Chapter 4

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ALLISON'S POV I stood frozen at the sight of them. In that moment, I couldn't move even if I wanted to. My breath got caught in my throat. My heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces. The scene in front of me was something I couldn't understand. Wendy, with her blonde hair flowing like a waterfall, was standing between the Alpha twins. They kissed her passionately, both taking turns. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn't realize I was standing there. One twin kissed her tenderly while the other ran his fingers through her hair. The intimate gestures made my stomach turn in jealousy. Wendy giggled "Stop it, you two we have company" They groaned as they pulled away from her. My chest heaved up and down as I breathed heavily. What the hell was going on here? My wolf whimpered in protest. The twins faced me, clearing their throats. "We apologize for the scene" one of them said. I straightened myself and bowed my head "Thank you, Alphas. We wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the two of you" "We should be the one thanking you actually" one of them said. "Thank you for risking your life to protect our mate, Allison," the other said. "Your mate?" I repeated in shock. The words felt like a knife to my heart. How could they think Wendy was their mate? I was their mate. This was all wrong. Wendy giggled. She grabbed their faces and kissed them both. "She really is the sweetest" Wendy said "She's always been there for me" "I'm Allen" one of them said. "And I'm Alex" the other said. I bowed my head "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highnesses. I am Allison". "From what we hear, you've been a loyal servant, Allison" Alpha Alex said "For that, we are grateful. You can ask for anything, and we will grant it,". I felt the room spinning around me. The walls seemed to close in, and my head throbbed with several emotions. I opened my mouth to speak, to correct this terrible misunderstanding, but no words came out. "Excuse me" I managed to say. I bowed my head before leaving the room. I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much. They thought Wendy was their mate? How? I stopped to lean on the wall in the hallway, trying to catch my breath. The scene, the hurt, it was all too much. How could the twins not recognize me as their true mate? I didn't have to wait long before Wendy found me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway. She opened a door and pulled me into an empty room. "Allison, listen to me," she hissed, shutting the door behind us. "You passed out, and the twins were confused about which one of us was their mate. When they saw us, they said their wolves told us their mate was one of us. I saw my chance and took it. I told them I was their mate and that you were my servant." My mind reeled in confusion. I felt pained and betrayed. Why would Wendy do this to me? " What?" I shrieked. " Shh! Keep your voice down" "Why would you do that, Wendy? You know I'm their mate. Why would you lie like that?" She looked at me with wide eyes "Because I had to. They were confused and this was my chance to become something" I looked at her in disbelief "I can't believe you. They're not your mates. This isn't fair" "Oh please. It's your fault we were there in the first place" "Are you really blaming me right now?" "No, I'm not. I'm just saying the facts. Iif they found out I lied, they might execute me for deceiving them. Besides, they already see you as a servant. There's no need to tell them. They wouldn't like you anyway. I'm more of their type" Tears ran down my cheeks as I looked at her. I couldn't believe Wendy would betray me like this. "Please, Allison, you have to understand. The betrayal for lying to an Alpha is the death penalty." "Then you shouldn't have lied to them in the first place. What about me?" "I'm doing this for us! It's better if they think I'm their mate. You couldn't even sleep with one man. How are you gonna handle two? If they realized you were their mate, you would ruin this for us just like you did with Draco. Unlike you, I know how to please men. Let me handle this. Don't let them kill me" The idea of the twins executing Wendy was horrifying, but the fact that she had betrayed me in such a terrible way was devastating. "You expect me to just go along with this?" I asked, my voice trembling "You want me to pretend that I'm your servant and watch you with my mates?" "Please, Allison. Please. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was scared. You know how ruthless Alphas can be. If they find out, they will kill me. I’m begging you to keep this secret." I stared at her, my mind racing. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to tell the truth, to expose Wendy's lie. But the fear in her eyes, the desperation in her voice, made me pause. "Please," Wendy whispered again "I'll do anything. Just please keep this secret. For me. For your friend." Friend. The word felt bitter on my tongue. Wendy and I had been friends, but now... now I wasn’t sure what we were. Could I forgive this? Could I live with this lie? I took a deep breath" Okay. I'll keep your secret" Wendy sighed in relief "Thank you so much. I promise I'll make it up to you. Somehow, I will." She hugged me tightly. I couldn't remember the last time Wendy hugged me. I didn't hug her back. I couldn't. The betrayal was too fresh, too painful. As she pulled away and left the room, I sank to the floor. The tears flowed freely. My body shook with the force of my sobs. How could things have gone so wrong? How could my mates not see the truth? From the looks of things, I would end up alone. I spent the next few hours staying there, in a crying mess. As I cried, I wondered why my life was this way. Was I cursed? I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I had to be strong. I would find a way out of this somehow. I had to.
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