8 - I just want the chance to love you

2318 Words

Jai I chase Melissa for ten minutes before catching her and tackling her to the ground. “Get off me!” Melissa screams as I straddle her, pinning her arms above her head. “Jai, let me go!” “No!” I yell. “No, I will not let you go. What he said was wrong, Mel, don’t listen to him.” “Why should I care what he said? He’s not the first person to reject me, and he won’t be the last. I’m used to it,” Then, with all her might, Melissa pushes me off of her. She scrambles back against the nearest tree and brings her knees to her chest. My heart aches for my mate, and now I realize why she’s trying to push me away. She wanted to reject me before I did so to her. I sit in front of Melissa, my legs crossed, and sigh. “Melissa, this is why you’re trying to reject me, isn’t it? You thought you’d r

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