Chapter 17: Her second chance mate

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When I made up with Rose, things were better again. Then Nick came along, he was her second chance mate if you haven’t read the second part of Rose’s side of our story. I didn’t expect to like him, I hated him at first, but somewhere along the line I grew a crush on him, it was the first time since Benji that I felt that strongly about a man, if you’re like Romulus and don’t like gay s.hit, then you’re better off f.ucking of out of here right now, Romulus was always a squeamish f.uck about it, he didn’t judge me for it, but he didn’t like seeing it or hearing about it, all he liked was p.ussy and t.its. Nick wasn’t even my type of guy personality wise, I liked my men submissive, but for some reason I fell for him. He was hot, he had dark blonde hair that was a naturally tousled mess, almost falling into sexy, piercing green eyes, they had golden flecks running through like me and my brothers, and he was just as muscular, actually more muscular, we were big, but he was huge, not body builder big, but he definitely had a warrior look going on. He was more rugged looking than me and my brothers, but still had model looks like Rose was always saying me and my brothers had, but you’d never think he was anything but masculine. You ever seen the punisher series with Jon bernthal? f**k was Jon hot in that, not that I’d admit that to anyone, well, that was who Nick reminded me off, he gave off that whole badass vibe. I think I liked him because, yeah, he was nice to look at, but also I loved how good he was to Rose, alright, he was a d.ick at first, but I understood him, he acted cold and uncaring and wore it as a mask, and when I’d found out he was a sociopath, I felt a sort of connection, it wasn’t quite the same as me, but he was the closest thing I had to someone like myself. Learnt he had a huge c.ock too, f.ucking bigger than me and my brothers, and we were big, poor Rose usually got too sore if he had s.ex with her, and then we wanted her too, so we set up a routine that worked for everyone, the days Nick f.ucked her, we didn’t, and the days we did, he didn’t, sometimes she could handle it and wanted it, slowly over the time she was getting more used to him. I’d let Nick f.uck me once, I always swore I’d never let a man f.uck me, I just wasn’t comfortable with it, felt too submissive, and I liked to be the dominant one with men, not that I’d ever f.ucked a man before, but I’d done the usual blowjobs and handjobs. Nick really was big, I liked pain, and even I was still f.ucking limping after. I’d agreed because I was kind of drunk and Rose had wanted to see us do it, it had been fun, felt good, but I knew I didn’t want to do it again, I was happy with everything else, but not the f.ucking, and I think Nick felt the same way. I’d been shocked we even ended up together, he was Rose’s second chance mate and long story short, he became her true mate too, the trauma of losing his own true mate and his child had activated the bond between him and Rose, it was complicated, and you’d have to hear it from Rose’s side of events to understand it. Like my brothers, Nick was a straight guy, but for whatever reason we ended up with our own sort of bromance, and then it became more. It was just one of those rare times when three people came together and just perfectly clicked. We worked, me Rose and Nick, she still had Fenris and Romulus, but they had no interest in dating Nick nor him them, so we had our own little trio alongside Rose, Fenris and Romulus. Nick was a lone wolf, he wanted no part of our pack, and he didn’t have his own one either. He preferred living at the place I bought for Rose, but moved to the pack house for a while when they had their own baby, Luna. He still wanted no part of the pack, but he stayed at the pack house for the kids’ sake. It wouldn’t be fair to keep our kids separate from their little sister. Usually, we still used the house when things got a bit much for Nick or when we wanted some alone time. Luna was four now, and Nick had been married to Rose for two years. Guess I’d been daydreaming and reminiscing about the past for too long because it was the end of the day and Matilda was so p.issed that I’d done no work, she may as well have booted me out with how much she manhandled me. Pfft, I walked out and climbed into my car. Most of our life was perfect, sure we still had our silly arguments at times, but we were happy. These days I didn’t feel quite so alone in my dark s.hit, Rose had been opening up more about her own, things she liked doing in the bedroom, so far, Nick was the only one willing to do them for her, there I was worried about the dream I had about me r.aping her, and turns out she had a fantasy of wanting to roleplay that with us. I’d said no, Fenris had absolutely refused, and Romulus couldn’t bring himself to do it either, which was weird, he’d been k.inky as f.uck before Rose, but when it came to her, he mostly liked making love to her. Nick had at first said no as well, but eventually, he agreed, and realising how much it turned her on, and that it was just role-play and nothing real, he’d slowly started doing it a little more for her. I think we found it harder because even though we were k.inky as f.uck, we also knew Rose had been assaulted by an alpha who had k.idnapped her in the past, Kathy, our therapist was always reminding me that it was Rose’s choice, if she felt comfortable doing it and there was absolute trust and safe words involved, then she should be allowed to explore her