Chapter XII - Explanation

1102 Words
    After the coldness has been gone, Lucas started to wake up and looked around. He saw Zuonn, Lopo, and Bea sit around the igloo and warm their hands in front of the bonfire.     “You seem so easily fainted, aren't you? This is the second time we found you fainted. Pathetic,” Lopo commented. Lucas staring at him with unhappy face. “Pathetic? You can say that after you fell down to that damn cold water and see if you can manage to keep alive!” Lucas said coldly and grit his teeth. Lopo just want to reply him before Zuonn stopped him. “What?” Lopo looked unhappy by that. “Lucas right. If we are the one who fell down to that river in winter like this, even I can't guarantee myself to back alive like him. He's strong, man!” Bea said that to Lopo as he has the same thought as Zuonn.     Lucas feel so relieved because Zuonn and Bea supported him. Lucas just feel that Lopo is a bit arrogant and always think about himself that he is so great at everything. He dislikes this guy.     Lucas then want to warm his feet by approaching the bonfire. When he takes his feet out from the fur blanket, the three of them saw white skinny trousers that Lucas wearing and of course it was an odd thing for them.     “Wait a minute, what you just wearing on?” asked Bea.     Lucas who confused by his question, looked at his own feet and found that he still wearing Ghiglea's clothes. He knows that this is the weird thing for them because they never see it before. So, Lucas tried to looking for some reason to make them believe.     “Umm... well... this is...” Lucas confused how to say it because he remembered that Misty already warned him about not telling the Sororice people about Ghiglea.     “You wearing the devil's clothes!” Lopo shouted suddenly and make Lucas startled.     “No! This is...”     Before Lucas could explain what just happened before, the three of them looks horrified. They started to back down and avoid Lucas. Lucas sighed because he will have a hard time to explain everything to them.     “Can you explain to me what do you mean by devil's clothes?” Lucas stand up and the fur blanket slipped down to the floor, revealing all the clothes he was wearing. Those men screaming when see Lucas in white slim-fit clothes like that.     “Go away!!! You are the devil!!! Stay away from us!!!” Lopo shouted at him again and quickly took his ax for his weapon to defense himself.     “Calm down! Calm down! Let me explain this to you!” Lucas surprised to see them in their defense mode. All of them took their weapons and pointed it to Lucas. His heart started to throbbing so much because his life was put in the line.     “Look at me! I'm just a small guy compare to all of you! I can't win against you! So, please let me explain this and then you can choose whatever you want to do to me!” Lucas shouted loudly to overcome their screaming.     All of them include Lucas silent for a moment. Their hearts beating so fast and doubting each other. Lucas looked at them and after he feel that they are calm a bit, he slowly put his hand down as a code for them to lower their weapons.     They lowered their weapons and Lucas breath in relief when see that. He then sits down again while the three of them just looking at him. Lucas know that their gaze were full of doubt about him. He suddenly remembered what Misty has told him, “They said we using some dark magic, witches and something like that...”     Lucas could understand why these people cannot believe in Ghiglea. They never saw technology and living in modern style. They are ancient.     “Please sit down. I will tell you everything,” Lucas said in calm so they will not feel threatened.     He sits calmly and waiting them to do the same thing as him. Those men looking each other as a sign if they should do what Lucas has asked them or not. They looked at Lucas again who just raised his eyebrows waiting at them.     They choose to sit down and listen to him. Lucas feel so relieved to see their weapons down to the floor.     “Okay, thank you. Now, can you explain to me first, what do you mean by devil's clothes?” Lucas looked at them seriously. He suddenly got a plan.     “Yeah, it's like what you just wearing! We already met the devils who came to our town and they show us their magic! Some kind of white balls that could speak, they ride at a flying disc, and much more! How could we are not terrified by that??? I mean... flying! How a human can be flying??? We're not birds!” Lopo panicked and explain it to him in desperate.     “Okay, I got it. It's called technology.” Lucas explained to them calmly.     “What? Tech... technology? What kind of dark magic is that???” Bea really confused right now.     “It's not a dark magic. Umm, let me explain about technology... how should I say that?” Lucas mumbling and hardly to find words that easily to be understanding. He then saw Zuonn's ax and suddenly pointed at it.     “Nah, that's it! Technology is a technique you made for something. But of course it using science as the development. The simple way I can say that technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes for produce something. Like that ax, you must be using some technique to sharpened the flat rock and tied it to the wood as a hand grip. Same as the flying disc you mentioned before and white balls that could speak. Those people who you called as devil doing the same thing as you to create useful things.  They did some researches to make that things and of course the function of those things is to make their life easier. The flying disc works same as the horse. It brings them to the place they want because they feel it convenient than horse. Do you got what I mean?” Lucas take a deep breath and waiting for their response.     “I kind of understand it... but, what is science?” Zuonn who silent for a while suddenly talked.         
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