Chapter 18: Insecurities

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Rose came in to us, and like usual, she stood there shyly, wringing her hands nervously, she was so f.ucking cute, but no matter how much we told her how beautiful she was to us, she never seemed to really believe it. She hadn’t only had s.hit abusive parents, but she’d been badly bullied in school too, bullied for her glasses, her braces, even her f.ucking skin, she’d told me the racial slurs she’d been called, it had really affected her confidence and self-esteem. She wouldn’t tell me their names because she knew I’d most likely hunt them down. I hated that, I mean, if you wanted to see it from society’s point of view or Social media, then I guess she wasn’t that expected beauty who’s all dolled up in heavy makeup and wearing tight clothes and is a size f.ucking zero, she would probably be considered average with her looks, probably pretty with makeup, this wasn’t how I saw her obviously. I thought she was f.ucking hot, I loved her dark black skin tone, her tight curls, I loved her extra love handles, definitely loved her big t.its and her big, she wasn’t a skinny girl, I didn’t give a f.uck, she was gorgeous to me, and I loved everything about her, especially the stretch marks that she didn’t like, I loved them because they were a part of her, left from when she’d been carrying our children. She believed me these days, I’d opened the bond between us so she could feel what I felt and how I saw her, but she struggled more with Nick. Unlike me, he was maybe a little more like Romulus, not f.ucking around or having a history of f.ucking everything in sight, that wasn’t Nick, he’d only ever slept with his true mate and now Rose, and he was absolutely devoted to Rose, didn’t so much as glance at any other female, but the bond had accidentally opened up between them once, and she’d felt that he wasn’t attracted to her looks at the time, now he thought she was as beautiful as I did, but the damage was done, even though it wasn’t his fault. He’d never made her feel unattractive, never said such a thing, but he clearly liked that more skinny, dolled up, tight dresses kind of girl and it bothered Rose, even though he found her beautiful since they’d become mated, and he’d fallen in love with her. A dolled up girl with a tight dress and long hair could walk by, and he wouldn’t even notice, but Rose was deeply insecure and no amount of him telling her how beautiful she was to him made her believe him, they’dargued about it more times than I could count. Me personally, I think everyone was beautiful really, personality made all the difference, I could date some sexy hot supermodel, but if she was a b.itch she’d be ugly to me. Even in general I think people were all beautiful to someone, what one person might find ugly, another would find hot, everyone had different types and interests, so we’re all f.ucking gorgeous I guess, and I didn’t understand why it had to be such a big deal, but it was to Rose. I didn’t need her in tight short little dresses, none of us did, and we all told her that. I was quite happy with my casual t-shirt and trainers girl. That’s why she was stood there shyly and awkwardly though, she would look at us, and, her words not mine (because I didn’t really think I was that hot myself) but she’d see us godlike hunks and think she wasn’t good enough, that it was laughable she had such hot men in her life. Nick could see her literally thinking it, and he went over and hugged her. “Love you, babe,” he murmured, and kissed her cheek. She was hesitant and he knew why. “We’re home, you can be all vulnerable with me now,” he lightly teased her. Smiling, she slid her arms around his waist and cuddled against him. I went and sat down on the sofa and Nick brought her over and joined me. She cuddled up in his lap and laid her legs across mine. “Great, Nick gets you, while I get your f.ucking feet,” I grumbled. She laughed, and snuggled into Nick even more. “B.itch,” I mumbled. Nick smacked the side of my head, “don’t call her that.” “F.uck you, d.ick.” Laughing harder, she crawled over onto my lap and cuddled in against my chest. “Better?” She grinned. “Much.” I played with her hair softly while Nick got up to get us some drinks. “Miss me?” I asked her. She nodded, grinning. I leaned down and kissed her, dancing my tongue over hers, and by the time Nick came back, my hand was up her top and playing with her n.ipples. “Two minutes back, and you’re already groping her,” Nick muttered. “F.uck off, you’ve spent the day with her, while I’ve been stuck at the f.ucking desk