Chapter 7

1987 Words
As we sped down the stairs I felt my clothes change into something more appropriate for meeting the president. None of us liked this president but as Sam had filled us in we realized that the current person running for office approved of this as well. It seemed that no one like our current president, including these gods and goddesses “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President,” I said politely once Aili and I made it downstairs. “But don’t you think that you’re running a huge risk of catching the current virus that we have.” “It is a pleasure to meet you two as well my dear,” the president started, “we are making progress in getting this virus defeated. I am taking the proper social distancing precautions to make sure I am not in fear of being infected with this disease,” he said with no mask on and about five secret servicemen around him. “I also wanted to make sure that our country is ready to open once more,” he added I nodded, “If I may ask sir when are you planning on opening the country back up,” I asked as I held Aili’s hand “Within the next few weeks you two will be able to sit in the finest of restaurants having your first date supplied by the government,” he said as I looked around I noticed Sam was right behind us biting her lip as Aili was clenching my fist so hard that I was afraid that my fingers would fall off “If I may sir,” I began, “don’t you think that opening at such a close time frame is a little too soon? I mean look at the report of the last world pandemic, the second wave of it didn’t hit until the end of the war when the celebrations were happening. Do you think that it’d be both better and safer to open up later so history doesn’t repeat itself?” When I finished that I clenched Aili’s hand in comfort as the president stared at me in thought, “If it is beneficial to you two then I will extend it,” he said “I believe it would be beneficial to the whole country,” Aili said kindly and he nodded, “stay safe and healthy Mr. President.” He nodded, then turned to leave, “I do wish you luck with the paparazzi, they can be terrible at times,” he said before walking out of the door. Once the door closed with the last secret servicemen I sighed in content, “Well, I’m glad that that’s over with,” I said as both Sam and Aili looked at me shocked. “What are you two looking at me like that for, it was either be kind and have a genuine way for him to leave or be uncomfortable for the rest of the day.” “I’m only surprised that you knew what to do to get him to leave,” Sam asked “If you’ve paid enough attention to the news then you’d know how he hates women with a brain; he expects a lot of women to just listen to everything he says,” I looked at Aili. “In a way, he’s like my father,” I said to her and she nodded, “I know how to speak properly in front of government officials is because my mother was one of the few people to teach manners.” Sam nodded, “The king of the gods is going to like you, I see why Mic likes you two; you think a lot alike.” “I take it that is your god of love,” I asked and she nodded “Now if you will please excuse me, I have extended my stay here and need to take my post as your security guard. If you look on your phones then you can tell that there are cameras all around the house along with a security system that you can set on your phone even when you’re outside of the house,” Sam said. “I will only be here if you are in near-death situations so please don’t ask me to be here for something minor; good luck.” After that, she vanished leaving Aili and I in cocktail dresses that we despised, “Well now it’s just us,” Aili said after a minute as I looked at the phone to see the president mocking me “Not until Mr. Complain-A-Lots leaves with his security team,” I said showing her my phone and she chuckled “That gives us time to change out of these dresses and see what we need to get from the store,” she said and I nodded right before I stole a kiss from her She glared at me as I grinned, “Let’s go, these chores won’t do themselves,” I said and she nodded “Yeah you’re right but I’m going to get you back for that,” she said and I laughed “How so,” I asked, raising my eyebrows and she smirked before starting up the front staircase. All I did in response to that was laugh and climbed the stairs after her That day was busy with stocking, grocery shopping, and cleaning as this house hasn’t been lived in for a long time. At the end of the day our phones buzzed in our pockets right as the doorbell rang, it was the man who was for the presidential seat “Well at least this person isn’t followed by five different people and he’s wearing a mask,” Aili muttered putting her hair up in a neat bun as I dusted myself off and fixed my ponytail “True that,” I said as I opened the door to welcome the candidate as a mask appeared on both of our faces. “Welcome sir, to whom do we owe this pleasure,” I asked politely as he walked in “It is of my own,” he said as I closed the door, “I would like to congratulate you two on finding each other so quickly along with getting rid of our current president because of a pain he probably is to all of us.” “Thank you, sir, I do apologize that we aren’t dressed properly for your arrival we weren’t expecting you as we were trying to clean this house,” I said and he nodded looking around “That’s completely fine, would you mind some help? I brought a couple of people to help you not only get situated into a new home but also to help you get used to paparazzi and teach a few tricks to get them off of your backs. I do suppose that you two would like to go back to college and stay on-campus without people swarming you with cameras looking for tea from one of you about your relationship,” he explained and I smiled as Aili snorted “That would be greatly appreciated sir, if you would like my soulmate, Allison,” I began introducing her, “and I have recently gone shopping. Would you like to stay for dinner and possibly have a place to stay for the night since I believe you’d have a long ride back to your intended destination,” I offered and I could see the wrinkles around his eyes showing his smile “That would be greatly appreciated Ms. Layzer, let me get a few things and your helpers and I’ll follow you to the intended room where I’ll be staying,” he said before I nodded With that we had a presidential candidate helping us get used to living in a house together and helping us deal with the upcoming paparazzi. Not only that but he was scheduled to make an address in our home. “Now I hope that you two don’t mind but I’m supposed to give a presidential candidate address in two days,” he began when we started eating in the dining room for the first time. “Within the timeframe of those two days I will be making my way throughout Michigan respecting social distancing; I would like to make my address in Detroit and would ask to have permission to do it here at your home. You two will also be introduced as the first soulmates that were found in the kindest of manners as well as the last president being with me as well. Would you at all mind me making my address here,” he asked as Aili and I stole glances at each other “Would you mind if Aili and I talked about it overnight,” I asked him and he nodded “I am so sorry,” Aili started, “I have gone throughout the whole day not knowing your name since I haven’t paid any attention to any of the campaigns. What is your name,” she asked and I smiled, “what?” “You were too busy with college to pay attention to campaigns,” I said and she groaned, “but I can’t blame you since I am terrible with names and mostly use my formalities to cover up the fact that I don’t know someone’s name. What is yours sir,” I asked and he grinned “I do not mind at all, I love that there are some college students who are more focused on getting their degrees to make the world a better place,” he said. “My name is Cliff Lee, it would be a pleasure if you called me by my first name rather than my last,” he answered and we nodded. “Now if you two will excuse me I need to get some shut-eye before I leave tomorrow, can’t be meeting people only half awake,” he said with a laugh. “You two have a good night,” he said and I nodded “You as well,” Aili said with the sound of stifling laughter in her voice Once he was out of earshot she burst out laughing, “What did you do,” I asked raising an eyebrow as I collected the plates “You remember that was my room last night right,” Aili asked and I nodded, “I was intending to wash the sheets today because I may or may not have m*********d in that bad last night.” “And you forgot to wash the sheets,” I exclaimed in a whisper and she nodded then I started laughing. “Damn, you were missing me that much last night,” I said in between bouts of laughter “But I won’t be missing you tonight,” she said with a smirk then went back to laughing Me, somehow having the experience of doing that didn’t have a second thought with that, “No I won’t,” I replied with a smirk and a wink. “Besides, I do believe that you have a kiss to take back,” I added with another wink “You bet I do,” she said while smirking That night was pleasurable as it was the first night of us sleeping in the same bed.
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