Chapter 3 Valentine's Day

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POV: Damon Hi, my name is Damon Kai Moonstone and I'm 18 years old. I'm the Alpha of the Blue Moonstone Pack. My parents died a few years back causing me to become Alpha early. Due to that all of my father's higher ranked stepped down and let my higher ranked step up. I have blue eyes and dirty blonde hair and I'm six foot seven inches. I have your typical Alpha build of muscles and a six-pack. The fact that I work out a lot helps with that too. My left ear love is pierced along with having two piercings at the outer end of my right eyebrow. On my left shoulder blade, I have a tattoo of a wolf. I'm not sure why but I chose to have the wolf colored a deep royal purple color. It's odd but I like it. Then on my upper right arm is a Cresent moon with that same purple wolf and just under my right collar bone is have 8/03/2019 mom and Dad written in script. This is the day I lost my parents. My sister, Cassie is mated to my Gamma, Jordan. With my parents gone, I've been looking out for my little sister since our parents died. I made a deal with Jordan that Cassie would stay living here at the packhouse with me until she graduates high school. Then they can live together. However, this doesn't stop the loophole they've found. They have a lot of sleepovers. Cassie will use Courtney and Zayla as an excuse to spend the night over there. I know for a fact that Zayla isn't having any sleepovers that include Courtney. Those two have never gotten along and it doesn't help that they live in the same room. Courtney is my ex. She has tried on many occasions to get back together with me. She claims we are mates and tells the whole pack this but it isn't true. Truth is I haven't met my mate. If 8 had I would have announced it to the pack. Either way most of the pack believes that Courtney and I are an on-again off off-again couple. I broke up with her a while ago. Now it probably doesn't help that I have hooked up with her a few times after that. I have a bunch of hook-up friends. Courtney is just one of them. That's as far as that relationship goes. There is one person that I would like to give it a go with but she's off limits. Cassie would kill me if I even pursued her. The thing is since I was around sixteen I've had this unwavering connection to Zayla. Cassie had forbade me from dating Zayla. Why I have no idea. I mean it's not like I haven't dated any of her friends before. I think as much as Cassie tries to deny it Zayla is her favorite friend in her friend group. Zayla is different than most girls. She is pure of heart and Cassie just wants to protect Zayla from me. I'm known as a player. I like girls a lot. That's not to say I can't be faithful because I can but that loyalty is meant for my mate. Today is Valentine's Day and I have no Valentine. My wolf, Kai has told me not to do anything for Valentine's Day. I do have to agree. I have this feeling like something is going to happen today and I should keep free. "Damon, what should I do with the rogues camped outside our borders?" My beta Landon asks me. I groan just at the mention of it. We've had a lot of rogues coming to the borders lately. Some aren't normal. It's almost like they're under some kind of spell or curse. I've managed so far to keep it confined to the borders so far. However, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up. It's almost like they're here searching for something. What that is I have no idea. "Just keep to the same thing we've been doing for now. Don't make any move until they do." I order. "OK. Anyway are you ready for school?" I nod yes and grab my bag. Normally I would have graduated high school first then my dad would have stepped down. I have to do all of my school stuff and alpha stuff at the same time. It probably doesn't help that I'm the captain of the football team, on the basketball team, captain of the debate team and captain of the track team, and on the lacrosse team. My high school career isn't bad at all. This does even mention my at-home hobbies like the guitar and photography. I've been homecoming king four years in a row. Last year was my first prom and I was prom king and probably will this year as well. I'm the class president. I follow Landon out to the car. I hop into the passenger side letting him drive. Dylan my Delta gets in the back behind Landon. Jordan is the oldest of all of us. He graduated last year. This year we all graduate except for Landon. He has one more year left after this. "So who's the lucky lady today?" Dylan asked me. "Actually I'm going solo tonight. Kai isn't feeling it today." I tell them. