Chapter XI - Returning to Sororice

1069 Words
    Misty's bracelet suddenly lights up and gave a notification like a smart watch. She looks into it and make a hand gesture. A screen pop-up above the bracelet and there's a text. Lucas have not read the message yet and Misty already closed the screen.     “I think your time is up. We need to take you back to Sororice,” said Misty. Lucas surprised to hear that.     “But, I'm not their citizen! I must back to Bristol!” he said quickly. “I know it but we didn't have a solution to returning you to the past, I mean to Bristol. So, as I said before, you came from the upper world, so we need to return you back there,” Misty said again.     Lucas sighed as he does not have any choice. He then follows Misty to get down from the sky tower. Misty bring him to the edge of the city. Lucas looked around where the place was the dimmed one. No street lights here so the only light just from the last street light. The road ended so Misty get out from the car and looked at Lucas. “We need to walk from here,” she said.     Lucas nodded and follow her to the darkest area. Misty turn on her bracelet that Lucas just know it can be a flashlight too. No buildings here and just left an empty ground. This ground not white as Lucas saw at the city. It was gray as cement color.     They walked for minutes and Misty stopped. Lucas looked at the place where they stopped and he widened his eyes. A round stage made from stone in front of him. Misty pointed to that stage so Lucas walked in doubt to there. He climbed the stage and then looked at Misty. He does not know how he should do in this situation.     Misty walked towards him and she suddenly swish her hand like bringing something from the ground into the air. Another screen and full of codes Lucas did not understand. Misty set another code and suddenly the stage shaking. Lucas a bit afraid with the shake like it was an earthquake. “Err, Misty? Are you sure this is safe?” he asked and cannot hide his afraid. “Yes, after this gate was activated, you will back to the river and it's your turn to save yourself from the current. Good luck and nice to meet you!” she smiled at him.     Lucas widened his eyes in shock after hearing what Misty just said before. The stage then blowing some powerful air pressure that Lucas cannot avoid. His body was throw to the sky and he screaming so loud. Lucas could feel he was thrown off so far and the air pressure did not stop yet. He then feels that his body bumped into a thin elastic wall.     Just in few seconds, Lucas realized what just happened. He was thrown into the river and the elastic wall was the end of Ghiglea. He still has not taken a deep breath and already back into the river. He drinks a bit of river water and could feel the water coldness. He starts to shaking in freezing and force himself to swimming. The current was a bit strong so he need to fight against it. He finally could bring himself into the surface, but he was intercepted by the ice that freezing the surface. He punched the ice for breaking it but his power weakened inside the water. He starts to lose his breath and his lungs feel so hurting. He did not want to end up death below the river.     Lucas start to panic and then he saw a light. He quickly swim towards it and found that it was the hole where he fell down before! He grabs the edge of the breaking ice and push his head to the surface. Lucas took a deep breath and coughing because of he drinks so much water.     He could feel the cold breeze through his head and he started to push himself out from the water. He lost so much energy and almost unconscious again. His hand already numbs because of the frozen ice he holds into. Before he can close his eyes, he looked at the back of three men walking away. They are his last hope.     “Help!!! Help me!!!” Lucas screaming asking for help while his throat start to freezing. He could hear his voice hoarser when he called them.     The blowing wind makes his voice unclear so those men did not turn around. They did not hear it.     “Help!!! Help!!!” he still screaming as he could. But his power start to weakened. He then remembers their names.     “Zuonn!!! Bea!!! Lopo!!! Help me!!!” he called their names loudly with the last hope.     Those big men stopped their feet and looked each other. They seem to hear someone called them but they cannot find who calling at them. “Did you hear it?” Lopo asked. Zuonn and Bea nodded. “Someone was calling us...” Lopo mumbled.     “Help me!!! I'm here!!!” Lucas shouted again and those men turned around. They are shocked to see a hand waving roughly from a hole at the frozen river.     The three of them stunned for a moment. Suddenly they realize that it must be Lucas who need their help.     “Lucas!!!”     Those big men running quickly and look down at the hole. They found Lucas tried to keep himself at the surface. They quickly help him out from the water and Lucas shivering. His face has turned to be pale and he tighten his teeth. Lucas could not feel his legs anymore. The cold water freezing him so much.     Zuonn gave him his fur jacket. Lucas still shivering because the wet clothes he wears start to frozen. Lucas think that Ghiglea clothes that looks like made from plastic could get wet too.     Before he realizes what just happened, his body got lift by Zuonn with easily. Zuonn dragged him to the horse and he ride it. Lucas did not know what happened in the next minute because he already closed his tired eyes. He did not realize when they arrive at the igloo. But, suddenly his body felt the warmness of the fire. It must be the bonfire they made.         
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