Chapter XVIII - Revealing

1080 Words
    Lucas now understand that this button will turned the car into airplane so it can fly at Sororice. Misty drove the car into the stage and the car's size was enough to filled all the stage. Lucas then turn his head to see the others. They are waiting below the stage and Misty started to working on her dashboard. “Plane mode activated. Air pressure activated. Releasing in five seconds,” she talked to the small speaker beside her. “Copy that. The gate will open for five seconds. Wait us at the surface,” Omerice voice was heard. The communication ended and Misty started to count.     “Five... four... three... two... one...! Skycar launched!” Misty said to make her last report to Omerice and the car started to shaking.     Lucas tried to hold something to keep his balance as the shake of this car become more intense. He knows that the stage will throw them with a powerful air pressure. The car has been thrown so high into barrier and they entered the water. Misty controlled her car with good balancing so the current did not blow them away. “This car can't be freezing, isn't it?” Lucas asked in afraid because he know how could the water. “Don't worry, we already covered the car with temperature shell. The shell will adjust the same temperature as it surrounding to keep it for breaking because of sudden temperature changes,” she explained. “Wow, amazing...” Lucas really cannot stop adoring this car.     Misty drove it again to the surface and Lucas pointed a hole where he was coming from. “There! That's the hole! The head chief is waiting me at the surface,” he told her. Misty just nodded and go to that place.     Another sound was coming behind them and Lucas turn his head. Another member cars already entered the river too. So, they were following Misty's car.     Slowly, their car roof show in the surface. Zuonn heard the splashing sound and he quickly look at the hole. His eyes widened as he looks into something strange that started to flying. He cannot blink because he was shocked to see the thing that he has seen years ago. He cannot forget how that thing flying around them and he also know there's someone inside that thing.     The car flying and try to landing at the wide area. Zuonn keep looking at that white flying disc and without he realizes it, he hold his hammer tightly as his weapon. Misty widened her eyes when saw that huge man gritting his teeth and look angry. “He hold a weapon! Are you sure he's not gonna hurt us???” she said in panic. “Wait a moment! Let me get out first. He will know me,” Lucas quickly want to open the door but it was locked.     Misty set the door to be unlocked and Lucas get out from that car. Zuonn frowned his forehead because he saw a man out from that strange thing. Lucas waved his hand to him in hurry because he saw Zuonn already lift his hammer.     “Zuonn! It's me!!! Lucas!!!” Lucas shouted loudly over the sound of the wind. He started to walk toward him.     SYUUUTT!!! JLEB!!!     Lucas was stunned when he realizes something just passed him and landed at the snow field. He slowly turns his head to his right side to see that a stone hammer was thrown into him and luckily it missed the target. His heart beating so faster because he could imagine that his head could be broken into pieces if that hammer hit him.     Misty watched was just happening with freaking face. She quickly standby at her position to escape herself from there. When she wants to call Lucas to get in the car, she stunned at her place while see Lucas suddenly running so fast into that huge man.     “STOP IT, ZUONN!!! IT'S ME!!!” Lucas shouted louder than before until his throat feel so hurt. He did not stop his feet to running all the way to the big guy who started to take another thing beside him, it was a big stone.     Lucas widened his eyes because if he was hit by that big stone, he will die for sure and even his body will have scattered until no form again. He cursed the wind and rainy snow that makes Zuonn hard to see who is there.     But, after hearing a louder voice like that, Zuonn stopped his movement as he tries to look at someone running to him carefully. His eyes finally realize it was Lucas who came towards him.     “Lucas!!!” Zuonn quickly walk fast to him.     Lucas who already out of breath finally can stop his running when he heard Zuonn called his name. He walked slowly towards him again and took a deep breath when he reaches him. “I... almost... die... because... of... your... hammer... you... know...?” Lucas take a deep breath for every words he said. “I don't see you, my friend. I thought that it was the bad guy,” said Zuonn with innocent face. Lucas just glare at him but choose not to argue again.     After his breath turn to be normal again, he looks at him so serious.     “I did it. I brought them here.”     Zuonn's eyes widened as he listens to Lucas. Lucas shrug his shoulder into his back to pointed the car. Zuonn looked at there and he did not say anything. “Don't hurt them. They were agreeing to me when I explain everything to them. Just listen to them and we will turn everything back into normal again,” Lucas try to calm him down.     Luckily Zuonn was a man with calm personality. He slightly nodded at him and Lucas can breathe in relief. “Wait here, I will tell them to get out from cars,” Lucas said that and he must get back to those cars that landed a bit far.     He is walking so fast into them and he just saw the others already gathered around Misty's car. Misty saw him and she quickly opened the door. Lucas get in and he was surprised to see others at Misty's car which somehow become bigger than before. He was confused but Lucas finally realize it that the other cars merged into Misty's car and created a connecting room.         
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