6 - Broken Alpha

1731 Words
Melissa It’s been two days since we arrived at Gray Shadows Pack, and Mom is back to full health. She's finally happy, thanks to Adam and Mom for taking back her rejection. Jessie is beyond happy to have her Mommy and Daddy together. Yet I’m still worried that Mike will find us. Adam swears that Mike can do nothing to hurt us and that he’ll protect us all. But I’m still scared. Mom informed me this morning that we would be moving to Dalgaard Mansion, where Adam lives. We’ll be safe there with Adam’s parents, siblings, grandparents, and even great-grandparents, not to mention the Supreme Alpha and Luna. Then Mom laughed and said that she shouldn’t have said that. Mom knows about Jai, thanks to Adam telling her. Mom said she knew I’d be staying with my mate, so I best visit often. I hadn’t the heart to tell Mom I still hadn’t spoken to my mate. I haven’t once seen him since that first day. Of course, I’ve wondered about talking to him. I need some closure, and so does Jai; I know that. I mulled over what Adam told me about Jai, and I don’t doubt the man is wonderful. But the fact remains, I know he won’t want me once he knows how I came into the world. I showered this morning before dressing in black jeans and a forest green sweater. I French-braided my hair and then went to breakfast. I sat beside my baby sister and joined the conversations around the table. Alpha Lorcan and Luna Gianna left yesterday after promising to visit my sister often. They didn’t have much choice as Jessie cried, knowing Alpha Lorcan was going. She’s become really attached to him in a short amount of time. Before he left, Alpha Lorcan swore he’d make Mike pay for what he put my mother through all these years. It was nice of him, and I hope he can make Mike pay somehow. I met all of Jai’s siblings, except for Drew, and I like each one of them. I can see myself being friends with them. However, Drew is locked in his room because he recently lost his mate. Sara didn’t go into detail about why Drew was locked in his room, but I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the man. His mate is gone, and he will never again be able to tell her that he loves her, nor will he get to hold her again. It made me realize that I at least need to face Jai, even if it is to reject him. It could kill me, but I pray it doesn't. It was such a delight to see my mother smiling so much. She has become good friends with Luna Sara, and they had so much to talk about. I know Mom is worried deep down that Mike will find her, but I also know she now has faith that her mate can protect her. After spending the day alone with Adam yesterday, meeting everyone and instantly loving them was everything to Mom. It was just what she needed to help her feel at least a little settled. Life has changed so much for my mother; she no longer has to fear what will happen to her each day. Adam would never hurt her; even I can see that. I am so happy for her and for Jessie because she has her father now—a father who loves her more than life itself. Right now, I feel sick with nerves. I’ve been searching the packhouse for Jai, but I haven’t found him anywhere. I don't know where else to look. I won't go into other people's bedrooms, even though Jai could be behind one of those doors. It doesn't feel right to go snooping. I hear voices coming from behind one of the doors on the second floor. I can’t help but stop outside and listen. It sounds like two men are arguing, and my stomach rolls with nerves because they sound so angry. I startle as something smashes against the door. Then I hear crying, and I know someone inside is in great emotional pain. I can’t stop myself from opening the door and stepping inside. Maybe I should have knocked on the door and waited for an invite. But something compelled me to enter, and not even fear could stop me. ‘Be careful, Melissa. A broken male Wolf can snap any moment.’ My Wolf tells me. ‘I’ll be careful, Cece, I promise.’ The man crumpled on the floor on his knees, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, sobs to himself. My heart breaks for him. There’s no one else in the room, and I realize he was arguing loudly with his Wolf. I get to my knees beside him and lay my hand on the back of his head. “I won’t ask if you’re okay because I can see that you’re not. What could have made you this sad?” The beautifully broken man looks at me. His piercing blue eyes are so red from crying, and his lips are swollen. I stroke a tear from his cheek with my thumb. “Who are you?” Even though his voice is full of tears, it’s deep and powerful. This man is an Alpha, and only the loss of a mate could cause an Alpha to be so sad. I realize I’m looking at Drew Dalgaard, my mate’s older brother. “My name is Melissa, and you’re Drew.” He nods his head. I smile while taking his hand in mine. “My mother is your cousin Adam’s mate.” “Oh,” Drew nods his head. “Never thought that would happen.” I chuckle. “It’s a long story. They have a three-year-old daughter. Her name is Jessie.” Drew’s eyebrows raise. “I don’t wish to upset you further, but I know about your mate, Drew. I’m so sorry.” It’s Drew’s turn to chuckle. “She’s not dead, Melissa.” He sighs. “She walked away from me a few months ago after an argument. She never returned; some would say she left me, but I don’t believe it. I can feel her pain every damn day, yet I can’t find her.” “You think someone took her?” Drew shrugs. “I don’t know what to think anymore. I’ve searched everywhere and checked people’s minds for information, but nothing comes up. Perhaps Emery met someone else, and what I feel is them together.” I cup his face with my hand. “I don’t believe that, Drew. If you still feel Emery, then she’s out there somewhere. You can feel her because your mate bond is still intact. It wouldn’t be if she’d left you, or maybe it would; I don’t know much about these things. I can tell that you love your mate more than life itself, and in my heart, I believe that she loves you, too. “Pick yourself up, handsome. You have to be okay because only then will you have the strength to search. Don’t ever give up because I bet Emery is out there just waiting for you to find her. Whatever she’s going through will mean nothing once she’s back in your arms.” Drew stares at me for a long moment. “You really believe that?” I smile while nodding my head. “More than anything. I’ll help you in any way I can, Drew; everyone will. All you have to do is ask.” I’m startled when Drew wraps his arms around me. However, I smile and wrap mine around his waist. “Everything will be okay, Drew. It might not be today or even next week, but soon, you’ll find her. Just have faith, and everything will work out.” “Thank you, Melissa. Thank you.” I sat with Drew for a while longer, and he suddenly seemed much happier. Maybe having someone new to talk things through with helped. I hope so. By the time I leave the room, Drew is off to take a much-needed shower. I hope my words helped settle something in his mind. I can only imagine the pain he’s in, not knowing where his mate could be. But if she was taken, Drew cannot succumb to sadness; he needs to get out there and keep searching. Someone must know something, and Drew will figure it out sooner than he realizes. I don’t know how I know this, but something in my gut tells me that Emery will be home soon. What state she’ll be in is another story. “Why the hell do you smell like my brother?” “Fuc.k!” I yelp with my hand over my heart. I wasn’t looking where I was going and didn’t see Jai standing against the wall opposite my room. What the hell is he doing outside my room? Was he waiting for me? ‘Of course, he was waiting for you, Melissa.’ I inwardly roll my eyes at my Wolf. “Answer me,” Jai growls as he pushes off the wall and stands in front of me. “Because I was talking to him. What’s it to you?” “I’m your mate; that’s what it is to me!” I swallow hard. I hadn’t planned to meet Jai like this. My Wolf is going crazy inside my head, and my heart is hammering. Goddess, he looks so good! Jai is simply wearing black jeans with a black t-shirt, his brown hair slicked back, yet my mouth is watering. I don’t want to feel this way! “I heard Drew crying and arguing with his Wolf, so I spoke to him. What was I supposed to do? Walk away and pretend he didn’t exist?” Jai rolls his eyes and then sighs. “I’m sorry I’ve so obviously pissed you off. I’ll stay away in the future.” I try to move past him, but Jai grabs my arm. Sparks race along my skin, and I try not to grimace. I’m going to reject this man before he can reject me, and I don’t want him touching me! “Let go of me,” I grit between my teeth. “You’re my mate, and I’m sick of you avoiding me!”
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