Chapter XVI - Convincing

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    Before Lucas could hiding, a unique Ghiglea's car coming. Lucas stopped for a moment and looked at that car. He wants to know who came to 'greet' him. He frowned his forehead and realize it was Misty who came to his place with a thing that look like a gun.     Misty pointed her gun at Lucas place. She looks like on her guard and slowly approaching Lucas. She did not lower her hand at all. Lucas raised his eyebrows because he thought that Misty recognize him.     “Misty? It's me,” Lucas said it in loud voice so she could hear him.     Misty frowned her forehead and tried to look closely. She then realizes the man who standing at the stage.     “Lucas?” she was curious why that strange man come to Ghiglea again. She then lowered her gun and walking into him. Lucas breath in relief after knowing Misty won't hurt him. “Why you come back again?” Misty asked and looked at him carefully. “I have something to tell you,” Lucas put his serious face and that makes Misty raised her eyebrow. “Don't tell me that you came just to say 'actually I was fall in love with you'. That will be disgusting words ever,” said her. Lucas frowned his face when heard that silly thing. “Do you think I'm a man with such lovey-dovey words??? That's not about it. I'm not crazy enough to fall in love with stranger I just met before,” he replied in sarcasm. “Then what do you want to tell me?” Misty curious again. “Let's talk about it at your place. I need your Magery to dry my clothes. It's a bit cold,” Lucas keeps trembling and Misty just realize it. “Okay, just jump-in,” she opened the car door when they stopped in front of it.     “Why always you who came to that place?” Lucas asked while he looked back at the stage behind them. He enters the car and sit beside Misty. “Because I work as a safety controller. Everything that trespass Ghiglea will face me first,” she answered while turn on the machine.     The car brought them to Misty's office. Luckily because of Lucas wearing Ghiglea's clothes, he did not attract any attention from all of people at there. Also because of his 'common' face. Misty let Lucas using Magery to dry her clothes and she prepare drinks for them. She waits him at the sofa.     Lucas finished drying his clothes and when see Misty already waiting him, Lucas sit in front of her. “So, what do you want to tell me? Please, be quick. I still have a lot of things to do. It's my work time you know,” she said in hurry.     “Well, it's about Ghiglea and Sororice,” Lucas started.     When she heard those words, Misty sighed and with lazy face she looks bored at him, “You bring up that problem again? I think it's not your business. You should try to looking a way to return you to Bristol than poking your face to someone's problem.” “Well, I can't help myself because I don't know how to do it. Beside your problem and Sororice just a thing that I could do for now. I can't find a way to return if Sororice keep freezing like that,” Lucas replied her. “You got a point,” she commented and nodded. She waits him to continue his words. Lucas took a deep breath before started.     “I'm sorry I've told Sororice people about Ghiglea,” he said in deep voice. Misty's eyes widened and she was shock to hear that. “You did???” she replays it again. Lucas nodded.     “Not to everyone. They have a rule that they obey the strongest one. And... luckily I was found by him when stranded at there. He believes in what I have told him. He wants to reconcile the problem of Sororice and Ghiglea. Also I told him about where I came from,” he added quickly before Misty can get mad at him again. “... then?” Misty looks curious now.     “I offered him I will be a mediator for both of you. So, maybe Ghiglea can try to approaching them again and make a teamwork with them? You will live at outside with the real sunlight and not just by hand-made sun like this. Do you ever see your skin?” Lucas pointed at Misty's pale skin. “What's wrong with my skin?” Misty raised her eyebrow because she feels that it is normal to have pale skin at Ghiglea. “It's not a good skin! A human needs sunlight. You never got any warmth of the sunlight and never feel it. Believe me, you will like the real sun than this giant lamp,” Lucas fold his hands into his chest.     Misty silenced for a moment. This information really makes him confused. She does not know how to talk to Lucas. “Well, I... I know you have good intention to us. But, it's not just me who you should convinced. There are many Ghiglea citizen that offended Sororice. How you explain to them?” Misty looked at him seriously.     This time was Lucas who silenced. He thinks for a moment because what Misty has said is true. He need to convince other citizen and he think that it will take a long time to do that.     “Maybe, I can do the opening...?” he suggests.     “The opening?” Misty frowned her face.     “Yes, I mean I can try to be a good moderator to explain everything. I think I'm confident to explain it because I have doing this last night. It's not so easy to explain everything to the ancient people. But, I think they will understand what I wanna say. Also this is for their good sake too, right?” Lucas a bit nervous right now but he cannot stop his mind for think everything. “You can go with some people from Ghiglea to Sororice. I will be with you and make sure everything alright. No need to be afraid. Actually they are good people. Even a little bit barbaric...” Lucas's voice turned to be so low when he said the last sentence. “I suggest you to just coming in small group first. We don't want them to be afraid of Ghiglea. We need to approach them with kindness. I think it's a good idea,” Lucas nodded so fast because he never thought that he could think like that.     He then looked at Misty and just realize that the girl stunned by his words. Lucas face turned to be red because he was ashamed to be gazed by a woman. “W-what? Don't look at me like that...” he mumbled. “I just never heard you talking so much like this. At first I thought you are not a talkative person,” she commented. “I am. This is just the plan explanation...” said him. “Well, it's not a bad idea too. If this is success, we can grow trees and soil,” Misty nodded in agreement. “You don't need to grow soil. It has been provided by nature,” Lucas remembered her.     “So, I need your help by telling some people to agree with this. If this meeting success, you can convince others as well. This is what I called the good opening,” Lucas smiled at her. “I'll try...” she mumbled and Lucas know that Misty still doubting his plan.  
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