Chapter 6

1454 Words
“Who the hell are you,” I asked stunned as I looked him over, he was dressed in a pantsuit and had an apron on. “And what are your pronouns,” I added He looked down, blushed, then to our horror his appearance changed into the woman that fit the pantsuit and apron. “Sorry about that but it would be best to answer your questions with you two sitting down. I’d rather you two be fully clothed as well,” this person said with a nod of their head The next thing we knew we were wearing skinny jeans and long-sleeved t-shirts with our usual jewelry, “Okay, you must be some sort of wizard from Harry Potter, a Metamorphmagus if I remember correctly.” “That is partially correct, I am more of a Harry Potter, DC combination,” they said, “and please use the pronouns of the gender I’m representing.” I nodded thinking once more, “So does that mean you’re part alien and part Hogwarts wizard,” Aili asked and she nodded. “So you’re not from here,” she asked and the woman shook her head “So you’re like J'onn J'onzz but unlike him, you have been born here and had similar magical abilities like the characters of Harry Potter,” I asked and she looked up at me and smiled. “Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a close winner,” she said, “now sit down and eat and I’ll explain to you who I am.” I sighed, “Alright, but please tell us how we can trust a person who snuck into our house and made us food?” “Well let me begin with this,” she said setting down two plates, “I’m working with the government and the King of the Gods doesn’t exactly like murder.” “Wait,” Aili started “Eat, and I’ll explain,” the woman said as she took her apron off, and soon we found ourselves sitting at the counter and started eating. “Okay,” she began, “My name is Sam, I am a minor goddess and was assigned to take care of you; the god of love wants people to find their soulmates and also wants them to find the right person instead of staying in any toxic relationship.” I placed my fork down, “So we are having a goddess take care of us that has the same name as one of my original characters in my fanfiction,” I said and Sam nodded as I groaned and continued eating as I started thinking about why the government thinks we’re kids to be taken care of “That groan tells me that you’re wondering why the government wants a goddess to watch you,” Sam said and I nodded. “Well, this isn’t exactly to mother hen you, I suppose, this is more of protection since you are the first soulmates that are together. I won’t physically be with you but I will always sense when one of you is in danger. There may be a quarantine but there will be paparazzi around, especially now, I know that you are both capable of defending yourselves but I will be your backup since the god of love doesn’t want his first soulmate couple to get hurt.” I heard Aili grumble as she kept eating, “Now when you say the god of love are you referring to multiple gods and goddesses like in Greek and Roman mythology?” Sam the minor goddess, smiled and nodded, “Yes but our religion has died down significantly since there isn’t anyone writing any books about our religion. The Greek and Roman and Egyptian gods and goddesses are loving their fame,” she said and I sunk back in little shame since my fanfiction dealt with the Greek and Roman stories. “There is nothing against you writing your fanfiction, you do not have to follow the religion since I’m your backup,” she said and I smiled. “I’m sorry I was ranting,” she added and I nodded “It’s fine,” I said, “what’s your religion?” Sam shrugged, “It wasn’t given a name, it's that old, you wouldn’t know it since no one believed in it.” I swallowed my pancake and opened my mouth to say, “If the government believes in you, you have to have a name for your religion, what would the god of love and the King of the gods call your religion while talking to public figures?” “They never told us,” she muttered, “trust me I don’t like it either,” she added and I nodded “That sucks,” Aili finally said then turned to me as I took my last bite, “can I talk to you Liz, alone?” I nodded, “Yeah, excuse us, Sam,” I said and she nodded as we left the kitchen. We climbed to our hiding spot at the top of the house, “What’s up?” “What’s up,” she repeated, “what the f**k do you think it up? A goddess is watching us from an unknown religion that the government has failed to tell us about and you want to ask what’s up? I'm pissed that she’s our backup and our motherly figure; we’ve lived in a dorm for almost a full year and they don’t think that we can’t take care of ourselves,” Aili exclaimed, pacing back and forth. “What about people like your mother who are adults, what do you think they’ll do once they find a godly being watching over them and being a parental figure to them?” I shrugged, “I don’t know but remember, Sam said that she wasn’t being a parental unit. She said that she was just going to be our backup and sort of like an advice-giver since we’re pretty much famous because of this. I’m not saying that I like this but we’re going to have to live with this for now, for all we know she could probably just disappear and watch us live our lives and be there if someone kicks the crap out of one of us enough so we can’t fight back,” I said and Aili nodded as she threw herself onto the couch in the room. “It was kind enough of her to make us breakfast and explain everything,” I added as I cuddled up next to her “It just doesn’t feel right that the government has issued this without telling us that this was going to happen,” she muttered as she planted her face into my lap. “We now have a relationship guardian angel, what’s next the secret service?” As she was saying this I felt something in my back pocket buzz, “Hang on, I’m still listening and to answer that question I am not sure,” I said as I pushed myself up a bit to grab my phone which appeared in my back pocket. I unlocked it and was welcomed with a picture of us making out in Aili’s car, “What the f**k?” Aili lifted her head when I said that, I showed her the picture then I opened up the link that was supplied with it. It was a news link with a headline that would hurt anyone, “‘America’s First Soulmates are Lesbians! The World is Falling to the Gays!’ what a homophobic asshole,” Aili growled once she read the headline. “How the hell did they get a picture of that anyway, I didn’t see anyone with a camera anywhere near us,” she added and I shrugged as my phone buzzed in my hand once more, “what now?” “It appears Sam has a phone,” I said opening the message, “we have to go downstairs.” “Why,” Aili asked and I showed her the picture that Same sent us “We have visitors of the presidential kind,” I answered and Aili paled
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