Chapter XIX - The Meeting

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    “You said that they will not harm us, don't you? But, what I just saw it's totally different! He was trying to throw a big hammer into us!” Omerice suddenly get mad to Lucas and his face easily turn to be red because his pale skin. “To me exactly, not to all of you,” Lucas corrected. “Yeah! Whatever!” Omerice seems does not care about that. He swings his hand like he was trying to repel a mosquito.     “It's just because he didn't see me first. The blizzard makes him thought that he was attacking by bad guys. But, after I shouted at him, he recognizes me and I already tell him that I brought all of you to this place! Don't be such a coward. You can't die just because getting hit by a hammer,” Lucas said it sarcastically even it was against his heart. He was sure that he also will die if he got hit with that hammer but he just not wants to show his weakness to them.     Omerice just snorted and turn his face away. He was the type to get angry easily. Lucas let him calm for a minute and he continue his words. “I have told him to wait us. So, you better get out from this car and be ready for the meeting,” he said simply and walking out through the door.     Lucas standing in the blizzard and waiting for the five of them following him. He can see that they are doubtfully following his crazy idea. Misty even carry her tablet so tightly as it was part of her soul. Lucas waiting them in bored face because they are walking too slow. “Please hurry up, it's really cold out here!” he shouted at them and they started to walking a bit fast.     Lucas lead them to Zuonn's place. That big man already sitting at the big stone while watching them walking towards him. Lucas smile a bit to Zuonn after he arrived and shrug his shoulder to his back where the others still fighting with the snow field.     Finally, they are reaching the big guy's place. Lucas could see their expressions totally freak out by the size of Zuonn's body. Zuonn just looked at them and he mumbled, “They are so small.” “It's you who are too big, man.” Lucas laughed a bit and raised his eyebrows. “So, we will talk at this place? No room?” Abelineq finally open his mouth after look at Lucas who dare to laughing in front of this giant. “We can go to my igloo,” Zuonn replied. He turns around and started to walking into the nearest igloo.     All of them following him and did not say anything. This igloo is a bit small to fit all of them inside. But, because of Ghiglea's citizen has skinny body, they forced themselves sit close to each other. Zuonn started to take some woods to make bonfire but Lucas stopped him. “Wait a minute,” he holds into that woods so Zuonn raised his eyebrow with curious.     Lucas then looked at Misty, “How about you make this place warmer with Magery? I think you can do it.”     Misty just nodded in doubt because she was afraid to show Zuonn her tablet. It was her favorite so she does not want that giant crashing her tablet. Misty put it a bit far from Zuonn and she started to touch the screen. The screen turns on and the light makes Zuonn's eyes more widened. His breath become more intense as he wants to break it. Misty flinched a bit when saw him become like that. But, Lucas hold him so Zuonn take a look at his new friend. “Calm down. This is what I called technology. You need to learn it so you will not afraid of it,” Lucas smile at him.     Strangely Zuonn want to obey him. He even has so much faith to Lucas. Zuonn sit calmly again and his eyes focused on the small screen. Misty continue her job. Suddenly, Magery started to speak to her. “Good afternoon, Miss Xaliandra. What can I do for you?” that robotic voice makes Zuonn surprised. “That little board could speak!” he shouted in surprised. “It's called Magery, Zuonn. This is the high-technology of Ghiglea. And the voice you just heard was from a robot,” Lucas explained. Zuonn frowned his forehead. “Robot? What is that? Is it a name of someone who was hide into that board?” he asked. Lucas shook his head and smile. “No. There's no human could fit into a board. It made from computer. And computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using programs and outputs the processed data as information. To make you easily understand what machine is, well... it was a thing that created by human to make their living easier. Such this!” Lucas looked at his surrounding and find a knife made from the sharp stone.     “You used this knife to cut something, right? This process is still manual. In the future, they will create another tools that already set to cut something more fast and accurate. And it also automatically so you called it machine. You got it?” Lucas really think that his explanation almost same as his kindergarten's teacher.     Zuonn still frowning his forehead and try to imagine it, “Do you mean that this machine was an upgrade from a tool we used right now?”     Lucas quickly flicking his fingers and smile so happy, “That's it! You got what I mean!”     “Nah, the small machine has been put into that board so that board also an upgrade tool!” he added again. Zuonn widened his eyes again but this time his face was filled with amazed. “Woah! That was amazing! They are super smart to create a tool like that!” Zuonn praised them so the Ghiglea's citizens were surprised to see his reaction. They even cannot hold their smiles because being praised like that.     Misty continued her job and she cleared her throat, “Magery, please make this room warmer.”     “Sure, Miss Xaliandra.”         
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