Chapter 4 Her Secret

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POV: Zayla I can't believe it my mate is Damon. My crush. He likes my eyes. I heard his thoughts about them. I'm sitting in Damon's room with him. I'm freaking out. I've never skipped school before. He convinced me to. Ugh! He is such a bad influence but I guess that was always the appeal in him. He thought that was why Cassie didn't want us together but he didn't know that I knew the real truth. I can't tell anyone though because that would reveal my secret. I'm wondering now if I should tell him about my wolf. Cassie doesn't want us together for several reasons. One is because yes Damon is a bad influence on me and she doesn't want me corrupted. Two we are almost like family. She's my step-sister mate. She doesn't think it's right for us to be together because of this. The third reason is a little surprising. Cassie had a little bit of a crush on me. It was so awkward hearing those thoughts in her head. The way she sees me even now. She still has a little bit of a crush on me. The fourth reason I've always had to be careful around her. Cassie has always been jealous of me. Apparently, she thinks I'm perfect, prettier than her, and I gain more attention from guys than her. I honestly don't see how any of that is true. I'm not that pretty. I mean look at me. I have plain brown hair, a round face, button nose, and I wear glasses. I'm a total nerd. Most kids at school call me that. I'm short at five foot three inches. Cassie is far more beautiful. She's five foot six, long auburn hair, and blue eyes like her brother. She's so skinny while I'm busty and curvy. I'm not fat but my features are just more filled out like I have more of a butt than Cassie does, and my books are bigger. My cup size is 32 C. I hate comparing myself to her but when she starts in with those thoughts I can't help but to. I know what you thinking, Cassie is a bad friend and I know that. I've known for a very long time but I don't have anyone else as a friend. There are times when she is a good friend. My telepathy allows me to always know where her mind is and what she may or may not be planning. I do think it would be best if Damon did talk to her and get it out of her. I think in her mind if she couldn't have me then Damon can't. Her brother ending up with me would be her worst-case scenario. It's happened and I don't want to lose my friend. "What's going on that mind of yours?" Damon draws me from my thoughts. "Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about the situation." I admit. "You worry too much. Don't. I will deal with Cassie." He assures me. "Can we go for a run tonight while everyone is out busy?" Lavender my wolf asks me. "No, we went last night. Look I'm sorry we can't just go for a run any time we want but no one can find out about us. It's too risky." "What are you and your wolf talking about?" I blush. "Nothing." I wave it off. "We should tell mate. He will protect us." She can't be serious. My dad wouldn't even tell my mom what he was." "I think it's a good idea. She is getting close to finding us." Damn it. Lavender could always sense the person who killed my father and has been hunting down all Lavender wolves. It could cause a problem if she attacks the pack just to get to me. My dad told me that she'd destroyed other packs just to take out one Lavender wolf. Damon shouldn't be side-blinded like that. Maybe I should tell him. "Zayla? Are you ok?" Damon gains my attention back. "Yeah. It's just Lavender telling me something. I'm just not completely sure of what she wants me to do." He looks confused. "What does she want?" He asks. I take a deep breath contemplating whether or not I should tell him or not. Either way, there are dangers in telling him and not telling him. "Our secret," I say deciding if that person was to attack just to get to me then he should know. This is his pack. It would be wrong of me to let him get side-blinded like that especially with her being so close. All Lavender wolves have some kind of connection to her. We can all sense when she is near and she's getting closer. "Secret? Do you have a secret? Well, I want you to know you can trust me Zayla. I won't tell anyone." He promises. "That's the thing this secret isn't like most secrets. There are consequences to knowing it." His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What do you mean? How bad could it be? Zayla if you are in trouble I can help." "No, you can't. Look it's easier if I just show you. I have to shift. Lavender is my secret." I tell him. This confuses him even more. "Then shift. Right here." He says. "Like here as in in your room?" I ask unsure. "Yeah." He nods encouraging me. Should I do this? I should probably back out now. I mean once I tell him I can't take it back. Then if I don't it has its own consequences. It's a lose-lose situation. I stand up and slip my jacket off. "Um turn around." I do a turning signal with my finger. He smiled chuckling. "Damn, ok." He turns around. I take my close off once he's turned around. I let Lavender have control and shift into her. She nudges his hand to let him know we're ready. He turns around staring at us in shock. His mouth is agape just staring. His mind goes blank and I can't tell his reaction. I am so scared. What if he rejects me now?
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