8 – Watch Over Me

1600 Words
PACING en route to where the jeep was parked, Summer was also removing the wrap in her hands. The fight has ended. It was not a fair fight but she has been challenged. These ‘regulars’ only wanted to see what she was made of. It was timely that she did not have a great day. The people that she fought with received the blow of the angst that she has been feeling all day. She fought with four different boxers. One at a time. A survival of the fittest. As she was hailed as the victor, she took home all the money. No one contest the match since half of the challengers were on the floor unconscious while the other two were busy clutching either the head or the stomach. She has been in illegal fighting for a while now. It started when she was just trying to ward off the bloodlust in her veins but when she got the winnings, she got the hang of it. She decided to enjoy it while it lasted. It helped not only with her basic needs but with the children under her care. She threw the backpack on the passenger seat. Without looking back, she drove away. She made a drive-thru to get her meal. She deserved a full meal after an exhausting fight. Her favorite diner is already closed by now so she opted for the nearest fast food chain. She also made a beeline to the nearest gasoline station. She parked the jeep in the farthest space. She needs to clean up a little before she proceeds to the camp. Her nose flared. She flushed the toilet before she went out of the cubicle. Summer placed the backpack on top of the sink. She let her long hair out of its bun. She combed it with her hands before grabbing the brush from the front pocket of the bag. Done with everything, Summer stared at herself in the mirror. A frown marred her face when she noticed the hole at the bottom of her shirt. She reminded herself to buy herself a new one. She exhaled. “You cannot stay there forever.” She muttered. She knew that she was heard. A minute later, a woman went out of the last cubicle in the restroom. At this time of the night, only a few numbers of people would come and use the restrooms in the gasoline stations that close at one in the morning. She knew that the gas station closes at that time since she frequented this place. She often used the restroom when she has to clean up immediately. She gave herself a quick once over before she glanced at the familiar woman who exited the cubicle. Her curly hair was down. Its mahogany color made a contrast against her white shirt. “What do you want? You have been following me for days.” The woman’s brown eyes widened. She clearly did not expect what she heard. Summer turned her back from the mirror. She leaned on the sink and face the petite woman. The other woman breathed out. She composed herself and crossed her arms in front of her. The snobbish demeanor marked her pretty face. “I know who you are.” “That’s nice.” The woman frowned at her reaction. She must have thought Summer is going to be rattled. “What do you want from me, Tatiana Weasley? You’re not going to follow me for days and spent your precious hours stalking me for nothing.” Instead of answering her, the petite woman reached for something from her back. Summer raised her hand in the air. She caught the blade before it could make her face a target. “You’re fast but not as fast as a vampire. You’re also strong. You’re a good fighter.” “What did you get from what you’ve gathered?” “You’re not a half-bred either. You’re not one of us.” Their eyes met. The shifter’s eyes darkened. Her wolf showed up to let Summer know that there was a being inside the woman’s body. “And?” She asked. “You don’t get old.” A smirk formed on Summer’s lips. She must admit. Tatiana Weasley has uncovered many things about her that most of the people around her did not notice. “Stop strolling, Ms. Weasley. You agitate your wolf more.” “How come you know about us?” “Or how I know that you and Keena are mates?” Shocked painted Tatiana’s face. It went deeper as she stared at Summer. “How did you know about it?” “Your actions spoke for you. You have to do something about it. I know shifters who went crazy because they were unable to mark their mate.” She snorted. “That’s a lie. I know shifters who met their mate but chose to have another. They were pretty normal.” “Like your father.” She received a glare. “How the f*ck did you know that?” Summer chuckled. “You were right about many things about me. I’m not one of you and I don’t get old.” She grabbed the bag from the sink. It was the exact moment when a woman came in and went to the last cubicle used by Tatiana a while ago. She threw the blade back to Tatiana who quickly avoided its sharp edge. Its clattered sounded on the floor. “The f*ck are you? You could have hurt me.” The woman complained. Instead of answering her, Summer went out of the public restroom. The backpack was perched on her right shoulder, she sauntered to where the jeep was parked. The woman was muttering behind her but paid her no mind. Summer climbed to the driver's seat. She tossed the backpack at the back. She turned the engine on and maneuvered the vehicle. She pressed on the break when the shifter stood in the middle of the road. The woman was staring angrily at the driver. Her arms were stretched on both sides. “Are you not going to offer me a ride?” She laughed at the woman’s antic. “You know, you could have told me that you need a ride.” “I need a ride, dammit! I sent the cab away when I reached the gas station.” Tatiana stamped her feet on the ground. “Come on in, Tatiana.” The shifter quickly sprinted to the passenger side. “The hell! Why do you have so much clutter here? This is gross.” “You are welcome to leave, Ms. Weasley. I wouldn’t mind driving in peace.” Summer expressed. The vehicle was still unmoving. Her eyes were on the road. The woman in the passenger seat grunted but did not say another word. Summer drove away from the gas station. “There’s food at the back.” “Thanks.” She smiled when she heard no protest. Tatiana grabbed the McDonald’s bag from the back. “T-thanks. I’m really hungry. It’s really hard to shadow you, you know. Do you want some?” “It’s yours. I already ate the burger that I ordered with it.” “You saw me?” “Yes. You have been on my back since sundown.” “F*ck! You really noticed me.” She nodded. “In my long life, it became my lifeline. I would have been dead by now I don’t.” Tatiana continued chewing and sipping noisily beside her. She was like a child. She went to a war not prepared for possibilities. “What really are you, Summer?” “You’re a smart woman. You will eventually know what I am without me telling you.” The shifter breathed out in disappointment. It was followed by a loud burp. “Does it mean you’re not interested in Keena? You know, since you knew that were mates.” “I thought you were not interested in her? She told me.” Summer was startled when fries were thrown at her face. She glanced at the shifter. “Woman, you are sitting inside my car because of the goodness of my heart. You’re rude. If there is one thing that I hate more aside from people who are greedy, is people who wasted good food.” “If you are after Keena, I don’t care.” Summer turned the signal lights on before she made a turn to the side of the road. “Get out.” “W-what?” “I don’t know how you are brought up, Ms. Weasley, but my hospitality has ended here. You’re a warrior. You can defend yourself when you have to. Goodbye, Tatiana.” She knew that the shifter has her eyes on her despite not looking at her side. She could feel her hard staring. “You can bring the food.” Slowly, the other woman climbed out of the jeep. The moment that she heard the door close, she drove away. She heaved a sigh. She glanced at the mirror. There was sadness on the young shifter. She was hugging the takeaway food like a lost teenager. Tatiana is a confused young woman. She was driven by her emotions. For now, she was torn between what she wanted and what she dreamed of. Plans she has for her future against what fate has given to her. It was hard. Way harder for a young woman her age. She is smart. Keena, too. They will make it through.
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