Chapter 2

1165 Words
ALLISON'S POV In the next hour, I got ready for my next client. One minute, I was crying on the floor and the next, I was preparing for the job Draco had for me. I couldn't stay on the floor crying all day. I had to get up and move on. The blue dress I had on clung to my body like a second skin. Every curve of my body was on full display. It was a beautiful drrss but it made me feel too exposed. I smoothed the fabric over my hips, trying to muster the courage to step into the room. . My heart pounded in my chest. If I could, I would run away as fast as I could. I took a deep breath, preparing myself. I couldn’t mess up this time. Draco’s threats echoed in my mind. If I failed, he wouldn’t just punish me—he’d kill me. Literally. I'd seen Draco burn girls. He would do so in front of us to show us what the punishment was for crossing him. I wondered why it took him so long to do that to me. I had refused to sleep with any of his clients. He should have burned me with wolfsbane by now. Maybe I was just lucky. My hand trembled as I pushed the door open. The man inside was dressed in a cream suit, sitting on the bed with a glass of wine in his hand. When he turned and smiled at me, I had to fight the urge to throw up. His facial features were unpleasant, almost frog-like, and the sight of him made my skin crawl. "Come in," he said "Join me, my love. You're beautiful" I hesitated. My feet were rooted to the spot. Every instinct screamed at me to run, but I knew there was no escape. Draco’s men were everywhere. Taking another deep breath, I stepped inside. My heart pounded so loudly I was sure he could hear it. The man walked to the door and locked it, slipping the key into his pocket. I swallowed hard. In that moment, reality dawned on me. There was no way out. "Sit," he said, returning to the bed and patting the space beside him. "Have a drink." My legs felt like lead as I moved to sit beside him. He poured wine into a second glass and handed it to me. I took it from him, my fingers trembling so much I was afraid I’d spill it. His hand brushed against mine, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Relax," he said "We’re going to have a good time." He took a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving me. I forced myself to take a small sip. His fingers started to move across my flesh, and I couldn’t hold back the shudder of revulsion. Every touch made my skin crawl, and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I tried as much as possible not to look at his face. He was very unpleasant to look at and I didn't want to give a bad reaction that might offend him. "That’s it," he murmured, his hand traveling higher. "Just relax." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the sensation of his fingers on my skin. The next thing he did shocked me. "Open your eyes, love" he said. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that he had brought out his c**k from his pants. His c**k was so small and weird looking. In that moment, I couldn’t take it anymore. This felt so wrong. "I can’t," I whispered "Please, I can’t do this." His smile slipped away, replaced by a vicious grin. "You don’t have a choice," he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer. "Do it." Panic filled my veins and I acted on pure instinct. I yanked my hand free and kneed him hard in the crotch. He let out a loud squeal of pain, doubling over and clutching himself. I didn’t waste a second. I reached into his pocket and grabbed the key. "I’m sorry," I whispered. I couldn’t afford to feel remorse. I ran to the door, fumbling with the key in the lock. My hands were shaking so badly it took me a few tries to unlock it. Finally, the lock clicked open, and I opened the door wide and ran out. I ran out the room and through the dark hallways. I could hear the sound of my breathing through the silence. I ran as fast as I could till I fled the building. My heart pounded loud in my chest, pushing me to keep going, to escape this nightmare. I had to get away from Draco, away from the life he had forced me into. But as I ran, a wave of dizziness washed over me, making my vision blur. I stumbled, nearly falling. What was wrong with me? My steps slowed and that’s when it hit me: the drink. He had tried to drug me. At the realization, I became even more scared and I pushed myself harder, wanting to put as much distance between myself and that place as possible. I saw Wendy approaching from the opposite direction. “Allison! Why are you running?” she called out. I couldn’t stop. I turned and ran into the woods. My legs felt heavy and uncoordinated from the effects of the drug. I could hear Wendy shouting behind me and the sound of her footsteps pounding against the ground. The trees blurred past me as I kept running. I tripped over a root and fell hard. The impact knocked the wind out of me. Before I could get to my feet, Wendy was on me. She turned me around to face her and got in top of me, grabbing my throat. She had annoyance in her gaze. “What do you think you’re doing?” she hissed “You wanna run away, don't you? " "I can't stay here" She tightened her grip on my throat "I f*****g knew it, you b***h! I knew you'd do something to sabotage our lives here. You can’t run away. You’ll ruin everything!” “Let me go!” I cried, struggling against her grip. She slapped me hard across the face. Before I could react, she slapped me again. I looked at her in disbelief. “Shut up, you little b***h,” she snarled. “You think you can just run away and ruin things for me? I won’t let you. You’re pathetic. Always causing trouble. You should be grateful Draco even keeps you around.” “Please, Wendy, just let me go,” Her grip tightened, and we struggled on the ground. My head was spinning and my vision became filled with black spots. I was losing strength by the minute. Suddenly, we both heard a loud growl beside us. We both froze in fear. What the hell was that?
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