Chapter 4: Truth hurts

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“Blane, you are not answering my calls and texts all weekend, are you okay?” Krys asks his friend who didn’t say a single word to him since this morning, “Look, I’m sorry that we never get to go to the movie. I had to spend time with my family and dad also wants me to spend time with my brother, yuck,” he added. Blane came to a halt when he heard the name. The name of the alpha. The alpha who got him pregnant. “Okay, no response,” Krys said. “I’m fine. I’m sorry. I see your texts but I was sleeping. I’m so tired,” Bane responds, “Uhm, how about we go to our favorite coffee shop? Sounds great, yeah?” That put a smile on Krys. He loves to spend time with Blane especially if Blane was the one who asks first. They still have some spare time so they both went to their favorite coffee shop near their university. The bell rang as the two friends walk inside their favorite coffee shop. Blane inhaled the freshly brewed coffee and the ambiance of the place. Krys looked at the side and spot their favorite place. A small booth near the window side. The two friends ordered them as the usual meals. It was not that long when the waitress served it for them. Blane automatically digs in but eventually stopped when he tastes something he doesn’t like. He placed his fork down and tries to swallow it. The food has a weird taste. Krys look up at him as he furrowed his brows. He asked, “Are you okay? What’s the matter?” “Hmm, it doesn’t taste great,” he mumbled. Krys didn’t hesitate any further as he grab his fork and took a small piece of Blane’s cheesecake. “It’s not bad, Blane.” “Yes, it is.” He pouts, “Uhm, can I try yours?” Krys nods as he gave his vanilla cake to his friend. Blane ate it right away and hummed in agony. Krys watch his friend eating, soon to be finished, cake. “Uh, Blane?” Blane looked at him, still chewing the cake, “Yeah?” “You don’t like vanilla cake. Yet, you already finished it,” He stopped eating. he instantly swallowed the remaining piece. he can't let his best friend finds out that he is carrying his brother's child. "I like to try new things. it was sad since I didn't know that their vanilla cake was this nice," he laughs nervously and took a sip of the strawberry milkshake. "Whoa. It's so sweet! I don't like it," Blane commented and slightly pushed the glass away from him. Krys watch his action and he knew that there was something that's been going on yet he doesn't want to ask for more details. Blane likes or loves rather the strawberry milkshake. it was his favorite drink but now he doesn't want it. he is full of disgust when he first sips it. what is happening right now? Krys let it slide. he doesn't want to make Blane uncomfortable. This was their moment alone; he doesn't want to ruin it. Blane ordered more food which led to Krys in shock. His friend was eating nonstop as he had never eaten for a few weeks or months. He was shoving the food inside his mouth but he doesn't get full. It's like he was feeding more people rather than himself. Krys watched him eat and the latter didn’t mind. He wanted to see Blane eat more because he barely eats his food due to his part-time job and studies. Blane only eats his meals when he’s not busy or he’s really hungry. It was the first time he sees Blane eat like a vacuum cle3aner and it was cute to see since he looked like a baby squirrel with a chubby face. Once they finished their meal, it’s time for them to go back to their classes because they still have one. Krys was happy to spend his time with his best friend. He looked so happy and full. He doesn’t bother. It may be a tiring day but with Blane, he will be okay. He was in love with his best friend. The professor was discussing their lesson for today yet Blane was feeling nauseous. He can’t focus on the professor in front of them. He was rubbing the temple of his head but he tried to listen and understand. Maybe if he didn’t eat a lot, he won’t be feeling uneasy today. Only if he listens to his mind but you can’t just neglect your unborn baby's wants for food. Blane excuse himself to the professor and he thanks God that he allowed him to go out even just for a minute. He dash out to the restroom, opened the cubicle without knocking, and kneel down on the toilet. He poured out everything that he ate earlier. He was gripping the body of the toilet bowl, begging for it to stop. Once he’s finished, Blane wiped his mouth with a tissue. He can’t be doing this everything. There’s no day that he can’t vomit Blane getting pregnant will take his life a risk. It can ruin his work and study. He stood up from the floor to walk directly to the sink when he saw Krys leaning on the counter with a disappointed face. This time, he can’t lie again. It was no use. “What happened to you?” he coldly said. The tone gave Blane a shiver. It was hot yet scary. “Krys… It’s nothing,” “Don’t give me that bullshit, Blane. I know you and you are lying. I know that there was something going on. What is it?” “I’m… I’m pregnant,” Krys looked at him in horrified. All the news, but not this. The doubts and thoughts in his head came into a reality. Krys knew that there was going on but not Blane getting pregnant. He doesn’t even have a boyfriend. He wanted to cry. He’s mad. He’s sad. “Who’s… Who’s the father?” “Krys, you don’t have to know. It’s just a mistake,” “I said, who is the father?” he raised his voice, Blane sobbed, “K-Knight. It’s your brother,” A tear fell from Krys’ eyes. Out of everybody in this world, the omega that he loved was got pregnant by his number one nemesis and it’s his brother. He felt betrayed. A fist formed in Krys’ hand. He wanted to punch a wall right now but everything will make it worst if he releases his anger on the school property. “Krys, trust me it was just a one-night stand. I swear I got in heat, I–” Blane was crying but he was stopped when Krys left him alone in the restroom. He can’t believe that his best friend, the only one he trusts him alone. Especially in his hard times. He thought that Krys will understand but maybe he was wrong. He was all alone. He sat on the floor and began crying while hugging his knees. What will happen to him now that Krys knew everything?
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