Chapter 19: Naughty

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I got him to the warehouse and when we were inside I used my alpha energy to force him to change back, it didn’t always work on wolves who weren’t part of your pack, they owed you no loyalty, but fear often worked, so fear mixed with that forced him to change back, and then I chained him up. “F.ucking Jax knight, I presume,” he sneered and spat at my feet. I smirked. “You’re only making it look more obvious that you’re afraid.” “Afraid? Look at you! You’re a f.ucking skinny little pretty boy!” I pulled a face at that, then looked down at myself and back up at him. I worked out a lot to keep up my strength and to keep my killing habits to a minimum, I was big and muscular, not f.ucking packed like a bodybuilder, but naturally well built and filled out, big muscles, six pack, f.ucking pecs, had broad shoulders, I wasn’t a vain guy, but the comment was stupid, especially looking at him when he was built slender, lean at most, ugly f.uck too, his front tooth was missing, he was balding, and he had dead soulless eyes so dark they looked black. “F.ucking pretty boy thinks he’s all hard,” he mumbled to himself. I really f.ucking hated being called a pretty boy, I smashed my fist into his face so hard I felt his teeth crack from the impact and his jaw broke. “F.ucking call me that again, and it will only get worse for you,” I snarled. He spat his teeth out at me, the f.ucking nut job. I grabbed my blade and cut his tongue out. “There, that should stop you f.ucking spitting like a toddler.” He was breathing heavily and in pain, but he kept glaring at me. Good, I liked a challenge. I tried out different things to see what would break him. I broke his fingers one by one, didn’t work, ripped his fingernails, that didn’t work either, he was a tough fucker. He r.aped women, so I only saw it fitting that I cut the tip of his d.ick off, that worked. He screamed, or gurgled and tried to. I got to work on his balls next. I would go into detail, but you’d probably not like that, so let’s just say I removed them and if he’d been hungry, he wasn’t anymore. I never went into too much detail with Rose about what I did, some of it was truly f.ucked up, like now, I cut him open and got creative, played around a while even after he’d died, then I disposed of his body. If you’d known the vile things he did to those women, you’d know what I did was nothing compared to that, he did so much worse to them. When I got back both Rose and Nick sighed, it was no longer such a shock to Rose and Nick, well, he’d never really cared that much anyway. “You should get a f.ucking shower in that place, you’re literally dripping and covered from head to toe in blood,” Nick said. “There is a shower there, but it stopped working.” “Risky coming back like that, if anyone saw you in the car you’d be f.ucked.” I ignored him and went to go take a shower, Rose followed me up the stairs. “You joining me?” I asked. She didn’t answer me and pushed me back into our bedroom and shut the door. “Evil?” She asked. “They always are darling, but yeah, he was one of the worst.” I was topless because my top had got drenched in blood, so she stared at the blood dripping down my chest, then she leaned in and licked her tongue from my chest up to my neck. I wasn’t expecting that. “f**k,” I breathed. I knew she liked seeing me covered in blood and all dangerous looking, but she’d never done this before, she literally traced her tongue from my belly and licked up my body, licking the trail of blood from me. F.uck, it was so f.ucking hot, I almost came in my pants. “What did you do to him?” She whispered. “You really want to hear that?” “I do.” She kept licking my body, and I told her everything, in detail, she didn’t stop licking the blood from me, didn’t even flinch like she sometimes used to. “Did you enjoy it?” She asked. “Yeah.” “How much?” “It got me real f.ucking hard.” She stood up and reached up to kiss me. This was a first. I tugged her trousers and panties down and made her step out of them while we kissed, and then I lifted her up, making her wrap her legs around me. She used to get shy about us carrying her with her weight, but she was used to it by now, she wasn’t heavy, only around fourteen stone, we were werewolves, I could have picked up someone who was twenty stone as if they were as light as a kitchen chair. “I have a very naughty daddy,” she whispered. I grinned and kissed her. “You do, but I’d never hurt you, princess.” “Just a little, though, right?” She grinned back. Smiling, I slapped her hard. “Just a little.” She moaned softly, and I smacked it again. “You like that, sweetie?” She nodded. Another spank, “answer me.” “Yes, daddy,” she moaned. “Good girl.” “You can play one of your videos if you want.” I almost choked when she said that. “What?” “You can play one of the videos you have on your phone.” “Darling, are you feeling alright? You’re k.inky as f.uck tonight.” She grinned, and pulled the phone from my sweatpants I was still wearing and gave it to me. “Uh, you sure?” She nodded. “F.uck, alright, you want the sound off?” “Hmm, yes please,” she cringed. I laughed, “ok, sound off, darling.” I held her up against the wall, and she wriggled down onto my c.ock. “F.uck, that feels good,” I groaned. I f.ucked her against the wall and she whispered, “go on then, watch it.” I still couldn’t believe this was happening, but I held the phone up against the wall beside her so she couldn’t see it and I watched that while I f.ucked her, usually I could last a long while, but I was so f.ucking turned on I came within minutes. She smiled at me, she loved when we came, even if we came before her, she enjoyed knowing she turned us on enough to come. “F.uck, sorry that was quick,” I panted. “It’s ok,” she kissed me. “You want Nick?” She nodded, “and you.” “Ok, Nick can start off, and I’ll join in when I’m hard again.” I gently put her down and she said, “can you tell him?” “Sure. NICK!” I yelled. She scoffed