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you turn down a chance to get with a girl. What changed?" Landon asks. "Nothing. Just a feeling is all." I wish I knew what this feeling was though. Landon parks the car in front of the school and we all get out. I throw my black leather jacket over my shoulder and walk into the school building. I see my sister's car is here. She probably won't be home tonight with it being Valentine's Day. Kai perks up in my head as I walk through the doors of the school. A scent hits me as suddenly. It's of passion fruit and some floral scent mixed in. It's intoxicating. I could smell that all day. Is the school using some sort of new air freshener now? "Mate! Mate is here!" What!? Kai is yelling at me urging me to follow the scent. He says it's the scent of our mate. It can't be. I follow the scent through the hallway. My eyes land on a girl. Her back is turned towards me so I can't see her face. Who is that? She has a pink leather jacket on. My kind of girl. Her hair is brunette and in a ponytail. She turns to me suddenly. My heart is pounding as I wait for her to fully turn to reveal herself. I'm in shock. Zayla! Zayla is my fated mate. Wow! I guess that connection I felt towards her was for a good reason. Wait today is her birthday. I have a Valentine's Mate. Shit Cassie is not going to like this. Zayla stares right at me in the eyes. She can feel the bond between us as I feel towards her. Many emotions cross over Zayla's face. She's in shock, happy, excited, sad. Why is she sad? I don't want her to be sad. "Talk to her your i***t," Kai tells me. Oh right! I should say something to her, shouldn't I? I smirk, "Well. Well. Well. It seems I've found my little Mate." I walk a circle around her. Her breathing hitches. "You're going to reject me aren't you?" She whispers. Reject? I growl. "No! Don't ever say that again." I say looking right into her eyes. She visibly swallows nodding her head. I don't care what the pack thinks of her. Those who think Zayla has no wolf don't know anything. I could always sense her wolf inside of her. She just may be shy to shift in front of anyone or maybe she's just a late bloomer. "Hey, Zay! I forgot to give this to you. Hey bro." My sister gave my mate an envelope. I watch her every move. Zayla begins to look nervous when Cassie shows up and I know why. Cassie is going to have a huge problem with this. "Thank you." Zayla opens the envelope to find a card. She opens it reading it to herself. She smiles at Cassie hugging her. "What are you doing talking to my friend? I've told you not to ever go after her." My sassy little sister tells me. I'm not sure what to say. Should I tell her or wait to tell her? I haven't even had a chance to be with my mate to actually talk to her. I'm not liking the sad look on Zayla's face. I feel like my sister is forcing us into a rejection and that is not about to happen. I have a plan but first I need to get Zayla alone away from Cassie. "I just ran into her and stopped to say hi. Dont worry. By the way after tonight, you are to be home and not with Jordan. Don't forget our deal." Cassie rolls her eyes at me. "Gross like I want to be at home around you and whatever girl you've brought home." I notice Zayla is slowly backing away trying to get away. Oh no she doesn't. "Cassie, don't you have a class to get to? Now get. You've been tardy for class enough this month alone." "Oh right! Ugh!" Cassie runs off not even sparing me another glance. "And where do you think you're going?" I ask my mate stopping her from walking away anymore. She stops and looks at me. I've always liked her eyes. They are unique and beautiful. Lavender. Her eyes are Lavender. Zayla blushes as if she heard what I was thinking. "Can we talk?" I ask her. "I um... I have a class and I'm going to be late as is. I haven't even got to go to my locker yet." The bell rings just as she finishes her sentence. "Then it's a good thing your mate is the Alpha." I walk with her to her locker. I'm not letting her go that easily. She keeps closing her eyes and taking a bunch of deep breaths. A gust of wind blows past me and Zayla curses under her breath. What the hell was the wind? Did someone leave the door open? I don't think too much of it either way. "Are you nervous to be left alone with me?" I ask her. We're the only ones in the hallway now with every having gone to class now. "A little." She blushes. I notice how long we've been walking. It shouldn't take this long to get to her locker. "Hey, where are you going?" I ask. "To my locker." She finally stops in front of a set of lockers. She opens and puts her code in her lock and it unlatches. I remember in that moment that these were the omega lockers. Zayla is an omega. To be honest she may technically be an omega but to me, she never smelled like one. I've always wondered why she smelled different than everyone else. I could never tell what rank she was even after I was told. Her aura may say omega but her scent says something else. "You know what I have an idea. Let's skip school today." I suggest. Look at me already being a bad influence on her. "I can't. My mom would have a fit. Plus I have track and tutoring today." That's right, Zayla is a tutor in the school's tutoring program and also on the track team. I smirk. "Then it's a good thing I'm the track captain." I will say this though my little mate is a fast runner. She's one of our best runners on the team. "Damon I can't. I've never skipped school before. I'll get in trouble." She tries again to deny the idea. "Oh come on we need to talk game plan around Cassie. Can't I just be alone with you today? Also, Kai isn't going to let me go away from you right now." I give her a puppy dog face causing her to giggle. I love her laugh. "OK. OK. Lavender does feel the same." She says. "I guess the rumors are wrong and you do have a wolf," I smirk. "Of course, she has a wolf. Lavender is more special than you know." I guess Kai has been here talking to his mate the whole time. "Yes. Don't believe everything people say in the pack. They don't always know the truth." She looks at me from the corner of her eye. "Oh believe me I know. So what is the truth about your wolf?" I ask. "Um, maybe one day." She avoids the question. Interesting. It