Chapter 5 His Valentine

1105 Words
POV: Damon Woah! I'm speechless. Zayla is confessing a secret to me. I was not expecting this. This would have been my last guess. I would have never thought that an actual wolf could be the color purple. I mean my wolf tattoos are purple but I just thought it was my creativity. It turns out it was about my mate. I kneel down to her. Zayla is just staring at me with her head tilted and her ear perked up like she's listening for something. "Can I?" I hold my hand out to pet her. She nods he head. I pet her head making her pur. "I promise not to tell anyone," I promise her. This all makes so much sense. Why she doesn't shift in front of anyone? Why no one has ever seen her in wolf form? I wonder what kind of wolf she is. Some werewolves are gifted. They have special powers like a white wolf for example. I've never even heard of a purple wolf. "I'm not purple I'm called a Lavender wolf." She minds links me. "OK, you need to shift back. I need answers." I tell her. She just looks at me like she waiting for something. "Turn around you i***t," Kai says. Oh yeah! I turn around so she's more comfortable. I do peek just a little. I notice she has three roses grouped together on her left hip. Wow, I wouldn't have taken her to be the type to get a tattoo. "Stop peeking and it's a birthmark." What the hell? Did she just read my mind? "Yes." She answers. Ok, that is creepy. "I'm not trying to be." "OK, you can turn around now." She tells me. I turn to see my mate fully dressed and shift back to human form. "Wow, so what's a Lavender wolf?" I ask her. She tells me all about it. She has all kinds of powers. All Lavender wolves have telepathy so she can hear all of my thoughts. I should be more careful around her with what I'm thinking then. "I don't really use the power much. I've learned to block it out." She explains. "I feel like you are downplaying it. You use it more than what you're letting on which means you know everyone's secret." I tell her. "Maybe just a little." She cutely scrunches her nose. "However there is more and it was the reasoning that Lavender used to get me to tell you our secret." She says. "What else is there?" I ask curiously. For all I know she could fly. She snorts. "No, I can't fly. This has more to do with where Lavender wolves come from. Um, there was an entire pack of them at one point in time. My dad was from there." A whole pack!? How many are there? Why haven't I heard of them or seen them? "There was a war with some rival pack. The Regal pack no longer stands. What Lavender wolves are left have split up in different packs hiding. There is someone who survived the war and is now hunting down every Lavender wolf to wipe us out of existence. She killed my father. He knew he was going to die before it happened. So he made sure that I knew everything and had the information that I needed to know." She explains. Is she saying what I think she's saying? "Mate in danger. Someone after mate." Kai tells me. That's what I was thinking. "She has destroyed packs before just to end one single Lavender wolf. We can sense when she is near and she is. It won't be long now before she finds me. I don't want you to be side-blinded when that happens." She's already acting as a true Luna. Her eyes are purple like one without me even marking her. She's not even worried about herself but more for the pack but that's not what I'm concerned about. I'm more concerned about her and who the hell wants to kill my mate. "Do you know who it is?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. "I wish I did." She says sadly. "It's OK. Well, figure it out. I am glad you trusted me with your secret. Now we have two secrets." "So you accept me?" She asks unsurely. "Of course. You know I've always felt this connection to you but because of Cassie I never acted." I tell her honestly. "Well in the spirit of being honest and confessing I've had a crush on you since I was thirteen." She confesses to me. I smile the biggest smile. My mate likes me. "Then all your dreams just came true." "So what would you like to do? We can do anything you want." I ask. "Um, can we play a video game?" She asks bashfully. Awe a girl after my heart. "Yeah. That is if you want to lose." I challenge her. "You are on." I laugh and hand her a controller. I let her pick the game we play. I will say my mate is good at games. I'm not surprised though. She has her own Playstation at home that she plays on. Jordan complains sometimes about it. He says Zayla will sometimes yell at the game keeping him up at night. We play for a while. My little Valentine is very competitive. I love it. It only brings my competitive side out even more. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat." I tell her. "Ok." We go down to the kitchen. "Let's see. Hmm, what do you want Valentine?" I ask her. "Valentine?" She questions. "Yes, Valentine. You did say you would be my Valentine today and I think the pet name fits you." "What am I going to tell Cassie when she asks where I was?" Zayla asks. I need to get to the bottom of what my sister's problem is. "Just tell her that you got sick and had to go home." I offer. "That won't work my mom won't go along with it. Unless Randy came to get me and you needed his help he just took me with him. It would also explain why my scent is here." "Why would Randy go along with this?" If her mother won't cover for her why would Randy cover her? "He knows. He knows everything." Oh. He knows her secret. "He covers me a lot. He'll go along with whatever I say." She says. Okay, then this might work. "Hey, how about I order some pizza and we watch a movie?" I suggest. She nods smiling liking the idea.
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