Chapter VII - Another Place

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Lopo wants to shouted at him again but suddenly a big fish swim towards his hand. Lopo raised his right eyebrow and snorted like he wants to tell him 'look, the fish didn't interest with your hand because you move so much!'. But, he stunned to see that the fish sniffing Lucas's hand and eat the tree sap. Even when Lucas moved his palm to grab the fish, the fish chase him like it was really a worm. The sound of splashing water makes Zuonn and Bea looked at them. They were surprised to see Lucas successfully catch a big fish with his bare hand. Lucas looked so satisfied with his job. It was a big achievement for him because he never wants to try the new things. “Look at this! I caught it!” he showed that fish with happy face. He quickly stands up to show-off his first catch. But, Bea quickly shout at him. “Watch out!” Too late. Because of his suddenly move, the ice cracked and like a flash from a camera, Lucas fell down to the cold river. “Lucas!!!” That three men quickly move to the big hole where Lucas was fall down. They looked down to the water flows and could not see that guy. “Quick! Break this ice! He must be trapped down there!” Bea command them to start breaking the ice along to the downstream of the river. They jumped to the ground and tried to breaking the ice from the edges quickly. Zuonn even smashed the ice so powerful and it shattered to pieces. They could not find Lucas. That man just disappeared like he was drowned to the sea. The river showed them a strong stream and they lost their hopes. Lucas could not escape. The coldness and the strong current killed him instantly. Meanwhile, Lucas who fell into the fast flowing river tried to swim upward. The coldness of the water makes him hard to move his hands and his feet. All of his body felt so numb and he could feel the coldness started to pierced his bones. He even could not hold his breath longer because the stream swept him to the end of the river. He drank so much water and his lungs really feel so hurt. His body began to twitching because he swallowing too much water. Suddenly, Lucas was very shock when his head bumping something hard. This river full of rocks and his body felt ached from hitting some rocks as he was carried away by the strong current. A hard cracking sound makes Lucas coughing while he was drowned. His left arm was broken because hitting the rock so hard. Once again, Lucas hope that if this was his second fainted, he wants to wake up at his apartment. He gave up to swim and let his lungs filled with the water. Lucas closed his eyes as his body continues to be carried away. Maybe it was not fainted anymore, he was died at his dream. *** Lucas does not know how long he has been fainted or if he already died. He opened his eyes and found white ceiling with 6 lamps above him. He squinted at the glare of the lamp. His head was too dizzy until he shook it several times. He forgot what happened to him before he awakes. Lucas tried to remember everything and his gaze stopped at the ceiling. He frowned his forehead when he saw those LED lights. Lucas suddenly remembered that he was fell down to the river and what was happened with him after a few minutes. He was really curious to see those lamps. He just stranded at some ancient time and what was that? He knew that at ancient times, it was impossible to see LED lamps. Lucas even remember that they used fire for lights. He widened his eyes and quickly get up from a white covered bed. He looked around him and saw that he was in all white decorated room. This room definitely different from the ancient time before. It was really modern and full of technology. Lucas even realized that he was lying on the unique bed that he has never seen even in his real life. This bed made from some cottons and looks so fluffy. It also has a glass display beside it. Lucas frowned with curiosity because he never seen that display before. Clear glass with ice pattern on it. He touched that display and suddenly some words appeared. It was a computer screen. Lucas could read the menus that appeared on that screen. It has lightning control and Lucas touched it. Suddenly the lamps at this room become so dim and he touched it again. Everything was turned into dark and just a light from that screen makes him could see what should he do. Lucas touched the screen again and it suddenly bright as before. He also found menu for the bed. ‘Sleep’, ‘Yoga’, ‘Meditation’, ‘Reflexology’ become his attention. Lucas touched ‘Yoga’ menu and suddenly the fluffy cloud bed turned to be flat but not hard as the floor. He touched the bed and it feels like yoga mat. Lucas really amazed with this technology and he quickly select ‘Meditation’ menu. The bed turned into flat hard as rock that good for meditation. Even the bed become a bit colder that before. He was so exciting to see these innovations. He then pressed ‘Reflexology’ and suddenly some balls appeared from the bed. The balls start move slowly and Lucas can see the height of the balls always changing. He quickly jumps to the bed again and lying down there. He could feel the balls did the massage. It was really refreshing and comfortable for him. Lucas smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the massage. “I know it must be so comfortable,” A woman voice makes Lucas startled a bit. He quickly wakes up and saw a woman with red lipstick was looking at him. Lucas does not know when this woman enter his room. That woman wearing a white coat same as laboratory coat. A pair of white high boots and tidy blond-hair. She was not very pretty but she has charisma that makes everyone wants to look at her.
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