Chapter 20: She’s what!

1836 Words
For Rose,s benefit, Nick grabbed my and pulled me in against him hard, grinding himself against me. “F.uck, you have a really good f.ucking,” he mumbled and squeezed it hard. “I’m not a f.ucking girl.” “Jax, stop being all defensive, guys can have nice a.sses too,” Rose said. I rolled my eyes, but let him carry on holding my while he rubbed himself against me. It felt good and wasn’t long before I was doing it back. Rose may as well have bought herself f.ucking popcorn as she got comfortable on the floor so she could watch us rubbing our c.ocks together, Rose was a complicated woman, in a fun way, she enjoyed us showing affection to one another as we didn’t do it often, but other times she’d enjoy it for a while and then grow jealous so we’d turn our attention on her. Apparently, the feeling jealous was some weird of hers, I don’t know, she’d like us to sometimes start off only giving one another attention until she grew jealous and felt left out, then she’d enjoy us making her feel better and showering her with our attention and affections. Not right now, she was quite happy to just sit back and watch us grind until we both were coming. “F.uck!” I moaned. Come spurted from my c.ock, and Nick exploded with come too, Rose liked watching our d.icks rubbing together while they were sticky and covered in one another’s come. “You like watching us, darling?” I asked. She nodded shyly, Nick gently pulled her face towards our c.ocks. She started licking and sucking the come off us. I pulled her to her feet and we both took turns kissing her, I knew she was turned on, so I fingered her p.ussy while Nick kissed her, when she was close, I used my other hand to push my fingers in her and used both hands to finger both her and her p.ussy until she was squirting and crying her o.rgasm against Nicks lips. I liked making her squirt, but it was messy, so I usually only did it in the shower. When Nick let her go, she looked at us and said, “go on then.” When we both looked confused, she said, tell each other, you don’t say it enough to one another and you should. I groaned while Nick rolled his eyes. “He knows babe,” he said. “Tell him!” She scolded. He looked at me and said, “I love you.” “Love you too.” “Properly, Jax,” she said. I tried not to sigh. “I love you, Nick,” I bowed sarcastically, and she slapped the side of my head. “What? I f.ucking told him!” “By being a sarcastic d.ick!” I looked at Nick. “I f.ucking love you, Nick.” I grabbed his face between my hands and kissed him hard on the lips. “There, better?” “Yep,” she grinned. I grabbed her up into a hug and kissed her too. “I f.ucking love you too.” She giggled and grew bashful, I didn’t tell her I loved her much either, and I should, I decided there and then I’d start saying it more to her and showing it more. When we were out of the shower and dressed, both me and Nick only wore our sweatpants and stayed topless, we were both f.ucking pervs, we’d just f.ucked Rose, came a few times, but we still wanted to tease her, maybe turn her on and f.uck her again. We knew she loved our muscular bodies and as predicted she kept blushing and getting all bashful when she looked at us. I picked her up, making her wrap her legs around me and kissed her. “Wanna watch a film together and get some takeout?” “Yes,” she grinned, wrapping her arms around my neck as I carried her downstairs. We put a horror on and when we finished the Chinese takeout we bought she struggled between us ‘hunks’ as she called us. It was pretty funny, she’d curl up in Nicks lap and enjoy his cuddles and kisses, enjoy running her hands over his muscular chest, and then she’d want me and crawl into my lap, kiss me and run her hands over my chest. “You enjoying us, darling?” I murmured, playing softly with her hair. “Yes,” she whispered. I kissed her, and we made out for a while before Nick leaned over and pulled her lips from mine to his and kissed her too. “You sore?” He asked her. “No.” “Reckon we can f.uck you again without making you too sore for Fenris and Romulus tomorrow?” She nodded, so we took her to bed. We didn’t always get on, sometimes me and Nick clashed or bickered stupidly, and it drove Rose mad. As usual when we woke up it was me waking up freezing my nuts off because Nick was hogging the f.ucking covers. I tried pulling them back over me, but he held on tighter. “F.ucking share, dickface.” His only response was to flip me off without even turning to look at me. “Fine, I don’t need them, I got my girl.” I pulled Rose into my