fantasies. She said the same for me too, if I wasn’t into that stuff I didn’t have to do it, but if I was only reluctant because I was worried about Rose’s feelings, then I should trust Rose to let me know if anything got too much. I was thinking about it, especially as Nick had mentioned how wet she got when he did it for her. From what he described it didn’t sound too bad, more dominance than violence, she liked being tied up, s.panked, slapped around, but not too hard, and dirty talk, it was mostly talking about the role-play that turned her on the most. I knew Rose, I knew she hated watching anything like that on tv, with the role-play, Nick said it usually ended up with her being consensual and wanting it, that it felt good, she wasn’t imagining herself in pain or anything, which made me think that perhaps because she was so insecure about herself, it was more to do with feeling wanted and desired so badly by us that we couldn’t control ourselves, more than actual r.ape. I don’t know, I hadn’t asked her, I just knew she enjoyed it. I loved Nick, and he loved me, but we both knew we would always love Rose more, she was our number one, and we were fine with that. There were things Nick could do for me that Rose couldn’t, and things I could do for him that she couldn’t. I got off on pain as much as I got off on giving it, while Nick enjoyed giving it more than receiving. We’d taken Rose to the room where I punished pack members the first time we did it. Probably looked like a f.ucking horror movie to poor Rose, the room was underground, you lifted a latch up in the basement to get down there and walked along a tunnel, the room had a big metal door and inside were my instruments of pain and chains, so yeah, freaked her out big time. Nick chained me up, neither of us needed it, but we kissed first for Rose’s benefit. Rose politely didn’t describe what happened or what we enjoyed, but f.uck it, I was nothing if blunt, if you don’t like dark s.hit, f.ucked up and depraved s.hit then you best skip this part, pfft, or skip the whole f.ucking side of my story, it’s the last warning I’ll give. Even Rose wasn’t prepared for it, she jumped in surprise when Nick punched me in the face, he beat me all over, and it felt f.ucking good, but it wasn’t something Rose would ever understand, it wasn’t something I could even really explain to her, she liked pain, a little pain, but not the hardcore s.hit I enjoyed. With my consent, Nick used one of my blades to cut me here and there, deep enough to bleed a little heavily, but not so deep as to cause real damage or blood loss, in between the t.orture, because let’s face it, this was t.orture, he would kiss me and makeout with me, but again, it was more for Roses benefit, neither of us needed to be s.exual or intimate, the pain alone and him giving it was enough to turn us on. When Rose asked not to join us again we agreed, usually we liked Rose there when we were intimate, neither of us was really interested without her involved, but this was one thing we did do alone because we both needed it. Without her there, we didn’t bother with the kissing or touching, just the pain giving and the pain alone was enough to make me come, Nick would come too when giving it to me, sometimes it would just happen, or other times when he was done, he would look at me while he jerked himself off. Hey, don’t judge, Rose’s whole story started with meeting me in a mental f.ucking asylum, I wasn’t exactly normal, nor was Nick, everyone had their own version of dark s.hit, and I guess ours was just more extreme. I focused on the present day as I parked up outside Roses place. The kids were with Fenris and Romulus, today was one of the days we usually spent alone, and we would spend it at Roses, for more privacy. Nick had been understandably crazy overprotective of Luna, it took him a long time to get to a point where he felt comfortable leaving her with Fenris and Rom at the pack house along with her brother and sisters. Nick was home when I walked through, and I asked, “where’s Rose?” “On her way back now, most likely.” “You f.ucking left her alone?” He grew cold on me like he always did, if you thought I was cold, he was colder than the f.ucking Antarctic. “She isn’t some damsel in f.ucking distress, she dropped some files back to work first and said she’d meet me back home.” “She’s an omega, and—” “And nothing, she can take care of herself pretty good these days, stop treating her like some delicate little flower.” “F.uck you, you’re too f.ucking hard on her, the amount of times you make her cry is a joke.” “I allow her to be soft and vulnerable when we are home, but outside she needs to be tougher.” “You’re a d.ick.” He gave a small smile and said, “are you going to just stand there arguing with me, or you going to actually say hello.” Sighing, I went over and hugged him, we rarely showed affection to one another if Rose wasn’t around, but today I guess I needed it, and he knew because he leaned in and kissed me. We were kissing when Rose came in and said, “yummy, two hot guys making out, what a lovely view to come home to.” I jumped back so fast I fell over the back of the f.ucking chair. “Rose!” She giggled like she always did, even Nick smirked, he knew as well as she did it was stupid of me to react like I’d been doing something I shouldn’t have, I don’t know why I got weird about it, I still struggled showing affection I guess, and being seen showing it, I was fine giving Rose affection these days, but I was still learning to relax about it towards Nick.
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