at me, “well I could have done that!” I only grinned at her. Nick came in giving me a dirty look, “we’re f.ucking werewolves, you could have just slightly raised your voice, not burst my f.ucking eardrums.” “Here.” I shoved Rose into his arms, and it was her turn to give me a dirty look. Poor Rose, Nick was a killer too, she had two f.ucking murderers for her mates, Fenris and Romulus were the normal ones, Nick wasn’t like me though, he didn’t get off on killing, and he didn’t kill humans or any supernatural except for wendigos, they’d killed his family and he’d spent years getting revenge on every single one, they were evil creatures, more animalistic than anything, and they skinned their victims alive to wear their skin. It was a blessing for Nick that they’d killed his daughter quickly, but his true mate hadn’t been so lucky, and worse yet, he’d seen her, his brother had to kill her because he couldn’t bring himself to do it to end her suffering. The guy I’d killed today was the first I’d done in a year, usually I only killed wendigos these days, helping Nick, it gave him comfort to know he was saving more lives by killing them and I understood that more than he knew. Nick started kissing Rose, and it wasn’t long before he had her on the bed eating her out. I watched them while I stroked myself, trying to get hard again. “You like Nick licking your p.ussy, darling?” She nodded, moaning. I went over and helped Nick, I spread her legs wider and got down so we could both lick her p.ussy at the same time, she f.ucking loved that. She gripped the bedsheets and panted, “I’m going to come if you keep doing that!” We both smirked at one another, and then Nick climbed on top of her and slowly pushed himself inside of her, he was bigger, so he had to take his time until she was comfortable. I helped her by turning her on and sucked her t.its. “Bite me,” she moaned. I bit her hard, she liked when we bit her really hard, leaving her covered in angry bruises and bite marks, sometimes she liked us to use our wolf fangs too. I bit her all over her b.reasts, licking the wound and sucking in between, some bites I used my wolf fangs to make her bleed a little. “Lick the blood,” she moaned. Usually, I’d retort something like, ‘I’m not a f*****g vampire’ but she was so turned on, and I didn’t want to ruin that, so I licked the thin trail of blood that dripped down between her t.its and sucked her n.ipples until they were hard. “Jax,” she waved me over, and I knew what she wanted. Nick laid down while she straddled him, and then I stood at the end of the bed and pushed myself into her, her nice big, I f.ucking loved watching it bounce on my c.ock. Nick f.ucked her p.ussy while I f.ucked her in the, his hands slid to her t.its and he squeezed and played with them, Nick was definitely a b.reast man, and he loved Roses big t.its, he was always grabbing them and playing with them, even if we weren’t f.ucking her he’d stare at them or touch them. I think I was an everything man, seriously, t.its,, p.ussy I loved it all, I’d grope her p.ussy walking by her in the kitchen the same as I would if I grabbed her or t.its, it drove her nuts sometimes, but I couldn’t help it, she was f.ucking gorgeous. I held her and f.ucked it hard as she grew close, Nick started pounding her p.ussy harder too, and then she was screaming and moaning as she came. “Daddy!” She moaned. Oh, we were still roleplaying that, were we? I didn’t realise, Rose had a terrible habit of not communicating properly. Clearly I didn’t respond fast enough, so Nick did. “You like your daddies f.ucking you, baby?” She nodded. “Who’s your p.ussy belong to?” He growled. “You, it’s your p.ussy daddy!” She moaned. “Good girl.” He f.ucked her with me until she’d finished and then we both came inside her, filling both her holes, it was so hot. I pulled out, and she carefully climbed off Nick, her legs shaky, then she got on her knees, making Nick stand next to me and holding both our c.ocks in each hand, she took turns sucking them, she’d suck on mine, and then she’d suck on his until he was coming in her mouth, she swallowed, a lot, but some dribbled out because he came so much, then she sucked on me making me come in her mouth too and swallowed that. “You’re so dirty today,” I laughed. “Sorry, I got a little excited seeing you all, well, you know.” She blushed. She was so f.ucking cute, she’d do the k.inkiest s.hit but then grow all shy and bashful after. I found it adorable. When we were done, she winced a little and rubbed her chest where I’d marked her all over. “Darling, you shouldn’t make me be so rough if it hurts you after.” “I like it.” “You like being in pain after?” I laughed. “I like knowing and remembering why I’m feeling that pain,” she blushed again. She always said she was glad for her black skin because it meant we couldn’t see her blush, but I didn’t need to, I always knew when she was blushing and all flustered. I pulled her in against me and held her. “Wanna join me in the shower?” She nodded, and I looked to Nick. “Yeah, sure,” he said. We climbed into the shower together and cleaned up, Rose wanted to wash me, reluctantly I’d started allowing her too, for some reason, she enjoyed it, pfft, probably the same reason I enjoyed washing her and taking care of her. I finished washing her hair when she looked at us both and said, “can you show each other some affection, it makes me sad you don’t when I know you love each other.” “We are fine, darling.” “Please?” Rolling my eyes, I leaned over and kissed Nick on the lips. She was sandwiched between us while we kissed, and at some point the cheeky b.itch slipped out. Nick pulled me in against him and kissed me harder, I found myself growing hard again, feeling his c.ock against mine. “Am I turning you on?” He murmured with a smirk. “Yep,” I mumbled against his lips. We both burst into laughter when Rose pushed our a.sses trying to making us grind one another. “Calm down, darling.”
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