Chapter 2 Happy Birthday

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POV: Zayla I'm woken up by banging on my bedroom door. "Rise and shine Zay. Time to get up." Ugh! I throw my comforter off me and get out of bed. "Zay! Get up! Breakfast is ready!" My older half-sister, Miranda screams at me from downstairs. "I'm up now will you shut up!" I scream from my bedroom to her. Ugh! I swear she does that on purpose. She waits until I get up and screams at me right after. So annoying. Today is February fourteenth which means it's my birthday and not only Valentine's Day. I slip on my little bunny slippers and grab my pet cat, cloud. I named her that because she's white and fluffy like a cloud. I walk downstairs petting the top of her head in my arms. "Good morning." I greet everyone as I enter the kitchen. "Morning," Mom says back. "Happy birthday lil sis. Here I got you this." Miranda slides a box wrapped in silver paper with pink polka dots and a glittery blue gift bag with pink and purple tissue paper sticking out towards me on the kitchen island. "Oh, thanks." "Huh. Wait for me. Her just for my bestie. Happy birthday Zay." Cassie comes running down the stairs. I guess she spent the night last night with Jordan last night. She's been doing that more and more lately. Jordan is waiting for Cassie to graduate high school before they get their own place. It was the deal they made with her brother, Alpha Damon. Cassie sets a small lilac purple gift bag with glittery deep royal purple tissue paper and a medium-sized baby blue gift bag with white glitter dots on it and white tissue paper. "Awe Cassie you're so sweet. Thank you." She waves her hand like it was nothing. "I guess we're doing presents this morning. Here you go kiddo." Randy says placing a small black square box with a pink ribbon tied into a bow. I love how everyone chose my favorite colors in wrapping the presents up. My favorite colors are pink, purple, and blue. Mom puts her present in the mix too. My phone beeps so I check it and it's the same thing I always get from Courtney on my birthday. She sends me a selfish of herself flipping me off. Screw her. I can't stand her. Everyone sits down at the table. We have a bit of a tradition in this house. We're only allowed to have French toast on your birthday or if it is a special occasion. We all eat our breakfast which is French toast. It's amazing. On mine, I like to put extra cinnamon sugar, butter, powdered sugar, and hot maple syrup. Yummy. After everyone has eaten Mom places my traditional red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and a candle in front of me. Randy lights the candle and everyone sings Happy Birthday. We do my little birthday party thing in the morning because everyone will be busy with their valentines later. I've never actually had a Valentine on Valentine's Day. I make my wish that I find my mate today and he will love me as I am then I blow out the flame from the candle. I move back over to the kitchen island to open my presents up. I eat my cupcake as it begins to open the first one which is mom's. I pull out a pink, red, and purple tie-dye plush throw blanket with matching pillows. "I love it." I thank her. If there's one thing that I like it's sleep. I love bed stuff like blankets and pillows. I'm one of those people that would wear pajamas all day if given the choice I pick Cassie's next. I pull out my favorite body spray which is Bahamas by Bath and Body Works. It smells like passion fruit and banana flowers. It's my absolute favorite scent. Then in the same bag as that is some scrunchies and a lip gloss set. Lip gloss and black eyeliner are about all I wear for makeup. I don't even put on foundation. In the bigger bag, I pull out a matching lacey bra and pantie set. There is also a very see-through and short nighty. I look at what the hell. She just shrugs. "Just in case you meet your ate today." She says suggestively. I just move on to the next one which is from my sister Miranda. I Unwrap the box first. In it are a new smartwatch, some of the newest and latest video games, and a new yoga mat. In The gift bag is a beautiful pink leather jacket. "Oh wow. Miranda I love it. I'm going to wear it today." The last present I had was Randy's. He has the smallest gift. I open the tiny square box. Inside reveals a gold heart-shaped pendant with 'My loving Father Blake Quin.' Engraved on it. I absolutely love it. There are very small diamonds that outline the heart. I'm never taking this pendant off. It is so special to me. I hug Randy almost in tears. He really didn't have to do this. "Thank you. It's amazing and means everything to me. Thank you." "You welcome kiddo. I know how much you miss your dad. This pendant represents that he is always with you no matter what." Randy tells me. "Oh, so what? He's dead and died years ago. Get over it already. He'd be so embarrassed by you anyway so be thankful he's not here. Who would want a wolfless daughter anyway." I growl at Courtney to prove I do have a wolf. How dare she say that about my dad? "COURTNEY EVELYN LANE you apologize to Zayla right now! That was uncalled for!" Randy scolds his daughter yelling at her. "Hmph! Fine! I'm sorry I'm not sorry for what I said." She says. Well, at least she was honest. "Mean Girl. How could you say that to my friend?" Cassie says. She's also friends with Courtney. "Girl your right what was I thinking? Zayla I'm sorry for what I said. I was just upset and taking it out on you because Damon and I argued." Courtney says playing all innocent. You see Courtney only