Huxley's heated look. Like they wanted to hold me or kiss me. Weston's face bottled his emotions, but he was dastardly gorgeous with the looks of an angel. He certainly can't be trusted. I can fake this relationship. I can pretend. But I need to protect myself. That pain for being rejected hurt. And what followed after still causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. "Over here." Oh Lord. My thoughts froze in a spot, I wasn't given the chance to complete my ramble about them when Rose grabs me by the elbow and pulls me into the seat next to her. Well, there goes avoiding her. What are the chances of us being in the same class? I was going to say to myself, that I'm being ridiculous. My job is to trick the public eye. I need to keep my heart guarded and go along with this mate s**t. "Hiiiii." She says, giggling into my ear. I faked a smile, and ducked my head away. Unstrapping my bag, and pulling out my history textbook and a free note. The students in the class keep glancing at me, and mumbling about me. I feel like an art piece on display at a museum. All their stares are wide and intrigued. Have they never seen a werewolf before? The teacher is also staring but he cuts his look off, when I brought my attention to him. "This is the first time we're having a wolf in our midst. Might I ask why you're not in some forest, defecating with your kind?" Oh. I see why they're looking at me strange. They think they're so superior- I already knew that- and werewolves are mongrels suffering in the rain forest. It's almost funny. Almost is the key word. They need lessons on how to tell jokes that can crack me up. I took a deep breath, trying to pick that part of me that pretended everything was fine for years. Dreaming about her mate. She was delusional, but she was also a good liar. "I thought vampires were smart, but if that's the best insult you can come up with for werewolves then you need to go back to preschool." The teacher's smile drops faster than I can blink. His jaw hardens, and in a second he's in front of me. I leaned back so I could look at him. "I'm Penelope Rogan. I'm Prince Weston's bride. I read that every class is forty minutes. Can we get to it already?" The gasps that erupts is insane. Are they really- no, I would be stunned too. Like if Ryker brought a vampire as his mate. I don't care about him, though, it's just a good example. "I didn't think the king would let his spawn date filth. Are you sure you're not lying? Werewolves are known for being-" "- pathological liars." I completed his sentence. His frown deepens into a full blown scowl. "You're predictable." I twisted my upper body to face Rose, she looks so impressed. "Did you see me Owen?" She pulled her lolipop out with an audible pop sound.."As a matter of fact, I did. She was being guarded by prince Weston and the three musketeers." The teacher darts his eyes between me and Rose. Then he returns to the board, murmuring something that I picked up on. "The king wants to give out our secrets to a wolf. How disgraceful." I'm just realizing, I can get him fired. If I report his back handed words about the king, to the king. I released my breath, and focused on the class. Vampires are very interesting. The class was a briefing of last semester's topics, and what we should expect for this one. Once it ended at the ring of a bell, I packed my stuffed and headed out of the class. There's a map on every hall, I can find my verbal defense class without having to contact my...... boyfriends? Fiances? "So, that was pretty cool." "huh?" It's Rose again. Aphrodite sends me a mixed feeling. I think she's trying to tell me that she doesn't trust Rose. And honestly, neither do I. I don't know her. Why does she want to talk to me? "I'm saying speaking up to the teacher, especially that teacher, was pretty cool. And bold. No one f***s with him." She's trying to scare me and I can feel it. I'm not scared though. We had a teacher in the WC who would cuff me to his chair, and leave me there for days. Preventing me from eating, or doing anything. I'd stay there while the cleaners swept, and the students laughed. This man, is nothing compared to that teacher. I bounced my shoulders, and returned to checking the map. "Do you need some help?" Thankfully, I didn't. The next class was only down the hall. "Nope." I responded shortly, and moved to walk away. She snatches my wrist and squeezes down on it. "You should be honoured, that I even want to talk to you. Instead, you're feeling high and mighty. Let me guess, you had to pull the ultimate s*x move out of your ass just to get into this school?" What a two faced b***h. Again, she's nothing compared to my very own cousin. I think I've seen enough at the WC that all this feels like it doesn't compare. But I'm not about to tell her that. I twist my wrist from her grasp, and walk off without a response.. I know her eyes are on me. There are alot of eyes on me. I can make it to the end of the day. I'll even skip lunch. Who needs to eat anyways. Though I avoided dinner and Breakfast wasn't an option so I should eat something. My head bumps into something hard. I took two steps back, and poured out an apology. "Yuck. A f*****g werewolf." A hiss comes as a reply to my words. I bat my lashes and peer at the male glowering at me. Oh no. "What are you doing here?" Am I always going to have to explain this to people? I understand why they're acting this way. The UK belongs to vampires. Only vampires live here. They conquered and run the place. This is going to get annoying, and this brute doesn't look like he wants to talk. "I-" He sucks in sharply through his nose, and backs away from me. In a small whisper, something I'm sure very few heard. "Aphrodite." He makes a U turn and sprints like he'd seen the ghost of a dead relative. What just happened? Did he just call the name of my wolf?
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