22 - The girl of my dreams

1504 Words

Damian I have had the same dream about the same woman for over three years. She is beautiful beyond compare, with eyes of icy blue, the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen, tanned skin, and long brown hair to her waist. She’s my mate, yet I’ve never met her in real life. One night, when I was fifteen, I fell asleep as usual, only to have the strangest dream. I met a young girl who shot me the most beautiful smile. That smile lit her whole face, and it seemed she was smiling at me with her whole body. I told her my name, and she gave me hers, but we couldn’t speak our surnames or pack names. Each time we tried, it was as if our hearing had stopped working. It was strange, but it was a dream, so it didn’t matter. Every night, I dreamed of this woman named River. I felt myself falling for her a l

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