befriended Cassie to get close to Damon. Courtney is Damon's on-and-off-again girlfriend. Cassie is of course oblivious to this. Though she may have some sort of inkling of it due to the fact she absolutely forbade me from ever dating her brother. She told me that I am not allowed to ever be in any type of relationship with Damon under any circumstances. I've always had a crush on him but could never pursue him. I've never even kissed a boy or even had a boyfriend. I've saved it all for my mate. I personally don't see the point in dating when you have a mate. I mean imagine the drama that would ensue with that. Cassie is also just protecting me. Damon is a bit of a player. He likes girls a lot. I feed Cloud real quick before I go upstairs to get ready for school. I grab my pink bath towel bathroom caddy and blue and purple mermaid scale-printed robe and go straight to the bathroom. I take off all my clothes and hop in the shower. Once I'm all clean dry myself off with my towel and slip my robe on. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. After I go back to my bedroom and get dressed. I wear a pair of cuffed ripped jeans. I think they call them boyfriend-style jeans or something like that. I. Not really sure because I've never really paid any attention to fashion trends. Then I put on a red vee necklace scalloped long-sleeve top. I pair the pink leather jacket my sister got me for my birthday with it along with my black combat boots with pink and purple ombre laces. I throw my hair up into a ponytail with one of the new scrunchies Cassie got me. I wear the new smartwatch my sister gifted me and spay my favorite body spray. Then I grab my backpack and head downstairs. I rode with Cassie to school today. She's a great friend considering everyone thinks I'm a no-good wolfless omega. If only they knew what I was really capable of. I may be of omega rank but I am so much more than that. Unfortunately, it is entirely way too dangerous for me to reveal myself like that. I've never told anyone this before but my dad knew he was going to die before it happened. He left me with a warning. He said that she would come for me too. There aren't many left from the Regal pack. It was wiped out due to some rival war. Dad said that she survived that war and is out for revenge even though the real pack fell. She wants every last Lavender wolf to be completely wiped out of existence. I'm not sure who she is but if she knew I was here she'd come after me too which Is why I have to be so careful when I shift and who knows. I hop into the passenger side of Cassie's car. I gave her a yellow rose. Yellow roses symbolize friendship and joy. "Oh, you so sweet." She sniffs the single yellow rose. I have a few roses to give out today. I gave my sister, Miranda a yellow rose as well. Cassie cranks the car and drives it to school. Cassie is a year older than I am putting her in the eleventh grade. "So who do you think will be your mate?" She asks me. "I don't know. We'll have to find out." I say honestly. This is one thing that will be a surprise. 'Let's just hope it's not Damon. No way is my friend being with my brother.' She says in her mind. Yes, I know Cassie, Damon is off limits no matter how much of a crush I have on him. It doesn't matter anyway because he's not my mate. I will only ever be with my mate. "How could you not know? You predicted that Jordan was my mate. I honestly don't know how you do it but you always just know things." Hmm if only she knew. "I honestly can say I have no indications of who it is. Jordan was just a lucky guess." I tell her. I can't tell Cassie about my abilities for lots of reasons. One I can't fully trust her. I know this is going to sound bad but I've told her stuff before and she turned right around and told Courtney and all her friends everything. Another reason is Cassie may be my best friend but I'm not hers. I have another friend who is of my own rank. Her name is Carly. I don't see her very much anymore though. She moved to a different pack but we talk on the phone a lot. There's not much I can do about how people treat me. I mean I'm an omega and they're of a higher rank than I am. The only thing that helps me with all of that is Randy. He tends to stand up more for me than anyone else does. Cassie pulls up to our school, Moonstone Hills High. Cassie steps out of the car and takes a deep breath. "Ah, do you smell that? Love is in the air." She says. I chuckle at her as we walk inside the building. We go our separate ways for now to our lockers. Moonstone Hills is an all-werewolf school. Our lockers are separated by rank. Higher ranks are closer to most of the classroom while my locker is on the other side of the school. I personally like to keep all my stuff for all my classes before Lunch in my bag. Then at lunch, I will switch it out for my other books. That way I'm not so late all the time. Due to me being a Lavender wolf, my abilities are heightened more than most wolves. I'm a lot faster than any normal omega would be normally. I have to watch my speed and abilities so no one gets suspicious and discovers my secret. As I walk through the hallway I get a whiff of something amazing. It smells of fresh apple pie and cinnamon sticks with Carmel. It smells delicious. "Mate! That's my Mate. Go find him." Lavender tells me excitedly. My mate is here? I wonder who it is. "Let's go find out. He's close by. Wait he's coming. Turn around." I do as Lavender says and my eyes land on my mate as soon as I turn around. No way!
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