Chapter IX - Time Travel Machine

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“You have all of the technology but you are afraid with them?” Lucas looked at her with raised eyebrows.     “I think you have seen that they have strength on them. They are so powerful at physic but not with their mind. The example that good to describe them is their power same as giant. While Ghiglea was great at technology but we are not so good with our physic. Too much sitting in front of computer makes you powerless. Ironic, right?” she snorted again as it was a painful memory to her.     “You can expect what their moves with your technology!” Lucas said quickly.     “Even our computer could not expect what their moves because they act by their instinct and we think by our brains! It’s an opposite!” Misty did not want to lose and she also quickly answered him.     Misty then sighed a bit and she leaned on the sofa as she was tired. Lucas still has some many questions on his head and he was confused to pick one of it.     “Then, Ghiglea entrance was at the river?”     That question appeared suddenly and Lucas spoke it. Misty looked at him and she nodded.     “We must create the endless winter at Sororice so the entrance will freeze and they can’t find us. When you fell down to the river, you already fainted and did not know that there’s a whirlpool inside the river. That’s the entrance,” she answered.     “Create the endless winter???” Lucas widened his eyes as he really could not accept it.     Misty just nodded and Lucas suddenly get angry to her. He could not hold himself anymore and he widened his eyes.     “All of you did terrible things! Don’t you know that they feel so cold and must survive from the winter??? What you have did same as killing them! And you don’t have any rights to take the warmth from them!” without he realized it, Lucas already shouted at Misty. That woman was shock to hear that.     “We just protect ourselves!” she offended.     “Protect yourself? I don’t think so. What I see is that Ghiglea does not want to share their knowledge with Sororice. I don’t know how exactly both of this worlds got their misunderstanding but from what I heard that Sororice want to take Magery is that Ghiglea afraid their technology will be taken by Sororice,” Lucas said what in his mind without thinking anymore.     Misty silenced when Lucas said that. She must be thinking that what he has said was true. She also knew the story from what others told them and she did not experience it by herself. It same as doctrine with a mask ‘to protect our world’.     “You got the points. But, I don’t think everyone will agree with you. Besides, it was not your problem at all,” she remembered him by that.     Lucas stunned. She was right. Their problems were not his priority right now. He must think how to get back to his apartment at Bristol.     “You’re right. By the way, could you tell me how to get back into Bristol?” asked him.     Misty blinking for a couple times in confused, “Return to Bristol?”     Lucas quickly nodded. Misty then laughed so hard.     “What are you talking about??? Don’t you hear what I have said before?” she felt amused by what Lucas just said. Lucas really don’t know what her means. Misty looked at him directly into his eyes.     “Ghiglea was the future of Bristol. So, it means that this is the Bristol in the future!”     Lucas widened his eyes. This information really did not help him at all. He could not keep at this future when he still at his former state. He remembered everything and it was not make sense to him.     “Do you have a time-travel machine?”     Suddenly Lucas asked that because he think that Ghiglea has high-technology machines so it must be not a hard way for them to make such a thing.     “What for? We didn’t create such useless thing. No need to looked back and we must keep looking forward. That’s the principle of our life!”     Lucas stunned again when heard what Misty said. It was same as his father’s words. Lucas remembered that Lopo also said the same thing as his father. Now he heard that again from Misty and the tone, words and expression were still same as his father. He does not know why his father’s words always appeared in this time.     “Um, it may sound strange for you but actually I don’t know how I can be here. I just remember that I fell asleep at night then suddenly I woke up at Sororice. I don’t remember someone kidnapped me or anything else. It’s really confusing me. Maybe you could help me?” Lucas looked at Misty face with hope.     Misty silenced for a moment and looks like she was thinking of something.     “That’s mysterious. I know your clothes from Bristol history and I don’t think you lie to me. Maybe this happens in your dream?” said her. Lucas frowned his forehead.     “I hope so. But, I already pinched my cheek and it hurts. Also I could feel everything in this place so realistic to my body. Such as cold, the warmth of fire, I can feel it! So, it makes me doubt it that I was in my dream,” Lucas shook his head couple times and Misty nodded in understanding.     “I really wants to help you but I also don’t know how, buddy.”     Lucas nodded. He was too stress to thought about what happened to him. So, he even does not know what should he do in this place.     Misty looked at his face that full of thoughts. She then stood up so Lucas looked at her.     “Want to look outside?” she offered.     “Sure, I don’t know what to do in here,” Lucas agreed and he follow her.     Misty then stopped before opening the door. She turned around to see Lucas from the top to the bottom.     “Maybe you should change. It may be inappropriate to be seen in sleeping clothes like that,” she suggested so Lucas looked at himself.         
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