9 - Does he not find me attractive?

1513 Words

Melissa “Where are we?” I ask as soon as we stop outside a wooden cabin. When Jai pulled me away from my mother, I had no mind to stop him. It’s not my mother’s fault that her father won’t accept me; I know that, and I don’t doubt her love for me. My whole life, she has protected me as best she could from Mike while trying to show me all the love in the world. My life may have been lonely, and I may have been shunned and rejected by everyone else but not her. Mom is my best friend, and I don’t want to lose her. But I won’t make her choose between me and the father she has longed for since the day Mike kidnapped her. Mom will be moving on soon with Adam and Jessie. They’ll be able to see Adonis whenever they want, and I won’t be in the way to cause problems for them. If what Jai said i

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