Chapter XVII - The Mediator

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    Misty left Lucas for a moment as she trying to convinced some of her co-workers especially her supervisor. Lucas just could look what she did behind a glass window because Misty said she will try to talk to them first. She took a glance to Lucas several times as she explains everything to them. Looks like they started arguing because Lucas could see their serious face and even they raised their eyebrows when look at him. Lucas just could pray that they did not think he was insane to give that idea.     Misty then sighed after talking to them. She looks so desperate until Lucas thought that his idea might be decline by them. Lucas feel so down and he let himself sit without any power left. He must think another way to make both of them reconcile. Lucas did not know why he wants to do that. He was not a person who will interfere other business. But, he just cannot ignore it.     Lucas did not see what happened next because he already turns his back to that window as he knows what is the result. The door opened and Misty enter the room. She walks to Lucas and find him close his eyes. Lucas heard her shoes walk to him.     “I should expect this... I know what you wanna say,” Lucas said in low voice as he keeps closing his eyes. He let his body lied down to the sofa. “Oh, you did? Then do you know the result?” Misty asked him. Lucas nodded slowly. Misty raised her eyebrows. “If you know it, then why you not get up?” she said again. Lucas opened his eyes. “Get up?” he replays. Misty nodded.     Lucas really confused right now. He thought that they want to kicked him out from Ghiglea because they thought he was insane. Before he could ask, a man entered the room and looked at him. He must be her supervisor because Lucas see a gold badge at his clothes while others does not have it.     “Are you sure we don't need police to be our guard?” that man look at Lucas.     What? Lucas think that he might be hear something unexpected. He quickly stands up as he understands what that man means. Misty just grin secretly behind him. “Err, well... yeah, you don't need it. I already said to them that all of you are good people and will not harm them. So, you agree with this idea... mister?” Lucas smiled at him and offer him a shake hand. “Omerice Semberth,” he accepts Lucas hand and shake it firmly.     Lucas grimacing in pain as he releases their handshake. This man might be short and looks like not have such a big power, but who knows he have that power. “O-Omerice?” Lucas replay and widened his eyes trying to hold his laugh. “Yes, Omerice Semberth. Why?” Omerice looked at him with frowned. Lucas shook his head. “Oh, nothing Mr. Omerice. Nice to see you. I'm Lucas Whitlock,” greet him. Lucas feel his name a bit funny because it reminds him with omelet and rice. He thought that it seems that two kinds of foods have been merge.     Omerice looked at Lucas from the top until his feet. Lucas feel uneasy with his attitude but he has no choice. “So, are you really from Bristol?” he asked in curious. Lucas nodded. “I don't know how I could have ended up here. The last time I remembered that I was sleeping in my room. Somehow I was wake up at Sororice,” Lucas explained it again to him. Omerice just listen at him without showing any expression. “So, you sure they will not harm us too?” he asked again in sharp tone. “Yes, sir. I can guarantee that. I have talked to their head chief,” Lucas said as he secretly gulping because he really takes a big risk by saying guarantee to this problem. “Well, I will try to see it by myself. Don't disappoint me,” he said in arrogant face and leave the room.     Suddenly, Lucas and Misty sighed in relief together. Both of them looked at each other. “Why you sighed?” Lucas asked her. Misty just rolling her eyes. “You know the supervisor is not easy. He is so strict and I'm afraid he will punish you if you lie to him,” she mumbled. Lucas widened his eyes. “What kind of punishment?” Lucas asked in low voice and pray in his heart that it will not be something unbearable. “I don't know. He was a hard guess man. Most likely his punishment ideas are out of the box,” she answered and make Lucas more afraid.     Misty took a computer tablet with her and small white gun that have unique design. She put that gun on her waist bag and just carry the tablet. “So, how many people will follow us?” Lucas asked. “Just five people. Mr. Semberth, Abelineq, Dorsky, Leynwee and me.”     All of their names seems strange to him. But, Lucas does not want to asked about it and just follow Misty out from the facility.     Three white cars already waiting them in front of the facility. Lucas could see Omerice already standing while folding his hands in his chest. He looks far away and must be in deep thinking. Two men and a woman with long hair looked at them. Misty introduced them to Lucas.     “This is Abelineq,” she pointed at a skinny man with lazy face. Lucas shake a hand with him and Abelineq does not say a word to him. “Dorsky,” a short man with fat body smile at him. Lucas also smile to him as his greet. “And this is Leynwee,” Misty took a glance at the last woman with big eyes. She was pretty but Lucas can see her arrogant style.     He already greets them all and they started to enter their car. Lucas feel so relieved that he was with Misty who he had already know than the others.     The cars started to move along the road into the departure place. Lucas want to get out from the car but Misty shook her head. “We will come with this car,” she said. “But, don't you said that this car can't operate without the road? There's no such a road at Sororice,” Lucas confused now. “We do this,” Misty then pushed a red button with plane picture on it.
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