sounds like my mate has a secret. I grab her hand with us both gasping and looking at our hands from the sparks. Wow, that felt amazing. It makes my hold on a little tighter to her hand. I led us to Landon's classroom. He and Cassie are in the same grade so I have to be careful to avoid her eyes being with Zayla. I just walk right on in leaving Zayla out in the hall. No one will question me. "Lan. Keys now." I hold my hand out to him. He grabs them from his pocket and drops them in the palm of my hand. "Oh and Class I was never here. My sister hears not one word of this." I order them. I walk out of the classroom only to get really angry. "Courtney stop!" Courtney rips Zayla's necklace off her neck. "Courtney, what are you doing?" I command. Courtney turns to me. "Oh hey, Damon. My step-sister and I were just talking." Right, and I'm a unicorn. "Go back to class now Courtney," I ordered her. "OK, but I have a surprise for you tonight." Gross. I don't want whatever surprise she has. "No, you don't. I will only be with my mate from now on." I tell her. Zayla smiles at my claim and so does Courtney. Courtney's face lights up as if she just won the lottery. "Oh Damon I knew you would one day give in and finally realize that we are mates." Is she for real? "No, Courtney. For the millionth time, you are not my mate. I have a mate that is not you." If it wasn't for my sister I'd claim Zayla right there. "What!? No! Whoever she is is lying. I'm your mate Damon you just refuse to acknowledge it because you like to play around with other girls and I'm okay with that as long as I come first." She is so delusional. I laugh at her statement. "Courtney get over yourself. You know the truth but you want the Luna title so bad that you have convinced yourself that we are mates when we aren't." I tell her the cold-hearted truth. Her face gets angry and red. Tears stream down her face in a fit of anger. "No! We will be back together. Your so-called mate will doesn't know what's coming to her." I narrow my eyes to her staring daggers at her. "Do. Not. Threaten. My. MATE." I warn her. She stomps her foot and storms off. I look over at Zayla. "Hey, are you ok? She didn't hurt you did she?" I look over her checking for any marks. "No, I'm fine. I'm used to her anyway." Zayla says that that was nothing. "No, it is not ok. She shouldn't treat you like that." I don't like that Courtney does this stuff to her. "I'm fine. Can we just go?" I grab her hand and lead her to the car. I open the passenger side door for her she gets in. I run around to the driver's side. I buckle my seat belt and crank the car. "Where would you like to go?" I ask her. She shrugs unsure. "OK let's go to my place. No one will see us there." The only people that live inside the packhouse are Cassie and me. Only the Alpha family lives in the Packhouse. Jordan would be the only one there. But most of the time he's out on the training field. His job as Gamma is to train all the adult warriors while my beta trains the teens. My Delta is my pack police. The packhouse is semi-public. "Um, won't Jordan be there?" She asks. "Maybe but I can always make him leave. Don't worry. He won't tell Cassie. I will handle my sister." I tell her. I drive us to the packhouse. "Oh hey Zayla, will you be my Valentine?" I smile asking her. She blushes. "Yes." She says softly. "Good. So my Valentine shall we." I open her door and hold my hand out for her. She takes my hand and we walk inside. I take her up to my bedroom. Her heart starts pounding. Maybe my bedroom wasn't the best room to take her to. I mean with my reputation and everything who knows what she's thinking? "Hey Zayla you ok?" I ask. "Yeah. Just nervous and worried." I look at her curiously. "Worried about what?" I ask. "Skipping, Cassie, and my mom." I have to remember that Zayla is just sixteen. She's still under the rule of her mother. That's okay though I won't let her get in trouble for any of this. I take full responsibility for both of our actions. "Don't worry. I won't let you get in trouble." I assure her. She sits in my desk chair swiveling it back and forth a few times. "OK, so what are we going to do? I mean Cassie won't be happy about this." She says. "Right down to business, I see. We can't keep this a secret forever so what we can do is work Cassie into it. I don't want you to be put in the situation of having to choose between the two of us. I don't care about me. I'd choose you over my sister any day. After all at the end of the day, Cassie is still my sister and you're my mate." "How do we do that?" She asks. "Well, Cassie is trying to protect you from getting hurt by me. I'm the reason she doesn't want this to happen. I can prove to her that's not going to happen." This is my plan. "I'm not so sure. Just this morning she was saying she hoped you weren't my mate." Zayla reveals to me. Who the hell is my sister to dictate who my mate is? "What she forbids this down to even us being fated mates. What is wrong with my sister? I always thought that was her reason." I say. "I always thought it had something to do with Courtney. I've tried to ask her why but she never would give me a straight answer." She suggests her reasoning. Maybe but I don't know anymore. "I'm going to have to sit her down and get to the bottom of it but until then we can keep it a secret until we've figured out how to proceed with Cassie" This is my new plan.
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