24 - Stanger in the night

2563 Words

Melissa ‘Melissa,’ Someone whispering my name rouses me from my sleep. I look around the darkened room, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. I don’t see anyone other than Jai asleep next to me. I smile because I can’t help myself. My mate loves me; regardless of where I came from and who my father is, Jai loves me. The Goddess above knows that I love him, too. ‘Melissa.’ There’s that voice again. Am I going crazy? ‘You’re not crazy, and I mean you no harm.’ ‘Who are you? What do you want?’ I speak through my mind because that’s how whoever this woman is is talking to me. How can this woman speak with me and hear me as if we have a mind link? ‘Who I am will become clear soon enough. Meet me at the edge of the forest.’ ‘Why on Earth would I do that?’ ‘Because I have the answ

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