Chapter VIII - Ghiglea

1362 Words
“Who are you?” Lucas asked in confused. “Misty Moulder Xaliandra,” she said as she approaching Lucas slowly and smiled. “Umm, Miss Xaliandra, am I at the hospital?” asked Lucas because this room makes him remembered hospital style even the technology much better than in his time. “No, this is The Entrance Gate. You just fell down to the Ghiglea,” she explained. Lucas frowned his forehead because he heard some strange names again. Did he just go into another city without he knows? Lucas really confused about his condition right now. “Ehm, sorry Miss Xaliandra—” “Just call me Misty,” she said with smile again. Lucas nodded. “Misty, I remembered that I just fell down to the river and drowned. But, how could I came to… what? Ghiglea?” Lucas really could not understand all of this. Misty smiled again and she keeps standing so beautifully, “I know it must be confused you a lot. But, there are so much things you didn’t know about the world.” Lucas nodded and thought that finally he could talk to someone that understand his situation. Lucas thought that Misty must be knows something about this. “You just came from Sororice, right?” Misty looked at him with serious face. Lucas widened his eyes. What happened to him before really exist when he heard her words. “How did you know???” he quickly asked. Misty smiled and silent for a moment. She then walked into the right wall on Lucas’s room and touched it. Suddenly, a big screen as the screen that Lucas touched before appeared. But, this screen was bigger and tall as human heights. Misty touched some menu bar and she swipe it to the empty room. Lucas really amazed to see a set of sofa and glass table appeared as it was pulled from the screen. Misty then selected some menu bar again and a pair of wine glass just pop out on the table. That woman walked to the left side of the screen and she put her palm into the wall. Another screen appeared and a robot voice start to ask. “What do you want to drink, Miss Xaliandra?” Lucas could not stop to feel amazed by this technology. How could a screen know that it was Misty’s hand? “Fresh healing herb tea,” Misty said calmly. “Your order already served at the table, please enjoy your drink and have a nice day.” When that robot voice said that, Lucas quickly looked at the table and he surprised to see that the herb tea already served. He did not see how the glass filled with the tea and he feel regretted. “Have a sit,” said her and she sits in front of him. Lucas also sitting on that comfortably sofa. He has so many questions right now on his head. Just a few moments ago he was stranded at ancient time and now he jumped to modern world. “It’s really convenient,” said Lucas and his eyes could not stop to looked at the screen where Misty’s hand was there before. “Oh, you mean Magery? It was a common voice robot here. Hmm, in your time it was called Siri, right?” Lucas eyes widened. This woman knows about his world! “How did you know???” he quickly asked. Misty smiled, “Because Ghiglea was the future of Bristol.” This fact really makes Lucas shock. He did not know about this thing and how could he did the time-travel to the future??? “I know it must be confusing you. But, I will tell you that Sororice was the past of Bristol,” she said again. What??? Lucas really could not think about it. He was trapped into the past and the future? “I don’t know how Bristol’s people like you could come here, but you couldn’t tell to Sororice about what you see.” Suddenly, Misty’s words make Lucas stunned. He did not get what she means by that. He just frowning his forehead. “Did you mean you will return me to Sororice?” asked Lucas in disbelief. Misty nodded, “Because you just fell down from there. So we must return you to Sororice.” “Hah???” Lucas really confused right now. Misty snorted because she does not believe that Lucas did not know about this. “Are you kidding me? You just fell down from the top ground to the bottom. Of course we need to return you,” said her. Lucas tried to process her words into his brains. He was not so smart but also not a stupid man. He knew what she means. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me that Sororice was an upper land and Ghiglea right below it ???” “Yes.” Lucas really shock right now. He never imagined that this will happen to him. Misty looked at his confuse face and she thought that she needs to explain everything to him. “Listen, this land has been divided into two worlds. Upper world and under world. Sororice was the upper world and Ghiglea was the underworld. Ghiglea knows everything about Sororice but they don’t know anything about us. We don’t want them to know about us,” she explained. “But, why?” Lucas did not understand it. “Because they said us using some dark magic, witches and everything like that after they saw Magery. A long time ago, they found us and shocked when they saw a large screen could talk. We explained to them that it was called Magery but they started to said that Magery was an evil. They want to take it and destroy Magery! We ever tried to get along with them but they were so afraid to us and they even tried to kill us with their barbaric style! Ghiglea was in chaos when Sororice people started to throw big stones to destroy us! So, we need to use some guns to them. Not killing of course, but it just erased their memories about what they remembered about Ghiglea. Then, Ghiglea doesn’t want to bother Sororice again. We let them in their ancient time. It was the best choice,” Misty answered.
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