7 - She doesn't want me

1372 Words

Jai “Are you for real?” Melissa asks while snatching her arm from my grasp. “I haven’t been avoiding you, Jai; you’ve been avoiding me!” She’s right; I have, but only because Dad told me to give Melissa time to come to me. But Melissa didn’t seek me out, and it’s finally driven me mad! I run my hand through my hair. “I gave you the space you wanted, Melissa. I thought you’d calm down and come to me, but you didn’t. I got sick of waiting,” “I was coming to talk to you, Jai; I just needed time. So,” She folds her arms around herself. “How do we do this? Do I reject you, and you accept? Or do we reject each other? I’m not quite sure how it all works.” I think I’m in shock. I stare at my little mate and wonder why the hell she doesn’t want me. I thought she just needed time, but it’s cl

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