Chapter 6 Almost Caught

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POV: Zayla I'm still here at the packhouse with Damon. School let out thirty minutes ago. I need to talk to Randy before Mom says anything to him about me skipping school. I've never done that. I'm still 8n fear of getting in trouble. I know Randy will cover me on this as he always does but am I putting too much on him? I decided to mind-link him. I don't generally mind link with others due to the fact of trying to keep the illusion and rumors going that I'm wolfless. Those rumors have been my saving grace thus far in keeping my secret. "Hey, Randy I need a favor." I start out. "Oh goddess what is it kiddo?" He links back. "Well, I may have met my mate today," I say. "That's great. Who is it?" He asks. "Well, you see that's the problem. My mate is Damon." I reveal. "Damon? As in Alpha Damon?" He asks to clarify. I nod my head forgetting that he can't see me. I realize it a second later and answer him. "Well, congratulations. What's so bad about it? Did he reject you?" "No! He accepts me. Um, it's Cassie that's the issue." I explain to him the events of the day to him and how Cassie is. "I see. I'm not happy you skipped school but I understand it. I will cover you but you two need to tell Cassie and make her understand there is nothing that she can do to stop this." He links to me. "Yeah ok. We have a plan to deal with her. Damon said he would handle his sister and for me not to worry. Oh, and I may have revealed Lavender to him." I admit. "Zayla are you sure about that? He's not going to reveal it. You've gone under the rouse that you're wolfless for so long now. He's not just staying with you for your powers?" "No, he accepted me without even knowing. When I mentioned it he told me to shut up." I explained that Damon didn't accept me as his mate because of my powers. "OK just make sure to tell him everything and that he understands the consequences of it coming out. A little too late to tell me all of this but I know he worries about me. "He knows. I did this already. I just need you to cover for me. Just tell Mom that I was out with you today because I was sick." He agrees and cuts the link off. "I'm home!" Oh no! Cassie yells out that she's back home from school. Damon jumps up from the chair. We're upstairs in the gaming room s***h lounge area. My eyes are probably as big as saucers right now. "Damn it! Come on." Damon whisper yells at me. I follow him as quickly and quietly as I can. He takes me to his bedroom. "OK stay here I will be right back," Damon tells me. My heart beats faster as he shuts the door. I use my heightened hearing to listen in on what's going on downstairs with Damon and Cassie. "Hey mindlink Randy to get over here." Damon links to me. I do just as he asks me to do. Randy said he's on his way. I hear Cassie ask why she can smell me here. Oh no! I don't want to fight with her. Maybe I can use my peace power to calm her down a little bit if she does find me. "That's because I needed Randy's help today and Zay got sick today," Damon explains to Cassie. "So where is Randy and why didn't you just get Jordan to do it?" Cassie counters sounding suspicious. "I am not required to tell you about pack business. Unless it concerns you that is none of your business." Damon tells her sounding a little harsh. "I'm the Gamma female so it does concern me," Cassie argues. "So and again the assignment didn't concern you so you don't need to know. Jordan is up at the borders keeping watch on the rogues outside." Damon tells her. What rogues? There hasn't been any news about rogues being close to the pack. Normally there is a mild alert just in case so if we need to run to the safe house we're prepared to. Why hasn't Damon done this? "Hey, I got what you wanted. Where's Zayla? Thanks by the way for letting her stay while I got these files for you" I hear Randy now. He uses the excuse of files. I'm assuming he gave Damon some blank files to make it look good. "She's laying down and taking a nap. I'll just go get her." Damon says. "Wait I'll go with you!" Cassie yells out to Damon. "Go to my office and lay down on the couch like you're asleep," Damon instructs me through mind link. I hurry to move quickly to his office and do as the plan states. I lay down on the couch closing my eyes pretending to sleep. The door opens a second later. "Zayla! Wake up." Damon says gently. "Bro you have no idea how to wake anyone up! Zay wake your ass up! What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me you were sick!" She sakes me roughly. I open my eyes pretending to have just woken up. "Hmm, what?" I say feigning grogginess. "See that's how you wake someone up." She flicks her brother's arm. Damon rolls his eyes at his sister. "She better have been sick. If I find out other wise she is so going to regret it." Cassie says in her mind. "Randy is downstairs waiting for you. I hope you feel better soon." Damon says in a friendly manner. "Yeah, thanks." I get up and walk downstairs with them following me. "Sorry about Cassie." Damon mindlinks. "It's fine," I say back. "Hey ready to go kiddo. Your mom is worried about you." Randy says. I nod yes. "No more skipping school." He mindlinks both Damon and me. He's not telling Damon what to do but me. He doesn't want me skipping. He could care less about what Damon does about school. "No promises." Damon smirks. "Well, we should get going then. Bye Cassie, I guess I will see you in the morning." I wave goodbye to them following Randy out the door. "Your mother is not happy. She knows we're lying. She just can't figure out the truth. We need to figure out what we're going to tell her when we get home." Oh great no I have to come up with another lie. The lies and secrets are just piling up now. I hope Damon gets a handle on Cassie soon. I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. One secret was bad enough but now two. Goddess, please let there be no more surprises.
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