arms, who stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up. That got Nicks attention, and he tried tugging her back to him, I blocked him, wrapping my arms around her and kicking him away. “You f.ucking kicked me in the balls, you b.astard!” Nick growled. “Guys, please stop fighting,” Rose mumbled sleepily. I kissed her cheek. “Go back to sleep, darling.” I got out of the bed to let her rest and Nick kicked the back of my legs, making me crash to the floor. “I’ll f.ucking slice you up if you do that again!” I growled. “No you won’t, Jax, you love me too much,” he gave me a sarcastic air kiss and I swear I almost decked him one. Rose from nowhere came barreling past me, pushing me out of the way to run to the toilets. “All that f.ucking didn’t give you the s.hits did it, darling?” I called out after her. “Don’t be so f.ucking crude,” Nick threw a pillow at me, but I caught it and threw it back as hard as I could. When we both heard Rose throwing up, Nick raced out of bed, and we ran to check on her, my heart was pounding, fear that her cancer was back coming over me. “You alright?” Nick looked back at me from where he was stroking Rose’s back. I nodded, and pulled myself together. “Uh, yeah, sorry.” I went over and gently pulled her hair away from her face. “Why do you look so panicked?” Nick asked, the fucker didn’t miss a thing. “A few years before you met Rose she had cancer, had similar symptoms, it just got me worried. We should probably take you to the doctor, darling, and get you checked out to be sure.” “Wait what! Rose had cancer, and you’re only telling me now?” “We didn’t want to worry you, you’ve already gone through enough in your life, and she’s cancer free now.” “I can handle it, you should have told me.” “It was Rose’s decision, I was just doing as I’m told.” “Since when do you ever do as you’re told?” He snorted. “I do when it comes to Rose.” I walked off and made a doctor’s appointment. Being rich definitely had its perks, instead of waiting days or weeks, I was able to get a private appointment and have her seen today. We helped her get dressed even though she tried shrugging us away saying she was fine now, then we got her in the car. Nick drove while I sat in the back with her, cuddling her. It wasn’t long before we were seen, the doctor checked her over, asked her symptoms and did a pregnancy test, it was positive. We all left sort of stunned. “How?” She asked. She’d been using birth control. When we got home, she checked all her pill packets and then hit me and Nick on our chests. “Damn you two! Your gorgeous hot looks distracted me! I blame Fenris and Romulus too, I’ve missed two, one a couple of weeks ago and again last week and last night, I’m so stupid!” “Are you not happy about the pregnancy?” I asked. She stopped walking and thought about it. Slowly, she nodded and smiled, then frowned and asked us, “are you two happy about it?” “I’m happy if you are,” I kissed her forehead. “Same, as long as you’re happy I’m happy to have another little one join our family,” Nick smiled and kissed her cheek. “I wonder who the father is,” she asked, and then her eyes grew wide, “I might be less ecstatic if it’s another set of triplets.” I snorted a laugh. “That’s why it’s great having a pack and lots of mates too, you get all the extra help and support.” “True,” she grinned. She only managed to wait a week before she wanted to see Catherine and find out who the father was with one of her spells. Fenris and Romulus were happy about it, and we all went over to Catherine’s. Like last time, she had a bowl with a rose quartz in it and moonstone, then ground some s.hit and threw in some herbs. Next she asked for a piece of hair from all us males and saliva, like before, I spat in the bowl, and she glared at me. “Must you spit?” “You want my f.ucking saliva, don’t you?” She put her hand to her head while the rest of them all sighed or rolled their eyes, unlike me, they used a q tip. Bunch of p.ussies. She chanted some gibberish, don’t f.ucking ask me what, then an arrow formed and pointed to me. Frowning, I looked for more arrows like there had been last time, but nope, it was just the one. “Looks like you’re the father, Jax,” Catherine smiled, then looked sympathetically to Rose. “Good luck.” Rose wisely stifled her laugh, while Romulus couldn’t stop himself from smirking and snorting a laugh. “F.uck you!” I punched him in the arm, but that just made him laugh more. I shoved his head then turned to Rose and kissed her.
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