23 - I hope you're right

2256 Words

Jai “Drew, you need to accept that you’re the Alpha of Crimson Moon. There’s not a damn thing you or I can do to change that.” Drew stuffs the last of his clothes into his suitcase and slams it shut. Drew, Melissa, and I are leaving for our new pack tomorrow. The renovations Drew ordered have been completed in record time. Thankfully, because the two weeks Orrin gave Drew to get used to things is up. It wasn’t the best meeting the day Melissa found her Lioness. She and I showered together that day after finally seeing each other naked for the first time in the forest. Melissa had grown so bold and wanted us to shower together. Okay, we still haven’t mated, and we haven’t touched each other se.xually. But we kissed in that shower as if we’d die if we didn't. Goddess, it took all that I

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