Chapter 3

1239 Words
ALLISON'S POV Wendy and I turned to see the source of the growling. My heart hammered in my chest, and I felt my muscles tense as soon as I saw what it was. There, in the shadows, was a massive beast with red eyes. It bared its fangs at us. Fear gripped me tightly. My heart was beating so fast in my chest that I could hear it in my ears. I glanced at Wendy who was still on top of me. Her face was a mask of terror and her body trembled. I knew what she was going to do before she did it. "Wendy, stay still," I whispered. Wendy was the impulsive type, especially when she was scared. I knew that if she tried to run, the beast would chase her. The best thing was to stay still and hope the beast would go away in its own. Wendy didn't listen to me. Instantly, she made a move to run, and the beast lunged at her. Wendy screamed loudly My body moved on instinct. I threw myself in front of her. Pain exploded through my arm as the beast's claws tore into my flesh. I cried out in agony, falling to the floor. The pain mixed with the drugs in my system made me dizzy. The pain seemed to be keeping me awake. The beast reared back, ready to strike again. I braced myself, knowing there was no way I could protect Wendy from another attack. We were doomed. This was the end for us. But then, from the thicket, two large wolves jumped out, landing between us and the beast. One wolf lunged at the beast and a battle broke out between them. The other wolf stood guard in front of us in a protective manner. I watched, shocked and in pain, as the first wolf fought with a kind of strength I had never seen. I could feel a strong aura coming from both wolves. The sight of them made me want to go on my knees and bow to them. They were that powerful. I wondered who they were. They might be warriors. The fight was a blur of teeth and claws. The wolf fought the beast with speed and strength. Finally, with a heavy s***h,, the wolf killed the beast. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. My vision blurred, but I could make out the shapes of the wolves as they began to transform. I gasped as they shifted back into human form, revealing two incredibly handsome men, both completely naked. I stared at them in awe. The men were the most gorgeous creatures I had ever laid my eyes on. I marveled at the sight of them. They looked like walking gods. The fact that they were naked made my cheeks heat up. They were identical twins. The man in the right had raven black hair and beautiful deep brown eyes that drew you in the more you stared at them. He had an intense and dark aura. His dark hair fell in waves that brushed his shoulders. He had the most luscious set of lips I had ever seen. His physique was powerful, showcasing his well defined muscles. The other man had dark raven hair that stopped at his neck, shorter than his brother's. Unlike his brother, he had deep blue eyes that caught the sunlight. His eyes reminded me of the ocean. He had a powerful but softer aura. His aura was more authoritative than dark. His build was just like his brother's, tall and muscular. The two of them were three times my size. The connection I felt to them was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was as if an invisible thread tied our souls together, tugging at my heart. My wolf stirred within me in a way she never has before. She was usually weak but this time, she felt alive and it was all because of them. The connection I felt with them grew stronger with each passing moment. It wasn't just a physical attraction, though their beauty was undeniable. It was a deep, soul-crushing need to be near them, to touch them, to be touched by them. I couldn't explain it but it was there. I was drawn to them, like a moth to different flames. When they looked at me, I felt their gazes in my very core. "Mate" my wolf whispered. It all made sense now. No wonder I was so drawn to them... I thought about it. It couldn't be possible. How could these gorgeous powerful men be my mates? I wanted to dismiss it as the drugs playing tricks on me, but the connection felt so real. Suddenly, a man appeared from behind a tree. He was really skinny. He approached the men, bowing deeply before handing them the clothes in his hands. The men dressed quickly. The skiny man then turned to us and said, "Bow before them. These are the Alpha twins." I gasped in surprise. We were just saved by Alphas? Before I could say anything, my vision became more blurry and I felt waves of dizziness. The world tilted around me and the pain I felt finally took their toll. I managed a weak attempt at a bow before everything went black. * After what felt like an eternity in the darkness, my eyes fluttered open slowly. When I woke up and adjusted my eyesight to my surroundings, , the room around me was unfamiliar. The bed beneath me was soft, and the blanket that covered me smelled faintly of vanilla. The scent immediately brought the Alpha twins to mind. My head was foggy, but as I took in my surroundings, memories began to come back to my mind—of the beast, the pain, and then the Alpha twins saving us. My arm throbbed in pain. I looked at it and noticed there was a bandage covering the injury. My wolf was weak, making my healing process slow. The pain I felt was overshadowed by a powerful longing, a pull toward the Alpha twins that I couldn't ignore. Even in their absence, I could still feel the connection. My wolf stirred restlessly inside me. Just as I was trying to piece everything together, the door creaked open. The skinny man from earlier stepped in. "You're awake," he said "I'm Hulk, the squire" "Hello Hulk. I'm Allison" "I'm happy to see you're getting better. The Alpha twins have summoned you, along with your mistress." My mistress? I frowned in confusion. "My mistress?" Hulk nodded, gesturing for me to follow him. "Please, come with me." I stood up, feeling a bit unsteady. I could still feel the pain in my arm. I followed Hulk out of the room and down a series of hallways. My heart pounded with each step. I felt excited to see the Alpha twins again. We finally reached a door, and Hulk knocked before pushing it open. He gestured for me to enter. Inside, I saw Wendy. I breathed in relief—she was safe. But that relief quickly turned to shock as I took in the scene before me. Wendy was in the arms of the Alpha twins. Their bodies were pressed against hers. She kissed one deeply while the other nuzzled her neck. Their hands roamed over her body passionately. I gasped in surprise. What the hell is happening?
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