Chapter 1 The Lavender Wolf

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POV: Zayla It's midnight late at night and I'm standing out in the middle of the forest alone on the further side of the pack away from prying eyes. My wolf, Lavender needed to go for a run. We have to shift in secret due to being a little different from everyone else. You're probably confused now. I guess I should have mentioned that I'm a werewolf first. Being a werewolf has many advantages like speed and strength. Our healing is a lot faster than that of a normal human. We age much less quickly than humans. Anyway, I should tell you who I am. I mean I am telling my life's story here, aren't I? My name is Zayla Lavender Rose Quin. Some of my features may not look quite normal to someone. Even on the werewolf side of things, they are abnormal. You see I have These almond-shaped eyes. Now I know what you're thinking what is so abnormal about someone having almond-shaped eyes? Well, it's not the shape but the color that isn't so normal. My eyes are unique because they're Lavender in color. My wolf has royal purple fur with bright purple eyes like you would see on a Luna only I'm not a Luna. My pack rank is the furthest thing from being a Luna. I'm an omega. A Luna is the Alpha's Mate. An omega's job is to work. We clean, cook, garden, and take care of the children in the pack. My pack is the Blue Moonstone Pack. Our Alpha is Damon Moonstone. He is my best friend's older brother. I've had a crush on Damon since I was thirteen years old. I'm sixteen now. Well, I will be tomorrow. My birthday is February fourteenth, Valentine's Day to be more exact. That's right I'm a valentines baby. I should shift now. Lavender is getting impatient now. While we run I will tell you more about us. I let Lavender out shifting into her royal purple fur. My eyes now glow purple in the night. She takes off into a full sprint. Running is actually one of my hobbies in wolf and human form. I'm on the track team. My Mother's name is Rose but that's not why she named me Rose. My father named me Zayla while my mother chose Lavender Rose. I got Lavender due to my eyes so she named my wolf lavender. In werewolf culture, our middle name is our wolf's name. Rose is because I have a birthmark in the shape of three birthmarks. If one didn't know that it was a birthmark you would think they were tattoos. They aren't in the normal colors of a birthmark. I have a white, red and blue one. Those roses actually symbolize something. My father is Blake Quin. He's no longer around anymore. He's not originally from this pack. He's from the Regal Pack. His wolf was purple like mine. He was of eta Rank. That just means he was a pack doctor. More specifically he was a therapist Eta. He dealt more with the mind and emotional aspects of a person. After his death, my mom went back to her ex. The man she was with before she found my dad as her fated mate. My mother is an omega which is where I inherited that from. The lavender wolf I got all from my dad. My stepfather, Randy Lane is a Gamma. His son, Jordan Lane is our official Gamma now. My mother was pregnant with my sister, Miranda when she met my father. Randy is Miranda's father. Jordan and his sister, Courtney have a different mother. I'm the only one who isn't related to the Lane family in some way by blood. My mother took Randy as a chosen mate. My dad wasn't even gone a week before she announced that she was mating with Randy and he would be my new dad. Randy will never replace my father no matter how much she wants him to. I'm the only one that even talks about him. Every time I mention him my mom tells me to shut up. I will say this Randy has no problem with me talking about him and even tells my mom to stop when she does that. I do go to Randy to talk to him when I have a problem. He's far more helpful than my mother or sister. Don't even get me started on my step-sister, Courtney. She gets on my every last nerve. Unfortunately, she is also My best friend's friend. I'm not really friends with her friends. Cassie is probably one of the few people who don't judge me nor care if I have a wolf or not. I've never shifted in front of anyone. Well, I take that back. I did during my first shift. I knew what my wolf was going to look like. My father warned me before his death. He left me a book on the subject. I had to explain everything to Randy that night. He promised he would keep my secret and thought it was best too that I not reveal what I was. He backs me every time he catches someone bullying me even his daughter Courtney. Courtney has it stuck in her head that Damon is her mate but he's not. One they are both passed the age of sixteen. Werewolves can find their mates at the age of sixteen. Two Damon would have claimed it in front of the whole pack if that was the case and he hasn't. Three I know who Courtney's mate is. You see I have special powers. Each color rose stands for something. White is peace, purity, loyalty, and young love. The ability I get from this rose is peacekeeping. I can release peaceful energy onto someone and they will feel at peace. I think I accidentally did that to my mother when Dad died. I was still learning my powers then. Mom was so upset and I was upset. It was a difficult situation. My red rose stands for love and passion. It allows me to see who one's fated mate is even if they haven't met them yet. That's how I know Damon is not Courtney's mate. I knew Jordan was Cassie's mate before she was even sixteen. I don't reveal any of this to anyone. I do sometimes intervene and point them in the right direction though. There are two people that I could never get a read on as to who their mate is and that's Damon our alpha and me. I understand why I wouldn't be able to tell who my mate is but I don't understand Damon. I haven't really been around Alpha's so I've always wondered if it was because he is an alpha that I can't read him. My third rose is blue. Now this is a special rose. Blue roses are rare. Not all Lavender wolves have three roses like I do. Most only have one rose. Blue roses symbolize uniqueness, special, and true love. The power I have been gifted from the blue rose is the power to wield all four elements, Fire, water, earth, and wind. That one took a lot of practice. I do have one other ability from just being a Lavender wolf. I have telepathy, the power to read minds. It can get pretty annoying reading minds. You always know what someone is thinking. There are no surprises or anything like that. You always know what's going to happen before it happens. Lavender gets tired running so she sits by the stream to rest for a few minutes. Randy can only cover for me for so long before Mom knows I'm gone. Randy will sneak me back inside when I get back home. I'm just a mile from the border. I won't be able to stay here for long but this spot at the stream has the biggest gap in pack border patrols. I have about a fifteen-minute window before I'm caught here. I tell Lavender we should get going before we're caught. I don't even want to think of what would happen if that were to happen. Everyone would be shocked to find that I have a wolf. Lavender runs back to where we left my clothes. I shift back and quickly slip my clothes back on. I walk back home under the cover of the shadow of the night. If I'm caught out this late at night and someone sees me they will tell my mom. I'll be grounded then and have lots of extra chores. Not to mention this is on a school night. I mind link Randy that I'm at the back door of the house. He comes and unlocks the door letting me inside. "Hurry up. Your mother is getting suspicious. Go straight to your room." He whispers hurriedly to me. I nod and quickly tip-toe up the stairs to my bedroom. I shut my door quietly and threw off my clothes as quickly as possible. I slip on just some underwear and a T-shirt and lay on my bed. It's not even two minutes before my mom comes to check on me. She always likes to come to check on me late at night like this. "What are you doing up still? Go to sleep. I don't care if it's your birthday in the morning or not." She scolds me. I roll my eyes and nod laying my head back on my pillow. I hope my birthday is a good one and I find my mate. I close my eyes praying this to the moon goddess that she grants my wish.
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