Chapter XX - To the City

1080 Words
    The computer tablet started to open its bottom. A small ventilation appeared and a low buzzing sound was heard. The screen shows them the adjustment temperature and Misty set it to 25 degrees. From that vent, slowly warm air filled the room. Zuonn more amazed with that and suddenly he leaning forward to take a closer look to that tablet.     Misty afraid that Zuonn wants to break her tablet so she holds it tightly and without she realizes it, she moves it backwards. Zuonn could not stop gazing that unique thing he have not seen before.     “Can I touch it?” he asked Misty slowly. Misty flinched a bit and she took a glance at Lucas who nodded to her. “S-sure, but please don't break it. It's my favorite,” she said in low voice.     Zuonn nodded and his hand move to touch the tablet. He then raised his palm to the vent to feel the warm air. His face really same as a kindergarten child who just learn everything. His eyes could not stop widened as he feels the new thing in front of him. “This is amazing... how could a tiny machine like this created warm air???” Zuonn take a closer look but it looks like he wanted to break the thing to examine the inside.     Misty quickly grab her tablet and hug it tightly because she knows what is the meaning of his gaze. Zuonn look disappointed but he leaned back his body to his seat. Just for a few minutes the igloo started warmer than before.     “So, this is Zuonn, the strongest man in Sororice. Meet my friends from Ghiglea. This is Misty, Mr. Omerice, Abelineq, Dorsky and Leynwee.” Lucas introduced them to each other and when they were shaking hands with Zuonn, they are a bit surprised when he holds their hands firmly. It was just Omerice who did not flinch by the power of this huge man. Lucas understand it because his hand still remembered how firm Omerice hand shake.     “Zuonn, we really need your help to convince Sororice people to not attack Ghiglea citizens. They are here to offered you with releasing the never-ends winter. Maybe both of your countries could live together with happiness,” Lucas started to talking the problem. “Yes, we could teach you with high-technology like this. So, all of you might be easier to live.” said Omerice. Zuonn just silent and listened to them.     “Lucas said that your people need Similan tree sap. This is the exchange?” he finally opens his mouth and looked at them. “Yes, but not just that. Please let us examine another tree at Sororice. We need some researches and maybe this will lead us to another technology development,” seems like Omerice is the speaker of Ghiglea. “Just do that, we never forbid everyone who wants to take tree sap. Even Lucas also took it,” Zuonn said that easily. “Yeah, we know that we could do that. But, how could we get near to the trees if all of you start to freaking out when see us with our technologies?  We admit that we afraid of your harsh attitude. I think you should remember how we ended up last time,” suddenly Leynwee could not stop her mouth to speak her heart out. “Owh, I'm sorry. We didn't mean that,” Zuonn apologizing and it was really surprised them to see a giant who have kind heart. “O-Oh, it's okay...” Leynwee mumbled in surprised and suddenly feel ashamed by how she gets furious easily.     “I will try to help you to talk to others. But, I can't guarantee that they will agree to you same as me,” Zuonn then get up from his seat. All of them looked at him curiously where he wants to go.     Zuonn step outside and he look at them again, “Why no one following me?” he asked.     “Where do you wanna go?” Lucas frowned his forehead. Zuonn pointed to his straight.     “Of course to the city. We will talk to them,” he said casually.     They were surprised to see how Zuonn quickly move after they just explain it by little details. Looks like the people from ancient times really simple. They heard, they understand, and they act.     Lucas quickly get out from the igloo and followed him. The five others also did the same. They were never walked so much like this because they have cars. So, the Ghiglea people feel so hard to keep breathing while walking on snow field. Lucas could hear their breath so hard and their skinny body makes them must fighting more to take another steps. Zuonn walking so easily because this snow seems no effect to him. Lucas who walking behind him take an opportunity by using his footprints to walk.     They walked about 15 minutes and from their place, Lucas could see a scenery of igloo everywhere. Some trees without leaves and just left the branches that covered with snow. They could hear crowded voices that busy with their activities. Bonfires everywhere and the smoke was billowing high. Such a small city but with giant people.     Lucas turn his head to looking at Ghiglea people. They started to nervous and worrying about themselves. Afraid that Sororice people will attack them. Lucas even saw Misty put his right hand standby at her waist bag where she put the gun.     He also could see Bea and Lopo at the gate which made from woods. Both of them sit at a bench and sip something hot in coconut shell. They did not realize Zuonn already walked to them. They finally looked at him and offered him a drink too. Zuonn just shook his head and turn his head to see the Ghiglea people behind him. They are trying to breath normally as they never workout so much like this.     Dorsky who was the fattest guy at this team looked at that coconut shell. He was so thirsty until he even did not blink from that drink although he does not know what is the inside. He keeps breathing so hard and gasping as he has done an hour workout. Without they knowing, Dorsky slowly walking to their bench and still keep his eye at the coconut shell. He quickly grabs it and drink it as fast as possible.         
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