all day.” “Bet you didn’t do any work, did you?” Rose asked. “Nope.” “I swear it’s only your good looks that have kept you from getting fired,” she teased. “F.uck off you cheeky b.itch, I’m good at my job, the physical side of it, not the shitty boring desk side of it.” She slapped my hand away from her t.its for calling her a b.itch, so I just slid it between her legs instead. “Jax!” She gasped. “What, darling?” I kept stroking her over her jeans. “Behave,” she breathed. “You want me to stop?” I moved my hand, but she quickly put it back there, and I grinned. “Naughty girl.” She blushed hard and I laughed, knowing why. “You like being daddy’s naughty girl?” She nodded. She loved the whole daddy role-play too, it took me some getting used to because I’d never been with any girls into that, I knew Rom had, and I’d asked him for some tips. I slid my hand down her panties and started stroking her until she was wet enough for me to slide my fingers inside her. I was fingering her until she was panting while Nick watched, and then my phone went off. S.hit, I kept fingering her p.ussy while I answered it. “What?” “It’s Zara, I have the address of the man you want.” “Ok, give it to me.” “You need a pen and paper?” “Nah, I’ll remember it.” I had an uncanny job of memorising information. She relayed it to me, I thanked her and then hung up. I removed my fingers and Rose was not happy. “Sorry, darling, gotta do something, you have fun with Nick, and I’ll give you that daddy role-play later.” I kissed her and jumped up, dumping her on Nicks lap, and then kissed him too before rushing out the door so they didn’t have time to Interrogate me. I wasn’t perfect, sometimes I did still kill evil f.ucks and this one wasn’t human. He was a lone wolf who liked living like a human, only changed on the full moon apparently, but he liked using his supernatural strength and abilities to hunt down and prey on women, he’d hunt them, stalk them, intimidate them, driving them mad with fear, and then he would kidnap them, r.ape and t.orture them before eating their bodies after. I found that somehow worse, a supernatural preying on a human, it was such an unfair advantage and they f.ucking knew it. I was p.issed because he’d killed his victim already, I couldn’t save her, but I could damn well make sure he never hurt anyone else again. I took my car and drove to his address, he wasn’t there, but I caught his scent and followed it into the woods behind his place. The woods were big, and I was walking for quite a while until it was almost pitch black with all the trees covering the sky. My wolf sight helped a little, but even wolves didn’t have incredible sight. His scent grew heavier on the air, and I thought I’d found him, when truth was, he found me first. His body crashed into mine sending us to the floor, I rolled away from him and looked up to see he was in wolf form, s.hit. He dove at me, snapping and snarling, I danced out of the way and laughed. “Calm the f.uck down, you little runt!” He was too, he was small for a wolf and my words enraged him. He tried to bite my hand and I jerked it back, his fangs caught my fingers and I yelped, “f.uck! You little s.hit!” When he tried to lunge again, I kicked him in the face and he fell back. He knew why I was here, he knew who I was, which was why he was fighting so hard. He launched himself at me again, jaws wide open and heading towards my throat, I caught his muzzle with my hands and held his jaws open, I tried pulling them far enough to tear his jaw off, but he jumped out of the way before I could. He circled me slowly, growling. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and grinned, “so you want a real fight, huh?” He lunged, I gave him a right hook to the side of his head, making him stumble and shake his head. Again, he lunged, this time his fangs caught my side. “Fucker you ruined my top!” Blood seeped through. Distracted by my torn t-shirt, he lunged again and bit my shoulder trying to take a chunk. I jabbed him in the eyes, making him yelp and fall back, I didn’t give him time to get up, I was done playing, I kicked him in the side, cracking a rib, and he yelped and whined. “F.ucking serves you right, p.rick!” I grabbed him around the throat and squeezed, it wasn’t easy trying to choke a huge werewolf in wolf form, he tried kicking his legs under me, but I held firm and had to use all my strength, my muscles straining from the effort until he finally passed out. I picked him up like he weighed nothing, and carried him to my car and dumped him in the trunk.
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